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10 Power Tools for Lifelong Learners

10 Power Tools for Lifelong Learners
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Tools for flipping your class #flipped #flip #teaching #learning MindTickle is a cloud-based learning platform that makes online learning efficient and effective. MindTickle can help transform existing content such as PPTs, Docs, videos, and other e-learning content into an engaging learning experience. MindTickle is the only platform that combines the benefits of social, mobile, cloud and gamification. As a result, it is the learning platform of choice for 50K+ learners at elite educational institutions such as Des Moines School District (largest school district in Iowa) and ISB (Top #20 business schools globally). MindTickle was awarded #1 in the category of “Best use of engagement techniques in Online Learning" at the Gamification Summit, San Francisco in 2013. Hoe kun je social media gebruiken om bij te blijven op je vakgebied? | Dee'tjes Uitwerking van een praatje gehouden voor de CCZ/BPZ 29 maart 2011 Social MediaVan allerlei kanten hoor je tegenwoordig dat je iets met sociale media ‘moet': maar waar moet je beginnen? Wat van belang is, is je te realiseren dat je alleen iets ‘moet’ voor zover je er zelf zin in hebt, het moet vooral plezierig zijn om ermee bezig te zijn. Stort je vooral niet tegen je zin op de social media omdat iedereen zegt dat het moet, maar kies tooltjes die bij je passen en die je amuseren. Voor iedereen kan dat wat anders zijn: wat de een aanspreekt, is niets voor de ander. Er is een waaier aan tools waar je uit kunt kiezen, die je kunnen helpen om verder te komen in je vak, die je kunnen amuseren, of waar je anderszins wat aan hebt. CommunicatieEntertainmentInformatie Dus ja, je kunt social media heel goed inzetten om bij te blijven. Vakinformatie Waar haal je je informatie vandaan? FilterenOp de Web 2.0 Expo in 2008 kwam Clay Shirky met een verrassende uitspraak: ‘It’s Not Information Overload.

5 Games That Teach You How to Code By Jacob Gube These Web games will give you a fun and engaging introduction to the world of programming. CodeCombat CodeCombat is an HTML5 role-playing game (RPG) that teaches you fundamental programming concepts. In CodeCombat, you play a hero adventuring through the game’s levels. CodeCombat is appealing to young, aspiring programmers. CodeCombat supports five programming languages: JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Lua, and Python. Code Hunt Code Hunt is a Sci-Fi-themed HTML5 game developed by Microsoft Research. In this game, you play as a code hunter tasked with repairing code so that it returns the expected result. Code Hunt supports either Java or C#. Teachers who would like to extend the game with additional Sectors can do so by first reading the Code Hunt Designer Manual. CodinGame CodinGame is a huge suite of challenging games for programmers. Over 20 programming languages including PHP, C, and JavaScript are supported by CodinGame. Screeps FightCode How do you create a robot? Read Next

The Centered Librarian: 100 Essential Reads for the Lifelong Learner There are literally thousands of "suggested reading" lists. This one is no different from the rest in that it reflects the taste, experience and ego of the writer. This one is not original to me, but accurately reflected my tastes enough to post it with a shout-out to the folks over at Online Schools The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This classic is read by many a high schooler for good reason as it offers an excellent character study to help the reader explore morality, ethics, and society.Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Non-Fiction Classics From test pilots to boxers to the Civil Rights movement, these classic non-fiction books have maintained their popularity for good reason. Why We Can’t Wait by Martin Luther King, Jr. Recent Literature These books are some of the most powerful of more recent literature written. Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie. Autobiographies and Memoirs Black Boy by Richard Wright. Biographies Florence Nightingale by Cecil Woodham-Smith. World Literature

Need a Knowledge Boost? Increase Your Brain Power with These 6 Websites Building knowledge: For some people it is a passing interest, for others it is a hobby, while for some it is an obsession. Regardless of where you stand on the spectrum, chances are that from time-to-time you look to learn something new. Luckily, for all of us there are a series of websites that can help us learn a thing or two about… well, anything. You are likely find an answer at one of these websites no matter what your interest or need is. If you are not just looking for information, but also inspiration, then is the website that will fulfill your needs. The Technology, Education, and Design oratory forums that take place in California are a collecting of inspiring and innovative minds. It is hard to find a single TED oration that is not filled with inspiring concepts, motivating ideas, and worthwhile tidbits of information. If you’re keen to learn more Finance-related information, do check out post on “16 Great Personal Finance Resources & Blogs”. Khan Academy

29 Semi-Productive Things I Do Online When I’m Trying to Avoid Real Work You don’t always have to work hard to be productive. Productivity can simply be the side effect of doing the right things. So here’s a list of 29 semi-productive things I do online when my mind is set on avoiding ‘real work.’ Check delicious popular tags like ‘useful,’ ‘tutorials,’ ‘tips,’ ‘howto,’ ‘advice,’ ‘entrepreneurship,’ etc. for interesting, educational articles to read.Watch one of the thousands of educational videos streaming at, Academic Earth and Teacher Tube.Read an online book list and find a new book to grab next time I’m at the library. Oh, and ever since I bought my new (super sexy) Apple iPad , I’ve been enjoying all of these sites on the go and catching looks from almost everyone who passes me while I browse. So what kind of semi-productive things do you do online in your off-time? Photo by: Colorblind Picaso Party Casino Related 30 Life-Enhancing Things You Can Do in 30 Minutes or Less April 19, 2012 In "Happiness" 30 Ways to Save 30 Minutes a Day October 4, 2010

25 Websites That Will Make You Smarter Brain food. Sean Gallup/Getty Images Rather than waste your life on Facebook and Instagram, put your daily interneting to good use. Here's a list of websites that will actually make you smarter: CodeAcademy — Learn programming languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript with this free, interactive resource. Coursera — With more than 800 free courses on topics that range from internet history to financial engineering, the education platform helps you deepen your knowledge across a range of subjects. Digital Photography School — Read through this goldmine of articles to improve your photography skills; they're helpful even if you're a complete beginner. Duolingo — Sharpen your language skills with this fun, addictive game. edX — From classes like The Science of Happiness to Responsible Innovation, edX offers tons of MOOCs from many of the world's top universities. Screenshot/Harrison Jacobs Factsie — Did you know the horned lizard can shoot blood out of its tear ducts? verzamelt interessante teksten en video's om van te leren Massive Open Online Courses zijn het helemaal, zelfs de grote universiteiten zoals MIT en Harvard hebben ze. Maar er is al zo veel materiaal beschikbaar op het web… Waarom doen we daar niets mee en verzamelen we het niet in een lijst per onderwerp? Dat moet de startup hebben gedacht, want zij hebben een tool ontwikkeld waarmee dat kan. Gibbon bevat afspeellijsten met gecureerd materiaal over onderwerpen. Je kunt als gebruiker inloggen en playlists selecteren over onderwerpen waarover jij wilt leren. Bij elke playlist kan je ook aangeven of je dit per week of dag wilt leren, en hoeveel minuten je elke keer wilt besteden. Ik heb Gibbon zo ingesteld dat ik elke week een mailtje krijg met daarin 20 minuten lesmateriaal van de afspeellijsten. Naast Gibbon is er ook als je niet genoeg kan leren!

Improve Your Ability to Learn On the surface, John looked like the perfect up-and-coming executive to lead BFC’s Asia expansion plans. He went to an Ivy League B-school. His track record was flawless. But something broke when John went to Asia. With a heavy heart, BFC’s CEO removed his promising protégé from the role and redeployed him back in the US. While talented, Alex had come to be known behind closed doors by the moniker “DTM” – difficult to manage. No stranger to ambiguity, Alex was flexible in formulating his strategy and sought feedback from the people around him. What Alex’s success exemplifies is the importance of “learning agility”: a set of qualities and attributes that allow an individual’s to stay flexible, grow from mistakes, and rise to a diverse array of challenges. But in practice, this is not the case. Learning agility, by contrast, has until recently been hard to measure and hard to define. The Pillars of Learning Agility The learning-agility “enablers” are: The learning-agility “derailer” is:

4 Ways to Become a Better Learner The CEO sitting across from me is explaining how he and the other executives of a telecommunications firm were caught off guard by a new technology that disrupted the firm’s business. “We did not see WhatsApp coming,” he says, shaking his head. He wants to increase his capacity to learn, to spot and understand developments inside and outside of the firm. His hunch is right on target. What is Learning Agility? Learning agility is the capacity for rapid, continuous learning from experience. A desire to develop by acquiring new skills and mastering new situations is a fundamental element of learning agility. As a result, they don’t get defensive and they’re willing to take risks, such as making a mistake or appearing non-expert in public. Learning agility also involves being open to new experiences, people, and information. How Do You Develop Learning Agility? Ask for feedback. Experiment with new approaches or behaviors. Look for connections across seemingly unrelated areas.

The 37 Best Websites To Learn Something New — Life Learning Forget overpriced schools, long days in a crowded classroom, and pitifully poor results. These websites and apps cover myriads of science, art, and technology topics. They will teach you practically anything, from making hummus to building apps in node.js, most of them for free. edX — Take online courses from the world’s best universities. Coursera — Take the world’s best courses, online, for free. Coursmos — Take a micro-course anytime you want, on any device. Highbrow — Get bite-sized daily courses to your inbox. Skillshare — Online classes and projects that unlock your creativity. Curious — Grow your skills with online video lessons. — Learn technology, creative and business skills. CreativeLive — Take free creative classes from the world’s top experts. Udemy — Learn real world skills online. Codecademy — Learn to code interactively, for free. — Learn how to code from scratch. Udacity — Earn a Nanodegree recognized by industry leaders. Code School — Learn to code by doing.

45 Amazing Sites (and Resources) for Stirring Up Your Creativity — Personal Growth Creativity is a process that cannot be forced but can be cultivated and allowed. Creativity must be allowed for the creation of innovative products and design of everyday things. You can stir up your creativity by getting serious about pen and paper again or you can also use apps as a guide. Start keeping a journal too. In the words of Masaru Ibuka–Creativity comes from looking for the unexpected and stepping outside your own experience. These are 45 amazing creativity resources that can stir up your creative instinct. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. — Scans the globe for consumer trends, insights and innovations. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 99U— -Insights on making ideas happen. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. oobject — Visual lists of man-made objects. 44. 45. What’s the best creativity site you have found most useful?
