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Carol Dweck: Kraften i att tro att du kan bli bättre

Carol Dweck: Kraften i att tro att du kan bli bättre
Related:  Mindset+Grit

jlsu En av böckerna som jag tipsade om i mitt blogginlägg boktips 2015 handlar om hur vi ser på hjärnan och vår förmåga att utvecklas. Boken jag tänker på är Carol S. Dwecks ”Mindset – du blir vad du tänker”. Hon skriver om ”fixed mindset” och ”growth mindset” som är två olika förhållningssätt till hjärnan och möjligheterna att utvecklas och lära sig. Jag har gjort några infographics som kan vara användbara i klassrummet. Lycka till med det dynamiska tankesättet och läs gärna Carol S.

Tänker du att elever är A- eller C-elever? Tänker du att elever är A- eller C-elever? Tänker dina elever det? Kan det påverka deras kunskapsutveckling? Jorå. Carol Dweck har beforskat detta och pratar om två olika former av ”mind-sets” – att 1) antingen se att elever kan utvecklas och kommunicera detta (growth mind-set) eller att 2) man kan/kan inte (fixed mind-set). Även i Hatties ”Visible learning” kan vi se att INTE klassificera elever kan ha stor positiv påverkan på deras lärande (effektstorlek 0,61). ”Recent research has shown that students’ mind-sets have a direct influence on their grades and that teaching students to have a growth mind-set raises their grades and achievement test scores significantly.” Läs mer här (finns flera referenser i artikeln).

Carol Dweck Explains the False Growth Mindset - The Atlantic The mindset ideas were developed as a counter to the self-esteem movement of blanketing everyone with praise, whether deserved or not. To find out that teachers were using it in the same way was of great concern to me. The whole idea of growth-mindset praise is to focus on the learning process. Gross-Loh: What should people do to avoid falling into this trap? Dweck: A lot of parents or teachers say praise the effort, not the outcome. Students need to know that if they’re stuck, they don’t need just effort. All of this is part of the process that needs to be taught and tied to learning. Gross-Loh: Is there a right way to praise kids and encourage them to do well? Dweck: Many parents and teachers who themselves have growth mindset aren’t passing it on because they are trying to protect the child’s confidence, focus on the child’s ability, and kind of boost the child’s view or protect the child from a failure. Gross-Loh: What should people do to avoid falling into this trap?

untitled Carol Dweck: 'The whole idea of growth mindset is to say yes they can' Carol Dweck is education’s guru of the moment. The US academic’s “growth mindset” theory has taken schools on both sides of the Atlantic by storm. When TES met the Stanford University psychology professor at the Festival of Education at Wellington College last week, the mere mention of her name was sending teachers into shivers of excitement. But the woman herself is refreshingly modest about the success of her philosophy. Like all good ideas, Professor Dweck’s is essentially a simple one – it says that an individual’s learning is shaped by whether they believe their intelligence is fixed or can be changed (see panel, below right). And it seems to have flicked a switch in thousands of teachers’ heads. Professor Dweck attributes the popularity of the theory in Britain to the fact that it presents an alternative to the culture of “testing, testing, testing”, which teachers and their students are finding increasingly frustrating. A means of marginalisation?

Never Too Late: Creating a Climate for Adults to Learn New Skills When it comes to kids, growth mindset is a hot topic in education. Studies indicate that children who view intelligence as pliable and responsive to effort show greater persistence when encountering new or difficult tasks. In contrast, children who view intelligence as static or “fixed” have a harder time rebounding from academic setbacks or are reluctant to take on new challenges that might be difficult. Students are not the only ones encountering new challenges at school: Teachers face an evolving profession, driven in part by technology and a rapidly changing economy. Math teacher Jim Doherty remembers the conversation that became the catalyst for his mid-career journey. Doherty’s gut response was reflective. Soon, he became actively involved in the MathTwitterBlogsphere, eventually contributing to an instructional e-book. What Does a Professional Fixed Mindset Look Like? Heslin has developed a research-based growth mindset workshop for business leaders. Create a Growth Environment

Beyond Working Hard: What Growth Mindset Teaches Us About Our Brains | GROWTH MINDSET | MindShift | KQED News Growth mindset has become a pervasive theme in education discussions in part because of convincing research by Stanford professor Carol Dweck and others that relatively low-impact interventions on how a student thinks about himself as a learner can have big impacts on learning. The growth mindset research is part of a growing understanding and acknowledgement that many non-cognitive factors are important to academic learning. While it’s a positive sign that educators see value in the growth mindset research and believe they can implement it in their classrooms, the deceptively simple idea has led to some confusion and misperceptions about what a growth mindset really is and how teachers can support it in the classroom. This simple idea can lead to big changes in learners, but it has been commonly misinterpreted to mean that if teachers praise students for working hard, they will develop a growth mindset. Approaching the world with a growth mindset can be very liberating.

Developing a Growth Mindset in Teachers and Staff The New Psychology of Success (2000), Dweck developed a continuum upon which people can be placed, based upon their understandings about where ability comes from. For some people (at one end of said continuum), success (and failure) is based on innate ability (or the lack of it). Deck describes this as a fixed theory of intelligence, and argues that this gives rise to a ‘fixed mindset’. At the other end of the continuum are those people who believe success is based on a growth mindset. These individuals argue that success is based on learning, persistence and hard work. According to Dweck: In a fixed mindset students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits. The crucial point for individuals is that these mindsets have a large impact upon our understanding of success and failure. Needless to say, this idea of mindsets has significant implications for education. Crucially, Dweck’s research is applicable to all people, not just students.

Carol Dweck Explains The 'False' Growth Mindset That Worries Her Carol Dweck has become the closest thing to an education celebrity because of her work on growth mindset. Her research shows that children who have a growth mindset welcome challenges as opportunities to improve, believing that their abilities can change with focused effort. Kids with fixed mindsets, on the other hand, believe they have a finite amount of talent that can't be altered and shy away from challenges that might reveal their inabilities. Dweck believes educators flocked to her work because many were tired of drilling kids for high-stakes tests and recognized that student motivation and love for learning was being lost in the process. But Dweck is worried that as her research became more popular, many people oversimplified its message. In an interview with The Atlantic, Dweck explained to reporter Christine Gross-Loh all the ways she sees growth mindset being misappropriated.

Att lyckas eller misslyckas i skolan? · Lärarnas Riksförbund Vad är delaktighet? För att förstå vad delaktighet är behöver vi utgå från en definition. Special pedagogiska skolmyndigheten (SPSM) definierar delaktighet utifrån delaktighetsmodellen. Till modellen hör sex aspekter: tillhörighet, tillgänglighet, samhandling, erkännande, engagemang och autonomi. För att förklara aspekterna närmre följer här en kort genomgång: Tillhörighet innebär formellt att tillhöra en klass eller grupp och informellt att elever känner att de tillhör en klass. I rapporten, samt tidigare granskningar, har det visat sig att skolan inte gör tillräckliga anpassningar utifrån elevers olika behov och förutsättningar. Viktiga framgångsfaktorer Men hur skapas delaktighet? En gemensam samsyn kring delaktighet kommer att leda till att fokusera på att alla delar beaktas i planeringen.

Advancing Learning: Five strategies to help students cultivate a growth mindset By Chia Suan Chong What is a ‘growth mindset’, and how can it help your students? Teacher trainer and author Chia Suan Chong explains all and offers five strategies you can employ. What is a growth mindset, and why is it important? Here are some of the stories our students tell themselves: ‘I’m so bad at learning languages because I can never remember new words. ‘I’ve been in intermediate for four months and I’m still here. ‘I’m really good at languages and I don’t need to work with my classmates on projects to improve my English. ‘I’ve just made a mistake and now everyone in the class thinks I’m stupid. There is an underlying belief about learning for these students – the belief that some of us are born to be good at certain things, and then there are things that we are not going to be good at. The above constitutes what we consider today to be a fixed mindset – one that sees our character and our intelligence as static and unchangeable. ‘Technology isn’t my thing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Strategies for Students With Scattered Minds Imagine a team without a coach guiding players toward working together to execute a winning strategy. Imagine a company without a leader to make sure that employees across departments are equipped and organized to collaborate on continually improving products and increasing sales. Imagine a marching band without a drum major to lead musicians through their complicated maneuvers while staying on beat. The brain’s executive function network performs in the same capacity as a coach, CEO, or drum major: directing one’s thinking and cognitive abilities toward setting goals and planning to achieve them, establishing priorities, getting and staying organized, and focusing attention on the task at hand. That’s the challenge facing students with attention deficit disorders, who in effect struggle with executive dysfunction. Executive Function "Workouts" Practical instruction to help struggling students hone executive function offers potential dual benefits. "Just a moment, let me think."

Agneta Gulz: Så skapar du motivation hos eleverna Agneta Gulz, professor i kognitionsvetenskap vid Lunds universitet, har i över sex år forskat på frågor kring lärande, motivation och drivkraft hos tusentals elever. Vad ligger bakom elevers låga motivation? – Det är en blandning av en mängd olika saker. En punkt handlar om att svårighetsnivån måste vara lagom. I stället handlar det mycket om att försöka få eleverna att inse att det är okej att misslyckas och att det går att komma vidare, menar hon. – Eleverna måste få erfarenhet och känna att det är lönt att jobba vidare efter att delvis ha misslyckats, att förstå att misslyckande är någonting som ingår och att det leder till förbättring. Agneta Gulz anser att det är ett alldeles för stort fokus på bedömning, och att det i förlängningen kan dra ner motivationen hos elever. – Lärare och elever har det här bedömningsfokuset hela tiden i huvudet. Sedan finns det elever som inte vill, flyr undan, skolkar eller struntar i prov och läxor. – Nej, det går inte. 1) Ha en bra svårighetsnivå
