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Two Great Resources for Flipped Classrooms

Two Great Resources for Flipped Classrooms
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multiple uses of newspapers & magazines for ELT | TeachingEnglishNotes Newspaper fire orange (Photo credit: NS Newsflash) I love using real things for teaching English. By “real things” I mean something from real life – and not something specially developed for learning or teaching. Talking about the newspapers, their use in class (and outside too) is limitless. Newspapers can be used for: jigsaw reading (in a group, assign each student a small extract, then ask them to report on their part and put all the parts into the right order/ for one-to-one putting the parts into the right order would also work greatly) reading-and–retelling-and-discussing (very close to real life – when you read a newspaper in your language, you would often discuss what you’ve read with your friends or colleagues) scanning, finding the most interesting bits and extending on them (to be honest, that’s what I usually do with newspapers in English and in my native language- I scan the headlines and read only what catches my eye. Like this: Like Loading...

edsurge Personalized learning means different things to different people. Visit different schools with different models, and chances are they will all tell you they are using some form of personalized learning. But what does “personalized learning” mean, and how do schools follow in others' footsteps in order to get in the game? When it comes to sports, players turn to the playbook. So when it comes to personalized learning, where’s the playbook with those reliable, go-to plays to put into action? For a field that’s so young and has yet to be solidly defined, these personalized learning plays are being invented as we go. To define personalized learning for themselves and bring that vision to life, educators turn to a number of resources: frameworks and blueprints for personalized learning, networks of innovative schools and educators, and ultimately their own communities to co-create a vision for what it will all look like.

Doceri: app iPad per la classe capovolta Se utilizzate l'iPad per la vostra classe capovolta vi consiglio di provare Doceri. Si tratta di un'applicazione che combina in un'unica soluzione una lavagna interattiva, uno strumento per lo screencasting e per il controllo del desktop, quindi risorsa ideale per la creazione di lezioni o presentazioni integranti tutti i tipi di contenuti multimediali. Ecco alcune idee per utilizzare doceri in una flipped classroom: Creare lezione di qualsiasi disciplina sul vostro ipad e postarla sulla vostro social learning o sul vostro canale YouTube per consentire i vostri studenti di visualizzare prima di lavorarci in classe. Sono solo alcune tra le molte possibilità di utilizzo in classe di doceri, che potrete scaricare gratuitamente da iTunes Per maggiori informaazioni: Articoli correlati

The Great Flipped Classroom Debate: Advantages and Disadvantages The Great Flipped Classroom Debate: Advantages and Disadvantages Flipped Classroom (Photo credit: ransomtech) Perhaps the only thing in the field of education which never changes…is the fact that it is always changing! The intention of this article is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the flipped classroom. The Advantages of the Flipped Classroom: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Disadvantages of the Flipped Classroom: 1. 2. 3. 4. There you have it…the opposing arguments to the flipped classroom debate! Sources 1. Digital Media in the Classroom. Mike Acedo. 10 Pros and Cons Of A Flipped Classroom. 89 total views, 29 views today Innovative Online Learning Tools to Use in 2015 | Articles | Noodle Want to be a better student? There are literally thousands of apps for that. Not to mention a wide array of other online learning tools. They’re not all changing education — but a few innovative ones are. Among the wide-ranging apps, sites, learning management systems, flashcard creators, and content archives, there are a few dozen that promise to make an impact on how students learn this year. Noodle’s team of education experts investigated the vast array of online learning tools to create this list of the 32 best, most innovative online tools that we think will change the education space in 2015. We spoke with teachers, tutors, and leaders in the space. We have grouped these 32 selections based on how they are making a difference in student education. Without further ado, here are the tools that you’ll want to have on your computer, tablet, or smartphone this year... Classroom Connectors Clever Why it’s good: Clever saves time in the classroom. Edmodo Kahoot! What it is: Kahoot! Schoology

The Flipped Learning Process Visually Explained April 2, 2015 After yesterday’s post on “Flipped Learning Resources” one of our readers emailed us this beautiful visual outlining the six main steps involved in the creation of a flipped classroom. These steps include: planning, recording, sharing, changing, grouping, and regrouping. Read the graphic for more details on each of these steps. As a refresher for those who are not yet familiar with the concept of a flipped classroom. via Daily Genius Courtesy of eLearning Infographics

The Flipped Classroom Resources Collection by Cassie Holewinski edshelf Flipped Classroom Resources Curated by Cassie Holewinski Flipped Classroom Workshop 2014 Flipped Classroom Share: 16 followers 104 tools View as Grid List Compact Wordle Image Editors Prezi Presentation Creators Pic Collage Image Editors YouTube Teachers Video Content SchoolTube Video Content YouTube EDU Video Content Khan Academy Video Content BrainPOP Jr. BrainPOP Featured Movie Video Content iTunes U Online Courses Google Earth Study Aids Dropbox File Sharing Evernote Note-Taking Google Docs Text Editors Socrative Teacher Clickers Quizlet Flashcards GoAnimate Video Creators SlideShark Presentation Viewers PBS Kids Video Video Content ToonDoo Digital Storytelling Creators ShowMe Video Creators Animoto Video Creators Kerpoof Game-Based Learning Screencast-O-Matic Screen Captures Domo Animate Video Creators Knowmia Teach Lesson Plan Creators PowToon Presentation Creators Storyline Online Digital Storybooks Screenr Screen Captures knovio Presentation Creators Xtranormal Animation Creators Symbaloo Bookmarking

Teachers' Practical Guide to A FLipped Classroom July, 2014 Unlike the numerous graphics I shared here on the topic of flipped learning which were substantially theoretically based, the one I have for you today provides a practical demonstration of how Dr.Russell flipped his classroom . The graphic also features some of the activities and procedures he drew in his flipped instruction. Another section of this graphic highlights some of the bearings of this flipped methodology on students performance particularly in terms of the enhanced test scores. The purpose behind sharing this visual is to provide you with a concrete example of how you can go about integrating a flipped learning methodology in your instruction. Here are the three easy steps Dr. 1- Record 25 lectures were recorded with Echo 360, each just 35 minutes long 2- Watch Students tune in and watch video the night before class 3- Active Learning Students arrive to class ready to engage and participate Read on to learn more about the whole procedure Dr. Source: Echo 360

What happened to my Plan and the Add to plan button? We’ve renamed “Add to Plan” and the “Planned” list on your mobile app – it’s now called Question Queue. Your Question Queue works just like your planned list on mobile. When I add questions to my Queue, they normally go to the top – where do they go now? Questions added to your Queue now go to the bottom of the Queue. Where are my archived questions? The new Archive folder contains all your archived questions. Which folder do the questions I create in the Plickers mobile app go into? When you create questions in the Plickers mobile app, they automatically go into your Mobile Uploads folder.

4 Videos to Help you Create Videos for Flipping the Classroom About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century. EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation. 5 Good Tools to Help You Flip Your Classroom March 22, 2014Making the transition to a flipped classroom can be quite a trial. Not only are you changing your daily routine and lessons, but also the software and hardware you use. If you need a hand (and who doesn't?), here are some tools to help you flip your classroom. Swivl Capture lessons with Swivl to improve teacher effectiveness and student performance by turning class time into content creation time. NowComment Turn any document into a class discussion with a commenting system that appears right next to the text. Math Pickle This free collection of hand-picked K-12 math videos is gathered together and organized by a math teacher. Novation Launchpad Create a soundtrack for your lesson plan with this feature-rich iPad music app for DJs and professionals. AirWeb If you have an Apple TV in your classroom, this iOS app lets you turn it into a gigantic yet readable web browser. TouchCast For more collections, check out these resources:

5 Flipped Classroom Issues (And Solutions) For Teachers Have you been thinking about flipping your classroom this fall? Flipping can let you make the most of face-to-face time with your students. Rather than taking class time to introduce content and using homework to review concepts, flip the process so that students gain basic knowledge at home and then create, collaborate, and make connections in school. Creating video used to be out of reach for most teachers. It was expensive and required skills that could take years to master. Fortunately, it is easier and faster than ever to create videos for your students, especially with iPad. 1. Flipping is not an all or nothing deal. Tip: With elementary students, and even middle school, begin by creating centers in your classroom where students can experience the process of learning by video with your support. 2. There really is a difference between talking at your students and talking to them. 3. Pay attention to import and export issues with your video creation tools. 4. 5.

Laterale, Ja-Nein-Rätsel, Misteries, Mini-Mysteries Laterale, auch Mini-Misteries oder Ja-Nein-Rätsel genannt, sind sehr kurze mysteriöse Geschichten, die scheinbar gar nicht sein können, oder zumindest keinen Sinn machen. Trotzdem gibt es eine logische Erklärung, die es zu finden gilt. Am meisten Spaß macht das Raten in einer Gruppe mit mehreren Leuten. 1. Ein Einbrecher war in einem Gebäude. 2. Ein Bauer war gerade auf seinem Feld, als ein Pferd auf ihn zukam. 3. Ein Mann schaute aus dem Fenster und beobachtete eine hübsche Frau, die gerade an seinem Haus vorbei ging. 4. Über 20 Musiker eines Orchesters spielen gemeinsam vor Publikum, aber niemand hört zu. 5. Ein Mann kommt nach einer längeren Sauftour aus der Kneipe und geht nach Hause. 6. Fritz kaufte sich einen Spielfilm auf DVD. 7. Zwei Mannschaften spielten gegeneinander Fußball. 8. Herr Maier fuhr in seinem Auto gemächlich auf der Autobahn, als ihm plötzlich völlig unerwartet ein anderes Auto entgegen kam, dem er nicht mehr ausweichen konnte.
