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Create Beautiful Roadmaps Quickly

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The world's #1 product roadmap software | Aha! Scrum board magnets - full tool set | Fast delivery | In stock This PATboard set is the ultimate scrum tool. It can be used for agile project management methods like scrum. It’s magnetic, stackable, reusable and above all; it looks fantastic! Full PATboard scrum tool set, includes: – 96 magnetic TASKcards (grey, yellow, orange, magenta, blue, green) – 16 magnetic STORYcards – 7 magnetic COLUMNcards – 8 IMPEDIMENTcards – 4 PATlanes – 4 color pens (0,6 mm in red, blue, green, black) – 1 black 1 – 2,5mm pen – easy dry sheets – full support from PATboard. TASKcardsCan be used to write down your sprint tasks. STORYcardsAre a bit larger than the TASKcards, more space to write down your userstory. COLUMNcardsAre for each column on your board with a default text. IMPEDIMENTcardsEasily mark impediments on your scrumboard. This is enough to cover all your user stories and sprint tasks on your scrumboard. Notice: glass boards with magnetic foil behind it isn’t suitable for PATboard.Notice: whiteboard is not included.

A boss should ask employees how they can improve at their job When she works with employees itching to take the next step in their careers, Sarah Wagener likes to ask a simple question: "Do you believe you've mastered your current role?" Typically, the answer is no. But Wagener — the chief people officer at DoorDash, a former vice president of human resources at Pandora, and a former recruiting leader at Facebook — often hears a curious follow-up comment: "I haven't really ever had a conversation this openly about what I'm not that great at or where I'm not as strong." Wagener gets why this happens. "As human beings, we tend to like to focus on the stuff that we do really well," she said. "I know that I love nothing more than to be in my sweet spot." That is to say, most of us aren't inclined to reveal to the person who determines our employment status all the ways we're falling short. Google has been known to use some version of this strategy. "I often give millennials on my team something that's a real stretch," Poses, a millennial himself, wrote.

Criticism and Two Way Streets A post by Jason Fried titled “Give it 5 minutes” reminded me of a great technique I learned about from Bill Buxton. Bill is a Principal Researcher in Microsoft where his main role focuses on designing a company that permits great design to happen. As many have learned to their peril, it’s not simply a case of just dumping talent in a room full of Ikea furniture. In large companies you have to design the process that creates design. However having great designers each producing great solutions to a shared problem can cause conflict, if not managed correctly… Exploring the Solution Space Like Apple, Microsoft encourages their designers to create many different solutions to any given design problem. When Does Your Solution Suck? Every solution is great in some circumstances and terrible in others. The person who demonstrates most knowledge about the shortcomings of their own solution and the benefits of all the alternatives is the best best equipped to make the call.

Tim Denning on LinkedIn: "The client wanted an ROI from digital marketing in one month. 
 I politely told them "You're missing the point." 
 They wanted leads and they wanted them now. The problem is their potential customers don't care. 
 "What value hav Por qué es tan importante cómo miras a tu hijo Álex Rovira. Yo creo que son múltiples. La verdad es que es una pregunta que requeriría una reflexión en profundidad. Como decía antes, creo que hay un factor fundamental, que es el contagio, el entusiasmo. Screw the Power Users I designed HomeSite and TopStyle for power users. Only power users would want to edit HTML & CSS by hand, so I made sure to cater to them. Those products were filled with features and tool buttons, and their settings dialogs contained dozens of geeky options. Customers liked them that way. I liked them that way, too. But then I made FeedDemon. At first I built FeedDemon as though my customers were geeks like me, since that was what I was used to. So with each new version I tried to simplify the user interface, and dropped features & options that complicated the product. I’d come out with new versions that I thought dramatically improved the product, only to find my forums filled with complaints from power users who wanted the return of some obscure option, or were upset that I wasn't adding the geeky features they wanted. Sales went up, but positive feedback went down. Sure, if you're building a product for power users, make sure to cater to them.

Healthy Nation Rankings: These Are the Healthiest Countries Maybe it’s something in the gazpacho or paella, as Spain just surpassed Italy to become the world’s healthiest country. That’s according to the 2019 edition of the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, which ranks 169 economies according to factors that contribute to overall health. Spain placed sixth in the previous gauge, published in 2017. Four additional European nations were among the top 10 in 2019: Iceland (third place), Switzerland (fifth), Sweden (sixth) and Norway (ninth). Healthiest Countries in the World Bloomberg Global Health Index scores for 169 countries, with the top 10 plus U.S. highlighted Sources: Bloomberg analysis of World Health Organization data; United Nations Population Division and the World Bank For the Bloomberg 2019 Healthiest Country Index full data set, click HERE The index grades nations based on variables including life expectancy while imposing penalties on risks such as tobacco use and obesity. Eating Habits — With assistance by Dave Merrill

Cómo puedes ayudar a tu hijo a mejorar su inteligencia emocional Daniel J. Siegel es doctor en Medicina, profesor de Psiquiatría Clínica en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de California en Los Angeles, codirector del UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center y director ejecutivo del Mindsight Institute. Siegel es autor de bestsellers como ‘Ser padres conscientes’, ‘Mindsight’, la nueva ciencia de la transformación personal y de uno de los libros más aclamados internacionalmente ‘The Developing Mind’, cuyas propuestas se han aplicado a programas educativos de todo el mundo. Creando Oportunidades

What Drives Consumer Adoption Of New Technologies? I'm participating in a panel discussion this morning during the offsite of a major media company. They sent me a list of questions in preparation of the event. One of the questions was the title of this post; "What drives consumer adoption of new technologies?". It's an interesting question and one I've never tried to answer directly in writing. Let's take ten of the most popular new consumer technology products in recent years (with a couple of our portfolio companies in the mix): iPhone, Facebook, Wii, Hulu, FlipCam, Rock Band, Mafia Wars, Blogger, Pandora, and Twitter and let's try to describe in one sentence or less why they broke out (feel free to debate the reasons they broke out in the comments): In most of these cases, the breakthrough product or service delivered a new experience to consumers that they had never had before. So it seems to me that consumers are driven to new experiences that are simple and useful and/or entertaining.

Five Practices to Build Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Emotional intelligence, or EQ, the capability of individuals to identify and manage their own emotions as well as recognize those of others, has been identified as a strong indicator and predictor of effective leadership. It has been studied and researched resulting in evidence that strongly suggests organizations with emotionally intelligent leaders produce a higher return on investment and profitability. EQ requires effective communication between the rational and emotive centers of our brain — it represents the path between feeling and reason. As written about by Daniel Goleman in his book, “Primal Leadership, Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence,” the four skills that make up emotional intelligence include: self-awareness and self-management (personal competence) and social awareness and relationship management (social competence). 2) Create a culture of compassion: Employees need to feel valued, appreciated and acknowledged for their contributions.

Top five business priorities for the future | SPS Commerce Earlier this year, SPS Commerce released its annual industry benchmark survey, Retail Insight 2016, in conjunction with Retail Systems Research (RSR). Distributors, retailers, manufacturers and logistics firms weighed in on their outlook for 2016. Last month, SPS business partner, Gurus Solutions, published a white paper highlighting the results of a survey conducted by NetSuite. It focused on business objectives and challenges facing wholesale distribution companies. In our first blog, we took a look at the top ten technologies companies are focusing on this year. Revenue Growth. What is the outlook like for your fourth quarter? Connect to your partners and streamline your supply chain. Automate your process through the retail industry’s largest network with EDI. Contact SPS

Rarely say yes to feature requests - Inside Intercom Here’s a simple set of Yes/No questions that you can quickly answer before you add another item to your product roadmap. Saying yes to a feature request – whether it’s a to an existing customer, a product enquiry, a teammate, or a manager – is immediately rewarding. It’s an unspoken transaction where you barter long term product focus in exchange for short term satisfaction. Buying short term joy for the cost of long term pain is the human condition. Previously we’ve written about how product strategy means saying no, but a list of reasons to reject a feature isn’t as immediately useful as a test that any new feature must pass. So here’s a list of questions your new feature must score straight yes’s on. More important than any metric, customer request, or sales target is your vision. Product decisions based on vision alone sometimes seem irrational, because they’re tough decisions. The more nuanced decisions are the ones where you meet resistance. Beware the “fre-cently” bias.

No puedes convencer a un terraplanista y eso debería preocuparte | Ciencia Hay gente que cree que la Tierra no es una esfera achatada por los polos, sino un disco. Que la Tierra es plana. No es analfabetismo: estudiaron el Sistema Solar y sus planetas en el colegio, pero en los últimos años han decidido que todo eso de "la bola" es una gigantesca manipulación. Solo el 66% de los jóvenes entre 18 y 24 años de EE UU está plenamente seguro de que vivimos en un planeta esférico (el 76% entre 25 y 34 años). Es un fenómeno global, también presente en España, al que cuesta asomarse sin bromear. "El pensamiento conspirativo plantea un problema para el mantenimiento de una esfera pública racional en la que los debates políticos se basan en evidencias", asegura Olshansky Rechazo de la ciencia y los expertos, narraciones maniqueas que explican lo complejo en tiempos de incertidumbre, entronización de la opinión propia por encima de todo, desprecio hacia los argumentos que la contradigan, difusión de falsedades gracias a los algoritmos de las redes...
