Centre for Multilevel Modelling | MLwiN A software package for fitting multilevel models Starting out? Introduction to MLwiN Get MLwiN Download MLwiN for free if you are a UK academic Buy MLwiN Upgrades and demo versions Upgrade MLwiN to 2.30 (released 26-Feb-14) Teaching version (limited version available free to all to be used with our online training course. Try MLwiN for free (expires after 30 days) Bug warnings Newly-discovered MLwiN bug: issue for MCMC cross-classified models with a classification whose units start from 0 (13-Oct-11) More >> There is currently an issue with using sandwich standard errors in a one level model where the standard error is incorrectly estimated as zero. MLwiN features New features in MLwiN 2.18 including note about training materials. MLwiN features and versions System requirements Bugs fixed, new features and known issues. Manuals and training materials Register/log into our online course - incuding multilevel modelling using MLwiN. Manuals Citing MLwiN How to cite MLwiN. A few of its features
Gerard Professeur au Collège de France, chaire Algorithmes, machines et languages . Inscrivez vous à la liste de diffusion associée au cours sur le site de la chaire! Les prochains cours et séminaires auront lieu à Paris le mercredi de 16h à 18h, du 5 mars au 9 avril. Voir le programme et les résumés. Les trois premiers cours de 2014 ont eu lieu à l'Inria Sophia-Antipolis, les 15, 22 et 29 janvier. Ils ont été consacrés à la relation théorie / application et à la relation science / industrie dans le développment d'Esterel et SCADE. English: Professor at Collège de France, chair Algorithms, Machines, and Languages 2013-2014 : courses and seminars on Wednesdays, 16:00-18:00, see English dubbed videos and slides of all pas courses and seminars are available at the same address (2007-2008, 2009-2010 , and 2012-2013). Past curriculum: Ingénieur général des mines, detached to INRIA Sophia Antipolis until August 31st, 2012 Summary 1. 1.1. 1.2. 2. 2.1.
Half a Million DVDs of Data Stored in Gram of DNA | Wired Science By Robert F. Service, ScienceNOW Paleontologists routinely resurrect and sequence DNA from woolly mammoths and other long-extinct species. Future paleontologists, or librarians, may do much the same to pull up Shakespeare’s sonnets, listen to Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech, or view photos. Researchers in the United Kingdom report today that they’ve encoded these works and others in DNA and later sequenced the genetic material to reconstruct the written, audio, and visual information. The new work isn’t the first example of large-scale storage of digital information in DNA. To do so, the team first translated written words or other data into a standard binary code of 0s and 1s, and then converted this to a trinary code of 0s, 1s, and 2s—a step needed to help prevent the introduction of errors. Beyond demonstrating DNA’s superlative information storage abilities, Goldman, Birney, and their colleagues also asked when such a technology might be worth implementing.
"TPB : AFK", The Pirate Bay sous les projecteurs Le Monde.fr | • Mis à jour le | Par Damien Leloup Six lettres et 80 minutes pour décrire le plus grand procès de téléchargement illégal des dix dernières années : TPB : AFK (The Pirate Bay : Away from Keyboard) est un documentaire ambitieux - et parfois déroutant. Ambitieux, parce qu'il suit, sur plusieurs années, les différentes étapes du processus judiciaire qui a abouti à la condamnation de plusieurs fondateurs de The Pirate Bay, le plus grand annuaire de liens de téléchargement BitTorrent au monde. Déroutant, parce que la succession de scènes souvent surréalistes saisies par les caméras du réalisateur Simon Klose jette un éclairage cru sur les créateurs du site. Depuis le 10 février, le documentaire, cofinancé par des dons et par plusieurs chaînes de télévision dont Arte, est diffusé gratuitement sur Internet. Sur The Pirate Bay, bien sûr, où il peut être téléchargé légalement, mais aussi sur YouTube, où il a déjà été visionné plus d'1,3 millions de fois.
SimpleDiagrams RStudio Server Amazon Machine Image (AMI) - Louis Aslett Current AMI Quick Reference (27nd Jun 2015)Amazon instance type reference Click to launch through AWS web interface: What’s new recently? Easy Dropbox setup to make syncing files on/off server easy, including selective folder sync. Preinstalled RStudioAMI R package for server control. HVM AMIs for full current generation instance support. Defaults to high speed SSD drives (faster, zero IO costs, only $1pm in most regions). < Back to homepage Amazon’s EC2 platform provides a convenient environment for rapidly procuring computational resources in the cloud. To get started with the Amazon cloud, you must first signup for an AWS account if you don’t already have one. Click here for a simple video guide to using the AMIs listed here, or for more detailed information read on. What is this? If you want to run a server in the Amazon cloud, you have to select what system you are going to bootup. In particular, many common tools and dependencies are built-in. Why an RStudio AMI? AMI Release History
Is Your Website Ready For the Coming Tablet Explosion? If the vast majority of analysts and pundits are to be believed, 2011 will be the year of the tablet, and the popular adoption of the devices won't stop there. In a recent report, Forrester predicted that tablet sales could quadruple from 2010 to 2015, leading to a surge in tablet-based e-commerce and chipping away at the amount of Web traffic coming from PC's. Many site owners are already seeing a huge uptick in users browsing from tablets, and that upward trend will continue. Is your company's Website ready for these visitors? Test Your Site on a Tablet Using your own site on a tablet computer is the only way to get an accurate idea of what other users experience when they browse your site from such a device. Don't own an iPad or another tablet computer yet? If you're desperate, you could even download Apple's iOS SDK, which comes with a desktop iPad simulator. Simplify the Layout Even if your desktop site's design renders properly on tablets, that doesn't mean the battle is won.
Ronald Dworkin obituary | Law Ronald Dworkin, who has died aged 81, was widely respected as the most original and powerful philosopher of law in the English-speaking world. In his books, his articles and his teaching, in London and New York, he developed a powerful, scholarly exegesis of the law, and expounded issues of burning topicality and public concern – including how the law should deal with race, abortion, euthanasia and equality – in ways that were accessible to lay readers. His legal arguments were subtly presented applications to specific problems of a classic liberal philosophy which, in turn, was grounded in his belief that law must take its authority from what ordinary people would recognise as moral virtue. Dworkin studied philosophy (under Willard Van Orman Quine at Harvard University and, informally, with JL Austin at Oxford University) and law at both Oxford and the Harvard Law School. Dworkin was born in Worcester, Massachusetts. His books were immensely influential, especially in US law schools.