The great conspiracy against Julius Caesar - Kathryn Tempest Non-textual sources can also help us understand Marcus Brutus better. Coins in particular enable us to see how Brutus presented his political agenda at the time. You can look at some of Brutus’ coins here. What lasting messages did these coins leave with the imagery inscribed upon them? La révolution du système monétaire en Islande peut-être pour demain La révolution du système monétaire en Islande peut-être pour demain L’Islande est-il sur le point de révolutionner son système monétaire ? C’est ce que suggère un document récent qui remet radicalement en question le système actuel de création de « l’argent dette » par les banques commerciales. Non, ce n’est pas un poisson d’avril L’information relayée le 31 mars aura probablement été confondue avec un gros poisson et fut tristement ignorée des mass-médias. La proposition de réforme intitulée «A better monetary system for Iceland » (Un meilleur système monétaire pour l’Islande) recommande au gouvernement progressiste d’interdire aux banques commerciales de créer de la monnaie. Par ce biais, l’Islande souhaite mettre fin à un système jugé responsable d’une crise économique qui se répète par cycle encore et encore. Crédit, spéculation, dette Actuellement, 91% de l’argent en circulation dans le pays provient des lignes de crédit octroyées par les banques commerciales à leurs clients.
What the Piketty-Financial Times Affair says about journalism and academia | Alexandre Afonso Thomas Piketty has issued a response to the FT’s criticism claiming that bad computations and flawed estimates undermined the overall thesis of his book, namely that wealth concentration had increased. I have read the 10-page letter by Piketty and found it extremely convincing. Basically, he doesn’t give an inch, explaining each and every point that the FT raised with references either to the very dataset that the FT used, or to research papers he had published and uploaded. He concedes that a few minor points could have been more transparent in the dataset, but if anything, his response points more to the FT’s sloppiness than his own, as does another piece in the Guardian by Howard Reed. But besides the substantial points, what i found interesting about the whole FT (a commercial news outlet) vs. One of the major differences is the issue of time. The second difference is perhaps cohesiveness. The third is a huge difference in standards. Like this: Like Loading...
Get ready, here comes Generation Z Gen Z facing very complex world Never known life without mobiles, internet Concerned about terrorism and environment THEY may come at the end of the alphabet, but they'll soon be at the forefront of tackling the most complex problems our world has ever faced. They're Generation Z, born from 1995 onwards, the latest generation made up of today's babies and children. This year sees two important milestones for the Zs because the oldest of the generation are becoming teenagers and this year's prep students will be the graduating class of 2020, the year now the focus of the Rudd Government's summit. But, even though some Gen Z children have not been born yet, experts can predict their key traits by understanding their childhood and the challenges they face. Gen Z had easily adapted to the challenges of the modern world, including technology, terrorism and climate change, said Sarah Cornish, former editor of magazine Total Girl. "They blow up everything like the Twin Towers.