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Rosa Parks Biography -

Rosa Parks Biography -

Rosa Parks Biography Civil rights activist Rosa Parks refused to surrender her bus seat to a white passenger, spurring the Montgomery boycott and other efforts to end segregation. Synopsis Civil rights activist Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama. Her refusal to surrender her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery, Alabama bus spurred a city-wide boycott. Civil Rights Pioneer Famed civil rights activist Rosa Parks was born Rosa Louise McCauley on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama. Early Life and Education Rosa Parks's childhood brought her early experiences with racial discrimination and activism for racial equality. Taught to read by her mother at a young age, Rosa went on to attend a segregated, one-room school in Pine Level, Alabama, that often lacked adequate school supplies such as desks. Through the rest of Rosa's education, she attended segregated schools in Montgomery, including the city's Industrial School for Girls (beginning at age 11). Montgomery Bus Boycott Videos

Rosa Park Rosa Park ... Le 1er décembre 1955 dans la municipalité de Montgomery aux U.S.A., Rosa Parks, une couturière de 50 ans, prend place dans le car qui, du travail, doit la ramener chez elle. L'autobus est bondé. Du coup, le chauffeur la somme de céder sa place à un passager blanc. Sans se démonter, poliment, Rosa Parks refuse. Elle est arrêtée sur-le-champ. Personnalité influente de la communauté noire, E. Pendant que le boycott des bus s'organise, celui-ci ébauche sa doctrine de la non-violence (« Aimez vos ennemis, bénissez ceux qui vous maudissent et priez pour ceux qui vous persécutent ») et s'érige, peu à peu, en défen­seur de l'Amérique noire. Dans le désordre des passions et sous des prétextes fallacieux, la municipalité ordonne des arrestations massives (de nombreux pasteurs, dont Martin Luther King lui-même) qui, loin de voiler l'événement, attirent l'attention de la presse nationale et internationale.

Rosa Park, what a good example of a revolutionary African American person! She refused to let her place to a white person in the city bus after her multiple arrestations. She's a leader in her society and people followed her. In the aboriginal culture, marches were organized to support their rights. by gagnonseguinzilio Oct 31
