The 4 Practical Reasons Why to Outsource Events Marketing Event management is DEFINITELY one of the most stressful jobs. It is both mentally and physically taxing. For just one event, there could be too much in a business’ plate such as meeting a deadline, dealing with difficult people and unexpected events, making do with a tight budget, and finally marketing the event. That’s basically the difficult part. The good news, however, is that there’s a way out to focus on the event without having to risk the possibility of a marketing failure. Time is money, indeed. Related: Effective Use of Hashtags for Promoting your Events Since third party marketing companies are comprised of high-level talents, you will gain edge over your competitors. Here’s a nice case study from Callbox on how their marketing automation tool helps Leadership Curriculum Provider in Singapore. Learn more about their event telemarketing services. Coordination involves knowledge transfer. Related: The Benefits of Telemarketing Services for Software Industry Events It actually is!
Professional Training Agency Grows Customer Base with Callbox - - B2B Lead Generation Company The Client The Client is an Australian Registered Training Organisation and member of the Group Training Australia Network. It allows local businesses to enjoy a hassle free and cost-effective way to employ apprentices through its Group Training system. The Client operates from three offices in Australia, serving customers in Mildura, Robinvale, Ouyen, Wentworth, Swan Hill and surrounding districts, South Australia’s Riverland, and Metropolitan Adelaide. The Challenges The Client wanted to improve its lead generation campaign to get more registrants for its group training courses. The Client’s in-house staff had difficulty allocating their limited time between finding leads, meeting appointments, and conducting trainings.Without sufficient experience in cold calling, the client’s sales team had difficulty getting past gatekeepers.Lead quality was poor. The Callbox Solution The Client’s initial objectives were: The Results
Product Launching 101: Use Events Telemarketing to Gain Opportunities You have a really cool product (perhaps a gadget or software so revolutionary it confirms the spirit of Steve Jobs in you) to offer to the world. You think highly of it, so you figured holding an event is the best way to champion this new idea you have. The one problem that stands in the way: You don’t know for sure how to invite the right people to the venue. While you can always resort to social media platforms, there’s never really any guarantee your invites through these channels can bring back confirmed commitments. Meanwhile, you are also stealing some time organizing the presentation of the whole affair so that it would also assume a function B2B lead generation. Then again, your hard work wouldn’t mean a thing when only a handful of people show up on the day you launch your innovative product, only because the event wasn’t marketed well enough. The Benefits of Calling Dig Deeper: What are the Best Channels for Marketing Corporate Events this 2015? Ease and a Clear Head
How to Win Quality Appointments for Quality Security Solutions The need for advanced security solutions is steadily growing. This year alone will see companies increase their spending to keep their IT infrastructure synchronized and prepped up. This comes as new threats are introduced, posing negative implications on businesses that have yet to secure their systems using current IT technologies. As a provider of IT equipment, this growing demand entails lucrative opportunities to promote your product’s superiority over the competition. For this, you will need an improved IT lead generation campaign that constantly supplies your pipeline with high-value buyers that find value in your offers. Appointment setters basically have the responsibility to discuss the advantages your products have to potential clients. Here are some tips to increase the efficiency of your appointments and ensure continuity in satisfying sales goals and customers. Make value count Ask and listen It’s ideal to ask questions and let your prospects answer them. Stay relevant
Case Study: Callbox Provides Sales Support to One of the Largest Business Software Companies The world’s third largest business software company, with branches in over 30 countries, offering a wide range of enterprise business software wants to partner with Callbox to develop and execute a comprehensive lead generation, qualification and appointment-setting program to capture greater market share for their business software solutions, and ultimately provide the best software experience for their customers. Callbox’s objectives were: To generate quality leads and appointments through outbound telemarketingTo profile and update the client’s prospect database with up-to-date business and contact informationTo invite the Client’s customers and prospects to attend company-sponsored events in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. How did Callbox manage to increase the client’s sales and put it in the best position to acquire a bigger chunk of the market?
Better Business Decisions by Enhanced Customer Data Analysis - Get B2b Leads One thing that businesses relatively do is make decisions. At times, decision-making becomes a crisis but when done under thorough planning streams, it can lead off bad pathways and create fruitful ones. Often, we get too excited and quickly decide to kick off a lead generation campaign but miss on the most important part of the process – customer profiling. Here are insightful processes on enhancing customer data for deeper profiling and analysis. Data Cleansing / Data Scrubbing Techtarget describes this as the process of removing incorrect, incomplete duplicated or improperly formatted data from a database and is often used by data-intensive organizations like banking, insurance, retailing, telecommunications or transportation. Data Verification Slideshare notes that data is an integral aspect in enabling decision making. Operational EfficiencyReduces CostOptimizes Business ProcessProvides Auditability And Data TransparencyImproves Customer Experience Data Deduplication Database Management
A Match Made in Heaven: How StumbleUpon can Drive Web Traffic So, you have compelling content in your blog specifically suited for generating high quality B2B sales leads. You have put in a lot of effort designing a website complete with effective lead capturing devices. The only problem however is it is accumulating cyber dust. No one is paying attention to it. Marketers face the recurring issue of optimizing their content to drive web traffic. But even more profound is the problem of promoting informational blog articles and other materials to target clients. But like many eager bachelors, businesses can always explore various platforms to fish for equally eager clientele, one of which is StumbleUpon. Suspect it for promoting online laziness, but StumbleUpon is actually an excellent auxiliary multi-channel marketing tool for pretty good reasons. A mature, highly active audience. Founded in 2001, StumbleUpon has been around longer than all of the “big three” social media networks – Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Long-tail content curation.
Increase Telemarketing Efficiency with Auto-Dialers Businesses in the B2B market depend on their telemarketing platforms for effective lead generation and appointment setting. Aside from that, effective dealings with B2B prospects can only be attained through an effective calling infrastructure that realizes quality customer experiences and hence business possibilities. But the main challenge has always been the same ever since: How can businesses achieve better ROI influx as well as produce quality clientele relations? Along with smart marketing software, auto-dialers can be your tools of choice for improving your telemarketing performance. Many companies in fact adopt auto-dialing software, integrating them with their existing lead management program for a solid marketing and sales operation. But the reasons don’t end there. A big productivity boost Characteristic of a highly efficient call center is a highly productive team of callers. Saves a ton of money We’re not talking about a few bucks here. Better sales prospects
Case Study: Giant Software Company Finds Callbox for Sustainable Marketing Solution The Client The Client is a well-known software manufacturer with 60 offices in 23 countries and a worldwide customer base of more than 100,000. Since its founding in 1987, it has developed, manufactured, and supported software products used by IT professionals for application management, database management, virtualization, cloud automation, and back-up and recovery solutions. In 2011, The Client was recognized as a leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring. The Challenge The Client has an impressive line of software products and a proficient in-house team whose expertise is making sales presentations. The Client partnered with Callbox to set up an outbound telemarketing campaign with the following goals: To call potential customers from the Client’s database and invite prospects to sign-up for the Client’s seminars.To set and deliver B2B appointments with qualified sales leads to the Client for follow-up and close. The Callbox Solution The Results
Callbox Multi-Channel Marketing Program Aced Success for Neuro Testing Company - - B2B Lead Generation Company The Client Industry: Medical Software Location: US Headquarters: US The Client is a group of academic clinicians and other professionals like engineers and researchers who develop advanced neurological disorders assessment tools, specifically for dementia, and have been in service for more than a decade now. Their product is a memory assessment software used by clinicians to test and analyze a dementia patient’s memory, which also provides recommendations and further medical steps to take based on results. Campaign Type: Hot Transfers/Appointment Setting Campaign Target Criteria Location: US Industry: Medical Clinics & Rehabilitation Centers Decision Makers: Neurologists (doctors, consultants, neuro nurses) The Challenge The Client launched its first neuro-assessment tool in 2000 and subsequently released an improved version of the tool in 2006 and in 2012. However, the team went amiss on one thing – the marketing aspect of the project which bore the following challenges: The Callbox Solution
Telecom Leads: Telecom Sales: Drive Revenue by Driving Relationships As things go in the telecommunications industry, service providers are usually faced by numerous issues that challenge every effort to increase revenue. First of all, there appears to be no perfect model or approach in conducting lead generation, stemming from a market that is constantly prone to change. Certain trends come up only to be replaced within a few months, forcing marketers in the telecom industry to switch strategies at once. Added to that, increased competition makes it difficult to have one’s message across online channels that host a lot of noise. Unbeknownst to many, however, strategy is not always the case in terms of acquiring quality telecom leads, because often it is how you determine your priority that defines how you get a sale. Telecom lead generation is mostly about creating rapport between you and potential clients. Building better relationships is often the most neglected challenge in telecom lead generation, and yet the most closely linked to revenue.
September | 2014 An effective lead generation campaign is always driven by the creation of engaging content. Content marketing works wonders, especially when your main goals involve the acquisition of high-quality leads and increased profitability. But in order to attain these, you would need to trust the right people. Indeed, many businesses overlook the fact that skills are highly important to gain tangible results, the most important thing being the campaign per se. So, when you hire a content strategist for your next campaign, consider the following traits: Resourceful and Creative. Knowledgeable in the Business Field. Digitally Savvy. Apt in Inbound Marketing Techniques. Analytical. Socially Astute. Management- Inclined. Finding the right person you could trust a successful content marketing campaign should not be that difficult at all, granted you know how to gauge people and their corresponding skills well. Source: 7 Skills To Look For When Hiring A Content Marketing Strategist Continue reading
Data Cleansing Solution: Ensuring your database is up-to-date By logic, if you’ve been using same database in the last 2 years, it is likely that about two thirds of your marketing communications could be going to waste. With a campaign as off-targeted as that, you get a snowball’s chance in Houston of getting a sale. Now more than ever, you need to put more emphasis on data quality. We offer the following services: Data Cleansing / Data ScrubbingVerification of DataDeduplicationDatabase Management For quality data cleansing solution, we telephone contacts on your database to confirm every piece of business information you hold with them. If customer profiling is not your favorite job, we’re here to do it for you.
Lead Generation Services for Software Products The software buying process has a minimum of six stages. Generating leads for software products requires a profound understanding of the software buying process. When the goal is to generate software leads, sales professionals know to choose Callbox to speed up lead generation. We set appointments with top corporate decision makers including Chief Executive Officers, IT Managers, Chief Financial Officers, and Controllers. We generate software sales leads and set appointments for companies providing mid-level and enterprise level software solutions including: Accounting and Financial SoftwareERP SoftwareBusiness Intelligence SoftwareCRM SoftwareWorkforce Management SoftwareHR and Payroll SoftwareContent and Document Management SoftwareIndustry-specific Applications Dial 888.810.7464 to speak with a Callbox Marketing Consultant.