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Reading A-Z: The online leveled reading program with downloadable books to pr...

Reading A-Z: The online leveled reading program with downloadable books to pr...
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STAAR Reading Test Passages Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 STAAR Reading Test Passages | Free Printable STAAR Reading Passages PDF Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 STAAR Critical Thinking READING TEST Passages | Inference, Main Idea, Authors Purpose, Sequencing, Summary, Character Traits, Fiction and Non-Fiction (nonfiction) | STAAR ONE PAGE Printable CRITICAL THINKING Reading PASSAGES ALIGNED TO the TEXAS STAAR Assessments and the COMMON CORE ELA Standards from Depaul University More Resources 2nd-3rd Grade Reading Leveled Vocabulary Tier 1, 2, and 3 The Reading Passages are aligned to CCSS and TEKS reading standards because they share the same goal of college and career readiness! Side by side studies showCCSS and TEKS share 70-90% of the same performance goals and reading objectives. CCSS and TEKS reading assessments use and share exactly the same Tier 1, 2, and 3 Academic Reading Vocabulary. 2015 Grades 3–8 STAAR Assessments GRADE 3 STAAR READING PASSAGESThe Ants and the Grasshopper

Iroquois Confederacy Constitution *** The Iroquois Confederacy Constitution was also known as the "League of Peace and Power". Deganawida and Hiawatha brought about an alliance of the Iroquois tribes by bringing a message, known as the Gayanashagowa or the Great Law of Peace, to the warring Iroquoian nations. The Great Law of Peace was the basis of the Iroquois Confederacy Constitution. The Great Law of Peace or the Iroquois Confederacy Constitution is divided into 117 articles. Iroquois Confederacy ConstitutionRead about the History and Founding of the Iroquois Confederacy and discover interesting facts and information about the founders Deganawida the Great Peacemaker and his spokesman Hiawatha, the tribes of the league, where they were located with a map for reference, the People of the Longhouse, the Hiawatha Wampum Belt, the Tree of Peace, Great Law of Peace and the Great Council. Iroquois Confederacy Constitution: Articles 01 - 12 : Role of the Great Council Iroquois Warriors

Toy Theater | Fun Online Educational Games for Kids Eslflow's English language teaching resource for ideas and lessons plans. Reading Comprehension Worksheets Reading Comprehension Worksheets Focused Reading Passage Worksheets All the passages are aligned to curriculum standards to make them very easier to use. You can find much longer passages at the bottom of this page. These practice readers all include a question sections. Fun With Fiction My Rocket Ship Don't you wish you could just zip up into the sky? Martin The Monkey A monkey that can pitch? Bobby's Big Birthday Party Bobby has his party and gets ready for his next party too? Going On A Picnic Everyone loves a picnic. Out To Lunch Somebody is really hungry. Terry and First Aid Terry gets cut on her knee... The Big Run Getting ready for that long road race. The Hottest Day Ever Man it's sweltering in here. The Play There is a lot of drama in this one Passage Based On Places Chicago Bring a scarf; we're talking "windy city"! London Take a deep look at the home of the Queen. New York City We take a look at the Big Apple. Sydney We go "down under" to visit an amazing city. Passage Based On Careers

Free Reading Worksheets Ereading Worksheets has the best reading worksheets on the internet, and they’re all free. These worksheets are skill focused and aligned to Common Core State Standards. You are free to save, edit, and print these worksheets for personal or classroom use. Many of these assignments can now be completed online. You’re going to like this. Fictional Passages Jacob the Great Comprehension Test – Students read a short story about a kid cycling through hobbies and then answer comprehension, inferential, and literary element questions. Nonfiction Passages Nutrition Facts Comprehension Worksheet – Students read and compare the nutritional information from four “healthy” snacks and answer fifteen questions testing their ability to comprehend these functional texts.Nutrition Facts Comprehension Worksheet RTFNutrition Facts Comprehension Worksheet PDFPreview Nutrition Facts Comprehension Worksheet in Your Web Browser These activities will help students become successful readers. The Worst Game Ever?


One of the benefits of this site is the shear volume of content. As a long term substitute, I had access to this site, Unfortunately, it does require a subscription. there are great literary organizers and all levels of worksheets. However, The books that can be printed from the site are very canned literature. I would rather teach from books by authors as it seems more authentic. by jezzri Sep 16

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