L'ENA, vidéo L'ENA, vidéo - Archives vidéos The Long Tail - Wired Blogs Jon Lund, the head of the Danish Internet Advertising Bureau, and I had dinner in Norway last week and he told me the chilling story of the crazy free newspaper war in Denmark that almost killed everyone involved. I thought it was an important cautionary tale of Free gone wrong, and I encouraged him to write it up on his blog. He did, and it is indeed grim reading. I’ve excerpted (and lightly edited) the basic story below, but it’s worth going straight to the source to get Jon’s analysis, along with a lot of links to other reports on this disaster. Short form: the attempt by a half-dozen newspaper publishers to “out-free” a free Icelandic paper that entered the market (backed by Morten Lund, who made a fortune as an early investor in Skype) ended up costing the collective newspaper industry in Denmark more than $150 million dollars and the bankruptcy of three newspapers. Morten Lund has also been chronicling this disaster, confessional style, on his blog (see here and here).
Canada) – iTunes – Tous les chemins mènent au divertissement. Web - Film & Video: Alfred Jarry - Ubu Roi (1965) Director: Jean-Christophe AvertyCast: Jean Bouise ... Père Ubu Rosy Varte ... Mère Ubu Hubert Deschamps ... The plays of Alfred Jarry are considered by many to be the first dramatic works of the theatre of the absurd. Ubu Roi first saw life as schoolboy farce, a parody of Felix Hebert, one of Jarry’s teachers. The opening night of December 11,1896, caused quite a stir according to Roger Shattuck in his work The Banquet Years. The stage manager startled the audience into silence by turning up the house lights and catching several screaming patrons standing on their seats and shaking their upraised fists. In his book Jarry: Ubu Roi, Keith Beaumont detailed three accusations that were made against Ubu Roi by spectators and critics in the aftermath of the outrageous performance. Alfred Jarry in UbuWeb Sound
The New York Times - Times Reader 2.0 SONiC | Hits Now Je m’appelle Zak, je suis fils de terroriste et j’ai décidé de suivre le chemin de la paix Aujourd’hui, on vous propose de découvrir une histoire qui diffère de toutes celles que vous avez pu entendre… Zak, un jeune homme américano-égyptien, a eu le courage de raconter son enfance régie par un père terroriste afin de prouver que rien ne prédestine une personne à la violence ou à la haine. Un récit saisissant, touchant et édifiant qui prône la paix ! Zak Ebrahim est un jeune homme né de l’union entre une mère américaine et un père égyptien. Il avait tout juste 7 ans lorque son père fut arrêté pour avoir perpétré les attentats contre le World Trade Center en 1993. Le récit de Zak est simple et remarquablement poignant !
OffiSync integrates Google Docs with Microsoft Office VentureBe A tiny Seattle startup has done what two giant companies haven’t done: get Google Docs to work well with Microsoft’s Office software. OffiSync, a self-funded startup run by entrepreneur Oudi Antebi, has created an Office add-on that integrates Google Docs, Google Apps and Google search into Microsoft office. When you open up Microsoft Word, for instance, you can see the Google functions on the menu, as if they were a Google toolbar. The software will be available as a beta download today. Microsoft is slowly moving in this direction. “We are Googleizing Microsoft Office,” he said in an interview. OffiSync works with Microsoft Office 2003 or Office 2007, and it will be available for the Mac in the future. Antebi showed me a demo of the software, and I could clearly see that the Office document he was working on could be saved as a Google Doc on the web, stored somewhere in Google’s cloud where a user could access it from any web-based computer.