AmphetaDesk What People Are Saying: "It's terrific, something I've long sought and never found until now." "I am a RAMPAGING AmphetaDesk fan. Try it, I think you'll like it!" "Best app I've seen for ages" read more AmphetaDesk is a free, cross platform, open-sourced, syndicated news aggregator - it obediently sits on your desktop, downloads the latest news that interests you, and displays them in a quick and easy to use (and customizable!) A Brief History - Blurbage about inspirations, desires and buildup. AmphetaDesk's powerful backend allows easy modification to the templates and internal source code shipped with your download, whether you're on Mac, Windows, Linux or some unheard of beast from limitless fathoms. Finding More Channels - Find thousands of additional channels for your AmphetaDesk. AmphetaDesk is developed with Perl and XML. Development Mailing List - Questions, help, implementations, and more related to coding. These are old versions.
The myth of "keeping up" « My passion is awesome, your passion is lame | Main | The strangest, easiest way to lose weight » The myth of "keeping up" Do you have a stack of books, journals, manuals, articles, API docs, and blog printouts that you think you'll get to? That you think you need to read? Now, based on past experience, what are the odds you'll get to all of it? Half of it? So you let the stack of "things to read" pile up, then eventually when the pile gets to high you end up tossing half of it--or worse, moving it to a deeper "stuff to read someday stack. You can't keep up. TechnologyCurrent eventsPop cultureProfessional practicesHealth/fitness/diet trendsAnd on and on and on... Why do we pressure ourselves? By the year 2000, it had become impossible for even a Sun Java engineer--someone creating the API--to be familiar with everything in the standard library. So... it's time to let that go. Besides letting go, what else can we do to combat Information Anxiety? Cut the redundancy! TrackBack Comments Hi,
Feedreader Feedwhip TopStyle Pro Discourse about Discourse » Blog Archive » Feed Reader of Choice Saturday, June 9th, 2007...6:16 am Jump to Comments (This has also been cross-posted here.) When I first learned how to harness the power of the read/write web, it was by aggregating all of the blogs that meant something to me. Whether it was answering the daily challenges of Weblogg-ed, finding meaning in Edublog Insights, or trying to parse through the Borderland, I was enraptured by all of the great work already happening in the edublogosphere. Now, I find myself with less and less time to read what others are because I am so consumed with trying to make my own vision of School 2.0 work. Well, I think I may have found a solution, both for myself and for all of the people who seem to be having the same trouble (I know that there are at least a few of you out there). The real reason, though, that I am so excited about finding this new feed reader is that I can imagine having a set of these in the classroom (5-10) and setting them up next to the bookshelf. What do you think?
Bloglet Introducing students to RSS After the great feedback on last week's post Introducing students to social bookmarking, I'd like to move on and consider how we are going to integrate RSS into our personal learning environment (PLE) strategy for students in September 2008. RSS is going to be central to this project, both for students pulling information and resources into their PLEs, and later, for us to be able to assess the Web 2.0 resources they contribute to and produce, including their ePortfolios.For many years, we've run a bibliographic databases exercise early in our key skills I.T. course, and we'll do so again next year. It seems logical to follow on directly with RSS so that students can pull down resources relevant to their modules. 2. In week 10 we will assess (via the shared items RSS feed) whether they have completed the task and award marks or otherwise via the VLE gradebook. How do we encourage students to share the task of resource discovery? What could go wrong?
35 propuestas para usar RSS en el aula 35 propuestas para usar los canales RSS en el aula es el título de un documento en pdf fruto de un taller sobre fuentes RSS realizado en el congreso Internet en el aula. El documento recoge actividades con RSS para distintas áreas y niveles educativos desarrolladas por los propios alumnos del taller.