Wind - a Major Cause of Disease In Chinese medicine, Wind is one of the most virulent external causes of disease. It takes many forms. At one end of the spectrum, air passes gently through leaves. In the same way, in Chinese medicine Wind symptoms take many forms, from mild to very serious. One thing is common to them all: movement. For example, you may find yourself moving involuntarily, as in shivering or grinding your teeth, or you get restless and find the symptoms of your disease keep changing.More severely, people who have epilepsy get seizures that 'shake and rattle' their bodies.Wind is also the harbinger of most diseases that Western medicine describes as being of bacterial or viral origin. Other Ways to Get Wind! It also arises in the body from other sources. In other words, whether or not the patient had been exposed to the wind as it blows the leaves on trees, or modern equivalents of wind like he would be described as having a Wind invasion if his symptoms included enough of the following: External Wind Invasion
Blog - The Genius of Flexibility Bob explaining the idea of mastery through his story of learning how to swim. Mastery, a story. Many years ago, after my automobile accident, I had to rehabilitate my body, and one of the ways to do that was I started swimming. I need you to know that actually I never really swam as a child, I didn't have that opportunity. So for me to do that was really a rather unusual thing for me to do. And here I was learning how to swim and I asked a swimmer, competitive swimmer, to show me how to swim.
The Effects Of Negative Emotions On Our Health Joe Martino, Collective Evolution, Guest | Humans experience an array of emotions, anything from happiness, to sadness to extreme joy and depression. Each one of these emotions creates a different feeling within the body. After all, our body releases different chemicals when we experience various things that make us happy and each chemical works to create a different environment within the body. For example if your brain releases serotonin, dopamine or oxytocin, you will feel good and happy. What about when we are thinking negative thoughts all the time? Positive vs. Is there duality in our world? Cut The Perceptions As Much As Possible After thinking about it for a moment you might realize that there are in fact no positive or negative experiences other than what we define as such. “If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Mind Body Connection Credits: Centripetal Force Studio You Have The Power
Self Assessment Testing U heeft symptomen die mogelijks kunnen wijzen op besmetting met het coronavirus (COVID-19). Het is belangrijk dat u zich zo snel mogelijk laat testen. Dat geldt ook voor mensen die reeds gevaccineerd werden. Laat bij voorkeur een snelle antigeen-test afnemen bij een apotheker in de buurt zodat u meteen het resultaat krijgt. In afwachting van de test, isoleert u zich van andere personen. Hoe krijg ik een testcode en hoe maak ik een afspraak voor een test? Print dit formulier af of bewaar het als pdf. Hoe gaat het verder eens ik mijn testresultaat heb ontvangen? Is uw testresultaat positief?
How to Muscle Test Kinesiology: The Tool for Testing Kinesiology is another word for muscle testing. Kinesiology is simple. Anybody can do it because it uses your electrical system and your muscles. Even small children can learn to do kinesiology in about five minutes. If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor or holistic physician experienced in muscle testing, you’ve experienced kinesiology. Simply stated, the body has within it and surrounding it an electrical network or grid. This electrical/muscular relationship is a natural part of the human system. When working in a co-creative partnership, nature answers your yes/no questions by projecting a positive energy or a negative energy—whichever is appropriate—into the electrical circuit that you have created by your fingers especially for the kinesiology testing. If you have ever experienced muscle testing, you probably participated in the above-described, two-person operation. Kinesiology Self-Testing Steps 1. left-handed: Place your right hand palm up. 2.
Healingtao Here Is What Happens When You Press These Points on Your Fingers Jin Shin Jyutsu, or “jumper cables,” is a Japanese method of healing your body by associating every finger on your hand with an organ in your body and a certain feeling. A simple version of acupressure, Jin Shin Jyutsu is based around 26 points and energy pathways. The idea is that these processes not only affect the symptoms you may be suffering from but also the attitude behind the symptoms, and, therefore, help to adjust your outlook on pain. These 26 “locks” are connected to parts of the body where energy can get stuck, and by using both hands on your body you can restart your internal energy and restore the balance within your body. Recent studies have proven that this form of acupressure has helped patients to overcome mild brain trauma, with evidence that after professional Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy patients showed signs of improved cognitive function. Some other studies have shown that the practice has helped nurses who were suffering from emotional problems, such as stress. Thumb
Studie van de meridianen: Cyclus I Deel B | A Touch of Shiatsu Bij onze Shiatsu-opleiding bieden we jou niet alleen een solide basis, maar ook de mogelijkheid om jezelf te ontwikkelen tot een bekwaam therapeut. We gaan verder dan alleen het aanleren van technieken. Het is een reis van persoonlijke groei en het ontwikkelen van je eigen unieke stijl. Wat kun je verwachten in onze opleiding? *Verduidelijking van basisconcepten uit de Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde (TCG): Qi, Jing, Shen en de vitale substanties. Na het succesvol afronden van Deel A en Deel B ontvang je een door de BSF erkend certificaat.Hiermee kun je als zelfstandig Shiatsu-beoefenaar aan de slag. Kosten en Betalingsvoorwaarden: Het totale lesgeld voor onze uitgebreide Shiatsu-opleiding bedraagt €1700. Indien je om een bepaalde reden niet meer kan deelnemen kan je hetgestorte bedrag altijd gebruiken voor een opleiding op een latere datum. Inclusief in de Prijs: Hier zijn de data en tijden van de lessen in Zichem:
What does belly fat, breast cancer and prostate cancer have in common? - Depke Wellness by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Last week I wrote an article about estrogen dominance for both men and women, which was very well received by so many. If you missed this article you can catch this here. When I was reading this again myself, I noticed that I left out a key piece of invaluable information for you. After all, it is not realistic for most of you to simply randomly test estrogen levels or hormones overall. Right? This is so important because estrogen dominance is a risk factor for both men and women. Fibrocystic breastOvarian cystsEndometrioisUterine fibroidsProstate cancerBenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH )TesticlesLiver/kidney/thyroid cystsInsulin resistanceIncreased belly fat So here are some signs to tell you if estrogen dominance is a likely issue for you. The first is the appearance of what is referred to as cherry angiomas. Cherry angiomas on the trunk of the body would be a risk factor for estrogen dominance but this could also be a sign of liver congestion.
Acupressure Strengthening and Sedating Points | Naturegrooves One of the most exciting things about holistic healing is the fact that we can use our hands to facilitate healing processes in our bodies. This is often done by working with meridians (energetic pathways throughout our body) and their acupoints. On this page, you will find a list of acupressure sedating and strengthening points that you can use for addressing specific issues, such as diminishing pain, strengthening your immunity, boosting your energy, balancing your hormones etc. These techniques are based on the systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Working with your meridians can often make you feel better in minutes. I work with my meridians frequently, and it’s always very encouraging to feel the energetic shifts in my body, experience pain relief, and notice an improvement in my overall state.
What did the fingernails and tongue tell us? - Depke Wellness by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath It was quite an amazing few days in the office recently with Dr Chi. He provided and amazing 90 minute lecture for a packed house and assessed over 70 clients within a three day span. We actually spent some time putting together the statistics based on his supplement recommendations to see what the most common underlying challenges were with this control group of these individuals. These results were astounding and I cannot help but think of how many others would benefit from the fingernail and tongue assessment. Here are the most common challenges we saw based on Dr Chi’s findings over the three days along with Dr Chi’s common supplement recommendations for these challenged areas. Poor Circulation This is recognized by a lack of moons on the fingers. Lunulae (Half Moon) should have a moon on your thumb and the next three fingers without one on the little finger. This was recognized by Dr Chi’s recommendations for Vein Lite and Oxypower. Weight Loss
Acupuncture and The Vagus Nerve — Morningside Acupuncture NYC Vagus Nerve Stimulation The vagus nerve can be stimulated through various methods, including electrical and manual stimulation. Electrical vagus nerve Stimulation (VNS) is a medical treatment that uses a device implanted in the body to send electrical impulses to the vagus nerve. This treatment is commonly used for epilepsy, depression, and other neurological disorders. Manual vagus nerve Stimulation techniques can also be used to stimulate the nerve. These techniques include breathing exercises, meditation, and acupuncture. Vagus nerve Stimulation can also be done at home through techniques such as deep breathing, gargling, humming, and cold exposure. While VNS is a medical treatment that should be administered by a healthcare professional, manual and at-home vagus nerve stimulation techniques can be done safely and easily on your own. Vagus Nerve Reset with Acupuncture How does acupuncture stimulate the vagus nerve? Acupuncture Points for Vagus Nerve Stimulation Vagus Nerve Exercises
Subclavius Muscle: Collarbone, Arm, Hand, Finger, Pain What pain and symptoms are associated with the subclavius? Pain around the collarbone, down the arm into the hand can indicate problems with the subclavius muscle. Pain below the collarbonePain in the upper armSends pain down the forearm into the thumb, forefinger, and middle fingerA reliable indicator of subclavius muscle dysfunction is pain on the outside of the upper arm that skips over the elbow then extends into the forearm. Pain can also extend to the thumb, index, and middle finger while skipping over the wrist.The muscle can tighten restricting circulation to the arm and hand causing tingling and numbness Where is the subclavius muscle? The subclavius is a muscle that lies just below the collarbones. What movements do the subclavius muscles control? Raises the first rib to aid with breathing Activities that cause subclavius pain and symptoms: Interesting facts about the subclavius: Clinical diagnoses to which the subclavius muscle symptoms may contribute: More Information:
Pain in the Wrist? Trigger Point Self-Test & Self-Treatment Solutions Deep Muscle Therapy Tools Why is Wrist Pain so Prevalent? Millions of Americans suffer from chronic wrist pain that can range from tingling, to throbbing, to sharp and piercing. The incidence of wrist pain (and hand pain) has been the most common complaint involving the upper extremities ever since we all started spending so much time using computers (and therefore keyboards and mice), according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Take a simple 3-part test to see if your pain is caused by something that may have even fooled your doctor ... and try these simple solutions! Computers, of course, are not the only things to blame for Americans' painful wrists. "We're taking an anatomy that has evolved over hundreds of millions of years," said Mayo Clinic hand expert Peter Amadio in an NPR article, "but not necessarily for the purposes we're putting it to at the moment. This failure, along with a number of other factors, has left many people searching for answers when it comes to their aching wrists. Dr. Dr.