8 Ways Technology Is Improving Education The Education Tech Series is supported by Dell The Power To Do More, where you'll find perspectives, trends and stories that inspire Dell to create technology solutions that work harder for its customers so they can do and achieve more. Don Knezek, the CEO of the International Society for Technology in Education, compares education without technology to the medical profession without technology. “If in 1970 you had knee surgery, you got a huge scar,” he says. “Now, if you have knee surgery you have two little dots.” Technology is helping teachers to expand beyond linear, text-based learning and to engage students who learn best in other ways. Despite these opportunities, adoption of technology by schools is still anything but ubiquitous. 1. While a tuning fork is a perfectly acceptable way to demonstrate how vibrations make sound, it’s harder to show students what evolution is, how molecules behave in different situations, or exactly why mixing two particular chemicals is dangerous. 2. 3.
Wikiversity Välkommen till WikiversityAll världens kunskap till alla världens människor Onsdagen den 16 april 2014. Just nu finns det 562 sidor, 28 kurser,8OER och 3 forskningsprojekt. Välkommen På Wikiversity skapar vi och använder fritt undervisningsmaterial. Utvalt projekt Surdegsbröd i en korg. I surdegsbakning för hemmabagaren ges en introduktion till surdegsbakning. Att baka med surdeg handlar om att få bröd att jäsa helt utan konventionell jäst. mer Nyheter Komma igång Vill du börja? Kommunikation Wikiversity på andra språk Andra projekt
The Paperless Classroom by Ken Turner on Prezi 21st Century Teaching and Learning Reading Off the Page | A Quarter Lifer's Perspective | Page 2 After the Board of Trustees retreat The Head-of-School sent out a list of questions for the faculty and staff in attendance to move forward with. He proposed we have an after work think tank about 2 weeks after the retreat. This is the moment many people have been waiting for to see what initiatives will take priority and immediacy. The Questions are: 1)What professional development do we need? 2) Is there something each department/teacher could do better using technology? 1) What Professional Development do we need? This week i contacted Brian Mull of November Learning to see about setting up some P.D. for next August based around his presentation on innovative and transformational tools to use in the classroom. Brian has a good collection of tools that address a wide variety of needs and we can tailor that toolkit for our teachers and start providing training on those tools to teachers AND students. 4) Should we offer courses in technology and/or advanced digital media? Other Issues?
Adult Education and Technology Wikiversity Wikiversitys logotyp Wikiversity är en wiki som ägs av Wikimedia Foundation med syftet att låta användare skapa, dela och ta del av öppna läromedel och forskningspublikationer. Denna typ av material är i allmänhet inte tillåtet på Wikipedia, eftersom det inte har encyklopedisk karaktär och kan innehålla originalforskning som inte kan bekräftas med källreferenser. Projektet startades 15 augusti 2006. Resurser samlas i lärprojekt (learning projects), som är flersidiga enheter med anknytning til ett särskilt ämne. Wikiversity syftar även till att erbjuda plats för originalforskning och kollaborativ författande av forskning. Externa länkar[redigera | redigera wikitext] Se även[redigera | redigera wikitext] Fri tillgänglighet (Open access publication)
Defining Paperless 2.0 “I’ve gone paperless!” The transition to the 1:1 classroom regularly goes hand in hand with a call for teachers to go paperless. The idea is a popular one for schools (and businesses) who can realize quick savings from reduced paper costs and offset the cost of the new devices. Defining Paperless 1.0 In the initial stages of a 1:1, teachers begin to convert already existing materials into electronic copies. Clear Steps Forward Even within this simple replication, there are clear advantages to Paperless 1.0. Defining Paperless 2.0 Yet, in order for educational technology to transcend its past patterns, paperless work will need to expand beyond the confines of an 8 ½ x11 mindset not just the 8 ½ x 11 page. -Imagine the classroom where slate tablets were the peak of technology? -Imagine a modern science class without the benefit of microscopes and accurate tools for measurement? Shawn is a Is a Instructor and Presenter for EdTechTeacher.
Teacher Effectiveness ... | Teachability Gone are the days where teacher knows best. When we were in school, the teacher rarely sought our opinion on much of anything. They didn’t trust us to have any insightful commentary other than “we should have less homework.” Thankfully the current generation of teachers recognizes that no one is better tuned to how the classroom is working than the students themselves. After all, they are the consumer. Gathering feedback How you gather feedback from students depends a lot on your personality. Others go the route of the time-tested survey. There are plenty of online survey solutions out there now, SurveyMonkey being the leader. But what do you ask? Just like surveys you receive, a mix of scale questions (“On a scale from 1 to 5, how happy are you…”) and short answer questions might work the best. What to do with the results The first rule is simple: do not take whatever they say personally. The bottom line is to treat them like the valued stakeholders that they are.
Presentera online Visste du att du helt gratis kan göra en kort presentation online? Det passar lika bra för dig som är elev och ska redovisa ett arbete, som för dig som är lärare och vill göra en introduktion till ett arbetsområde eller en kort presentation inom ditt ämne. Det är inte särskilt svårt. Även du som aldrig publicerat något på nätet förut kan vara igång på en halvtimme. I den här resursen hittar du länkar till resurser som ger en lång rad möjligheter. Förmodligen vill du ha både bild och ljud i din presentation. Tycker du det känns lite läskigt att publicera din redovisning online? Respektera andras upphovsrätt Även om du publicerar olistat är det viktigt att du respekterar andras upphovsrätt, eftersom den svenska lagen om upphovsrätt inte tillåter att man distribuerar digitala kopior av andras verk. Är din presentation ett skolarbete och du vill använda bakgrundsmusik rekommenderar jag Multimediabyråns musikarkiv. Systersajten Samarbeta online
Turning the iPad into a Dynamic Hub in the Language Classroom By Colin Keaveney Colin Keaveney is assistant professor of French (Teaching), University of Southern California. Recently, I decided to use iPad functionalities to enhance preparations for and activities within the sixth-semester French conversation class I teach at the University of Southern California (USC). My goals were two-fold: First, I wanted to make the learning environment more dynamic and exciting for students (and me). Second, I wanted to move students toward the advanced level on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) rating scale. Students take the French Pronunciation and Conversation (French 310) course after at least four semesters of French language. Many students coming into this class are still at ACTFL's intermediate level, and few have spent any significant time in a French-speaking country. Problem Context Goals To push students from the ACTFL's intermediate to advanced stage, I had to help them move from Challenges Solution Implementation