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Metasearch engine

Metasearch engine
A metasearch engine is a search tool[1][2] that sends user requests to several other search engines and/or databases and aggregates the results into a single list or displays them according to their source. Metasearch engines enable users to enter search criteria once and access several search engines simultaneously. Metasearch engines operate on the premise that the Web is too large for any one search engine to index it all and that more comprehensive search results can be obtained by combining the results from several search engines. This also may save the user from having to use multiple search engines separately. The term "metasearch" is frequently used to classify a set of commercial search engines, see the list of Metasearch engine, but is also used to describe the paradigm of searching multiple data sources in real time. Operation[edit] architecture of a metasearch engine Search engines frequently have different ways they expect requests submitted. See also[edit] References[edit]

Clustering Engine Carrot2 Search Results Clustering Engine Carrot2 organizes your search results into topics. With an instant overview of what's available, you will quickly find what you're looking for. Choose where to search: Type your query: More options More advanced options Hide advanced options Example queries: data mining | london | clustering About Carrot2: Carrot2 is an Open Source Search Results Clustering Engine.

Metacrawlers and Metasearch Engines - Search Engine Watch (SEW) Unlike search engines, metacrawlers don't crawl the web themselves to build listings. Instead, they allow searches to be sent to several search engines all at once. The results are then blended together onto one page. Jump To: Award Winners - Other Choices - Specialty Choices All-In-One Search - Meta Search Articles Award Winners Dogpile Popular metasearch site owned by InfoSpace that sends a search to a customizable list of search engines, directories and specialty search sites, then displays results from each search engine individually. Vivisimo Enter a search term, and Vivismo will not only pull back matching responses from major search engines but also automatically organize the pages into categories. Kartoo If you like the idea of seeing your web results visually, this meta search site shows the results with sites being interconnected by keywords. Other Top Choices See something you like? Specialty Choices

Natural language user interface Natural Language User Interfaces (LUI or NLUI) are a type of computer human interface where linguistic phenomena such as verbs, phrases and clauses act as UI controls for creating, selecting and modifying data in software applications. In interface design natural language interfaces are sought after for their speed and ease of use, but most suffer the challenges to understanding wide varieties of ambiguous input.[1] Natural language interfaces are an active area of study in the field of natural language processing and computational linguistics. An intuitive general Natural language interface is one of the active goals of the Semantic Web. Text interfaces are 'natural' to varying degrees. Overview[edit] A natural language search engine would in theory find targeted answers to user questions (as opposed to keyword search). History[edit] Prototype Nl interfaces had already appeared in the late sixties and early seventies.[2] Challenges[edit] Modifier attachment Conjunction and disjunction

Recherche d'information sur internet/Evaluation de l'information sur internet Un livre de Wikilivres. Il est simple de trouver de l'information sur internet mais avant d'utiliser ou de répertorier un site, vous devrez évaluer son intérêt pour vous ou pour le public auquel vous le destinez. Différents gritères d'évalution sont à prendre en compte ; vous pouvez utiliser pour cela une grille d'analyse. Exemple de grille d'analyse[modifier | modifier le wikicode] [archive] Les principaux éléments à prendre en considération sont : L'outil utilisé pour trouver l'information[modifier | modifier le wikicode] "[Google] est l'outil de connaissance le plus révolutionnaire depuis l'Encyclopédie de Diderot si l'on met de côté le problème de la véracité des infos..." Rappelez-vous que : Le domaine[modifier | modifier le wikicode] Le nom de domaine peut vous aider à déterminer l'origine du site, bien qu'il existe un certain nombre de "pavillons de complaisance" (.tv, .tk, ...) L'auteur[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

100 Incredibly Useful and Interesting Web Sites - PCWorld Even as the Web has become more entertaining--and certainly better looking--over the past 15 years, it has also become much more useful and practical, as the 100 sites in this feature will demonstrate. I've organized the sites in the list by the type of task they help you with. It is not a ranking; in each category I recommend sites that specialize in a different area than the others. I've also mixed in a smattering of sites that you might not use every day, but that provide ready answers to specific questions like "How can I learn to rumba?" or "Who should I vote for?" or "How do I make a wallet out of duct tape?" Most Useful Web Sites by Category 9 Sites to Help You Survive the Recession A growing number of good Web sites, like Prosper and Bankrate, are popping up, offering you cool tools to help you manage and conserve your money. Find and Watch TV and Movies Online Web video is everywhere online these days -- and not just on YouTube. Extras: Complete List by Category (with Links)

Les opérateurs booléens A l'aide des "opérateurs booléens" : ET, OU, SAUF vous avez la possibilité de combiner entre eux deux termes de recherche - ou plus - à l'intérieur d'un champ et entre les champs). Cela permet de trouver des enregistrements contenant deux mots spécifiés ou plus, un mot mais pas l'autre ou tous les enregistrements contenant un, plusieurs ou tous les mots spécifiés. Les opérateurs booléens ET, OU, SAUF peuvent être saisis dans le formulaire de recherche sous forme de mots ou de symboles : Les opérateurs booléens entre les champs de recherche Chaque champ du formulaire de recherche est connecté aux autres champs par un opérateur booléen. Les opérateurs booléens utilisés pour relier les champs sont : OU - s'utilise pour trouver des enregistrements avec des termes provenant d'un champ ou de l'autre.ET - s'utilise pour trouver des enregistrements avec des termes à partir des deux champs.SAUF - s'utilise pour trouver des enregistrements avec des termes du premier champ mais pas du deuxième.

What Is A Meta Search Engine & How It Works? [Technology Explained] Search engines are an integral part of the Internet. Could you imagine the Internet without Google? And I am not even talking about all the services that Google offers as a company. Just imagine the Internet without Google search and you will realize how important search engines are. The Internet has billions and billions of websites with loads of content but it’s the search engines that make them discoverable. So is there any difference between search engines and meta search engines? Before I even attempt an explanation, let me tell you that search engine technology is one of the most well kept secrets of computer science. What is a Meta Search Engine? To understand what a meta search engine is, first you have to understand how a search engine works. So now back to how a meta search engine works. Are Meta Search Engines Better? Let me explain with an example. I say so because the index of search engines are more or less the same. Example Of Meta Search Engines

How Google Works If you aren’t interested in learning how Google creates the index and the database of documents that it accesses when processing a query, skip this description. I adapted the following overview from Chris Sherman and Gary Price’s wonderful description of How Search Engines Work in Chapter 2 of The Invisible Web (CyberAge Books, 2001). Google runs on a distributed network of thousands of low-cost computers and can therefore carry out fast parallel processing. Googlebot, a web crawler that finds and fetches web pages.The indexer that sorts every word on every page and stores the resulting index of words in a huge database.The query processor, which compares your search query to the index and recommends the documents that it considers most relevant. Let’s take a closer look at each part. 1. Googlebot is Google’s web crawling robot, which finds and retrieves pages on the web and hands them off to the Google indexer. 2. Googlebot gives the indexer the full text of the pages it finds. 3.
