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Mathieu Bernard-Reymond

Mathieu Bernard-Reymond

Dieter Appelt Dieter Appelt, Der Fleck auf dem Spiegel, den der Atemhauch Schaft, 1979 A-t-on assez dit et écrit que la photographie arrête le temps, qu'elle fige l'instant pour le pétrifier dans la nécropole du "ça a été" ! L'œuvre de Dieter Appelt montre qu'il n'en est rien. Ses photographies ont une qualité de tactilité matérielle, de condensation du temps et de la lumière qui sont uniques sur la scène artistique contemporaine. Il empoigne la pellicule photosensible comme un sculpteur pétrit l'argile. Comment faire sentir que la chose photographiée - cette chose pouvant être aussi bien un être vivant, une composition d'objets ou une construction réalisée spécialement à cet effet - que cette chose visible sur le papier photographique continue à palpiter et à émettre vers le regardeur de ces vibrations qui caractérisent tout être vivant ? Ce n'est pas tout. Ce dernier aspect est frappant dans la série des "têtes". Dieter Appelt matérialise de façon très inattendue une vision de Kleist.

Tereza Vlckova Brigitte Ollier best regards Colin Delfosse Congolese wrestlers – Kinshasa, 2011-2013 Kinshasa is a stormy and turbulent city. Those who lay down their hats at Ngili airport, harassed by border guards, porters and scalpers still have to pass the administrative hassles and fight to get a taxi and understand what turbulent means. Crowded bars, small boutiques and crappy hostels surround the main road to the city centre. Hundreds of vehicles pile up in a huge traffic jam where pedestrians, cyclist and bikers wriggle into. The sweat and dust stick to your skin. I encountered this thrilling spectacle by accident when I was shooting a project about mining in the province of Katanga. Back in the Congolese capital few month later, it didn’t take me long to find those athletes again. I’ve been also hypnotised when I saw it for the first time. This urban theatre circled by a rope is copying after traditional dance as much as the pantomime histrionics of American wrestling.

Alexander Gronsky Photography Hippolyte Bayard: November 2009 This photograph shows plastic found in the stomach from the carcass of a Laysan Albatross fledgling. Collected and arranged by Dr Cynthia Vanderlip, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii. Photograph: Rebecca Hosking/Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Atollo di Midway, "a più di duemila miglia dal continente più vicino", alcune settimane fa.Carcasse di piccoli di albatros fotografati come reperti investigativi, la stessa immagine per ogni animale morto, la più triste forma di tipologia fotografica. Dentro ciò che è rimasto di questi uccelli, dove una volta c'era il loro stomaco piccoli oggetti di plastica dai colori sbiaditi formano composizioni astratte, racchiuse dallo scheletro degli animali. Midway atoll, "more than 2000 miles from the nearest continent",a few weeks ago.Carcasses of albatross chicks photographed almost like police evidences, the same shot for every dead animal, the saddest possible form of photographic tipology.

François Deladerrière Todd Hido Cyrille Weiner - Portfolio Photo nature et photographies animalières - Aube Nature
