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Learn to live life with less plastic… for the health of our bodies, our oceans, our planet. I don't buy new plastic. Join me on my plastic-free journey.

Learn to live life with less plastic… for the health of our bodies, our oceans, our planet. I don't buy new plastic. Join me on my plastic-free journey.

My Favorite Blogs English summary The ready-to-use farm with 75 fish and 100 vegetables. For all urban farmers who want to start their own production of healthy vegetables and fresh fish. ECF delivers the turnkey Containerfarm. » more Commercial vegetable and fish production in urban environments. Extremely water-saving, extremely profitable. Commercial aquaculture and hydroponics with maximum yield.

Hyperbole and a Half Purchase The Field Guide to Victorian Produce « The Locavore Edition One part food media, one part mobile produce store, The Field Guide to Victorian Produce is the first comprehensive guide to Victoria’s regional produce and the people that grow, make and sell it. Have the Guide delivered to your doorstep! Simply select your location below, to purchase your copy securely via PayPal, the price includes GST. Please note: due to our small team orders may take up to 12 days to arrive. The Guide makes it easy for anyone to be a locavore, to access quality produce from their food region, or to enjoy regional food tourism by going direct to the source. Full of great stories, recommendations by locals, beautiful illustrations, useful maps and two indexes the Guide is a valuable addition to the Victorian food sector – a much needed resource and a practical tool. Our editorial reveals the fantastic produce accessible from Victoria’s small farms and independent producers, encouraging chefs and foodies to go to the source and to share their knowledge. Features

We are perfect Buddha Mind Patent Licenses We work to support our users in various domains. The first user is in sustainability, through a project called GreenXchange (GX). Visit the GX site for more information. Patent Strategies for Promoting Open Innovation Creative Commons has a vision of creating an open innovation platform that promotes the creation and adoption of technologies that have the potential to solve important global or industry-wide challenges. Our goal is to encourage patent holders to make their patent portfolio available for licensing through public license offers that are offered to everyone on reasonable terms, while retaining the defensive benefits of patents. To provide the maximum benefit, we propose the following principles for patent licenses: 1) the terms and conditions of the license should be made public and openly available for all to read; 2) the offer is valid and complete, so that anyone who can agree to it is empowered to accept without further negotiation.

Blogtown, PDX The first reports, in the wee hours this morning, mentioned something about an armed man running through a neighborhood in Southwest Portland—around SW Capitol and Primrose—and police calling out their tactical unit. But the real story about what was happening while most of us slept didn't spill out until a little after 7 this morning in a long police statement. It's not been revealed what led to the encounter. But this is what police say happened: A man, maybe carrying a rifle, had injured a canine-handling officer in a shootout near SW Capitol and Lobelia—and then had run off. That's when the tactical team was called. The Oregonian interviewed a woman near the scene of the shooting. Jan Thorpe, who lives on Southwest Capitol Highway at Lobelia Street, said she was first roused from sleep about 2:50 a.m. by a police siren. A little while later, regular 911 calls, from concerned neighbors, eventually led police to the man they were seeking. The full police statement is after the jump.

The Beginner’s Guide to Zen Habits – A Guided Tour | zen habits By Leo Babauta I know a lot of people who fall into a slump, losing the habit of exercise, procrastinating with work, slipping into a bad diet, and generally not feeling motivated. It’s hard to get out of a slump like that. It’s hard to get going again, to get started when all the forces of inertia are against you. Here’s how to get started, in just a few easy steps. Pick one thing. With every single step, you’ll feel better. Just announced: Dealing with Your Struggles video course. Laughing Squid Creative Thinking Resources Here are some creative thinking resources, which I find useful or inspiring. I will be adding to this list, so you may want to bookmark it and return over the coming weeks. Creative Thinking Resources TED Talks: Hundreds of short video presentations, from people with ideas worth sharing. Psychology Today: The creative thinking section of this blog contains some interesting material. Steven Johnson’s Blog: Steven is a best selling author, who focuses on understanding how our minds work. The RSA: Well known online for their video presentations and whiteboard animation videos, The RSA is an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today’s social challenges. SwissMiss: A wonderful site, with bite-sized chunks of awesomeness. This is a great site to check out, the next time you find yourself seeking a little creative inspiration.

Seth's Blog

This is a comment on the author's book, Plastic Free. The book is crammed full of advice and commentary about what she went through to change her over-purchasing of plastic. She is not saying: "Avoid plastic entirely." What Beth Terry is saying: Look at what you are doing and change slowly. She tells how she is doing it. Book contains more than you would think. Her blogsite started with her weighing her plastic garbage as a way to document her progress. by house.rx Nov 19
