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Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification
W3C Recommendation 16 August 2011 This version: Latest version: Previous version: Public comments: (archive) Editors: Erik Dahlström, Opera Software <> Patrick Dengler, Microsoft Corporation <> Anthony Grasso, Canon Inc. Chris Lilley, W3C <> Cameron McCormack, Mozilla Corporation <> Doug Schepers, W3C <> Jonathan Watt, Mozilla Corporation <> Jon Ferraiolo, ex Adobe Systems <> (Versions 1.0 and 1.1 First Edition; until 10 May 2006) 藤沢 淳 (FUJISAWA Jun), Canon Inc. Dean Jackson, ex W3C <> (Version 1.1 First Edition; until February 2007) Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections. Copyright © 2011 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. Abstract Status of this document Comments on this Recommendation are welcome.

TV Portal Narrowsteps Network has been architected and engineered to be scalable and replicable. At the end of 2004 the network was capable of handling up to 8,000 simultaneous users at a connection rate of 400Kb/sec. The company anticipates being able to handle 60,000 simultaneous viewers at an average data rate of 800Kb/s by the end of 2005, and 120,000 simultaneous viewers by the end of 2006. This translates roughly into 500,000 daily viewers for 2004 and 10,000,000 for 2005. What is the markets response to Narrowstep As per March 31st 2005 Narrowstep has deployed 36 channels and attracted more than 10 million viewers over the past 18 months. The firm said it is now delivering an average of 1.8 million TV ads each month. 75% of its viewers currently watch between 30 to 50 minutes per session and 82% of viewers connect at speeds of 256k or above. All channels were developed for third parties, with the exception of Other channels worth mentioning are: - Motorsport Television.

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) SVG is a widely-deployed royalty-free graphics format developed and maintained by the W3C SVG Working Group. This is a public group, which works on an open mailing list and which welcomes your feedback. Upcoming Events The Graphical Web 2014 – Winchester, England, August 27–30, 2014 The Graphical Web will showcase SVG, as well as related technologies like Canvas, WebGL, CSS, Javascript, and HTML5 video and audio. News CSS-SVG Effects Task Force Started The CSS and SVG Working groups have started a joint task force to discuss and develop mutual features such as gradients, transforms, filters, and animation. VRML Plugin and Browser Detector VRML is the Virtual Reality Modeling Language, a standard file format used to display 3D models on the web. The current version of VRML is referred to as VRML 2.0 or VRML97. VRML files use the .wrl file extension. A common way to display [view, browse, play, show, navigate] VRML files [models, objects, worlds, scenes] in a web browser is with a VRML plugin [viewer, browser, player, reader, add-on, client, toolkit, program, software]. Most of the VRML plugins can also display X3D files. X3DOM is a framework to support X3D in HTML and rendered with WebGL. In addition to the software listed in table, VRML and X3D files can also be displayed with the following other plugins, programs, and toolkits. NIST does not review of any of the plugins or software, nor does their mention on this web page imply a recommendation or endorsement.

UnrealWiki: Home Page From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site Welcome to the Unreal Wiki. The Unreal Wiki is dedicated to gathering documentation on the Unreal Engine. Not only can you browse the large quantity of material already here, but anyone can add or edit information instantly – no registration required. A large community of mappers, coders and modelers helps in this effort. Find out how. Need help finding your way around? See Recent Changes for local news, and Featured Pages for a rundown of what's new and cool. Never use an offline reader to download the entire Unreal Wiki. Tutorials The Unreal Wiki holds many tutorials on a variety of subjects. Terminology gives a glossary of Unreal terms. Encyclopædia Mapping These pages organize information on using UnrealEd to make maps into separate topic areas. Topics on Mapping is the starting point for anything about map creation in Unreal. Coding Covers how to write new code for the Unreal series of games. Modeling Unreal Topics Wiki Community Contact

Cipher - Game Engine The XML FAQ SVG Textorizer Tool maxf's home page The Texturizer page has moved to: News: a new version of textorizer2 (textorizer2-ps.c) now generates EPS files. This makes it much easier to find fonts that work well. I recommend Impact or Arial Black, with text in capitals for best results. See also the textorized flickr group for more great pictures. More examples (in SVG): tim.svg, swade.svg (swade-dense.svg), w3c.svg. Paul Downey has a great web interface, if you want to avoid all the mess of running it yourself. This tool takes as input an image in PNG format (left), as well as a text file containing some text, and produces an SVG file which reconstructs the original image using parts of the text scattered around (right). Download: textorizer.c. gcc -o textorize textorizer.c -lm -lpng Instructions: type textorizer -h and follow the instructions. New: a makefile and linux executables are available: How does it work? Textorizer II Examples: Licencing: Copyright 2006 Max Froumentin.

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