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European Parliament

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UNHCR:Facts and Figures on Refugees Number of forcibly displaced worldwide: 59.5 million Number of Refugees There were 19.5 million refugees worldwide at the end of 2014, 14.4 million under the mandate of UNHCR, around 2.9 million more than in 2013. The other 5.1 million Palestinian refugees are registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). During the year, conflict and persecution forced an average of 42,500 persons per day to leave their homes and seek protection elsewhere, either within the borders of their countries or in other countries. Developing countries host over 86% of the world’s refugees, compared to 70% ten years ago. In 2014, the country hosting the largest number of refugees was Turkey, with 1.59 million refugees. Last year, 51% of refugees were under 18 years old. An estimated 13.9 million people were newly displaced due to conflict or persecution, including 2.9 million new refugees. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Asylum-Seekers Find out about asylum in the UK. Stateless People

European Security Foundation Conseil de l'Union européenne Que fait le Conseil de l'Union européenne? Il adopte la législation de l'UE. Il coordonne les grandes orientations des politiques économiques des États membres. Il signe des accords entre l'UE et d'autres pays. 1. Le Conseil et le Parlement partagent la responsabilité de la décision finale sur les projets d'actes législatifs proposés par la Commission. 2. Les États membres de l'UE ont décidé de doter l'Union d'une politique économique globale, coordonnée par les ministres de l'économie et des finances de chaque pays. L'objectif poursuivi est également de créer plus d'emplois et d'améliorer les systèmes d'éducation, de santé et de protection sociale. 3. Le Conseil conclut des accords au nom de l'UE dans des domaines aussi variés que l'environnement, le commerce, le développement, les textiles, la pêche, la science, la technologie et les transports. 4. Le budget annuel de l'UE est établi conjointement par le Conseil et le Parlement européen. 5. L'UE ne possède pas d'armée. 6. Votes

FreedomInfo European Security Round Table sprl Global Parliament of Mayors IMG-S The rise of political bots on social media | World | DW.COM | 06.08.2016 Almost every Twitter user will have come across bots. Your new follower whose profile picture is the generic egg, and who posts exactly once a day vague words of wisdom in 140 characters, is most probably such an automated account. Very common are spam bots for commercial purposes. Others are more creative: The @MagicRealismBot (with close to 40,000 followers, certainly including a good number of bots) has been programmed to randomly build and tweet sentences every two hours that imitate the writings of magic realist novelists such as Jorge Luis Borges or Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The rise of bots has thrown up a wide range of new issues. Last year, it was reported that a Dutch web developer was called in for questioning by police after their bot had, in a similarly random manner, put together a statement (tweeted at another bot, incidentally) which an internet detective read as a death threat. The implications of bots for political discourse on social media are another open question.

Security & Defence Agenda Top Ten Reasons Why Kids Under the Age of 18 Should Be Allowed to Vote In Government Elections - TheTopTens® BlueTopazIceVanilla This is my second list I thought up for a while, and it's kind of a sister to my other list: Top Ten Reasons Why Kids Should Get Paid to Go to School. IMPORTANT NOTE: I am NOT saying that kids on TheTopTens can't vote, and that they should be able to. I'm saying that kids SHOULD BE ABLE TO VOTE ON OFFICIAL ELECTIONS (state, city, country elections e.t.c.) I hope that clears any predicted confusion, and enjoy the list! The Top TenXW 1VoteEKids are smart and responsible enough to vote And the problem? I am in middle school and I know what the green party is, or a libertarian. Kids are smart and know what is right just like some kids know that Donald trump is a spoon (that means he is not smart enough to handle sharp items especially nuclear weapons) he is also lies a lot in fact he lies every 3 minutes and 16 seconds do you want him as your presidentM This would be a bad idea. V27 Comments 2VoteEKids are just as important as adults Hate them? I matter as much as a adultMnew

Sous comité ITRE Welcome to the ITRE Committee website! Until the next elections, ITRE Members will continue to contribute to define policies and a long-term legislative framework aimed at a better and more competitive Europe. The ITRE Committee will deal with legislative proposals on Research; the EU policy on research is due to be redefined for the years to come and to cope with new challenges. In the important field of Energy, Europe has to face its weaknesses and provide solutions. New developments and innovation, also in the field of Internet and Communication Technology, can play an important role for citizens and industry. If we want to be effective and to take the best decisions for citizens' lives, we need citizens' help and we need to exchange information with civil society actors. Amalia Sartori
