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How To Develop Android Apps

How To Develop Android Apps
Lesson 1: Create Project Sunshine with a Simple UI (5-8 hrs) Start by installing Android Studio, you’ll create your first project with a simple list-based user interface. You'll then build and deploy it to virtual and actual devices. You’ll also discover what makes mobile - and Android in particular - a unique environment for app development. Android Studio, Gradle, and debugging toolsUser Interface and Layout managersListViews and Adapters Lesson 2: Connect Sunshine to the Cloud (8-10 hrs) Replace the mock data with real weather data by connecting Sunshine up to an Internet back-end courtesy of the Open Weather Map API. Threading and ASyncTaskHTTP requests on web APIsAndroid Permission System Lesson 3: Create New Activities and Navigate Apps with Intents (8-10 hrs) Give your app structure and create more complex Activities. Optional Project: Popular Movies, Stage 1 (5-10 hours) Build an app to help users discover popular and recent movies.

3 Ways To Use Vine In The Project-Based Learning Classroom - Project-based learning (PBL) — an educational approach in which students work together to solve real-world problems — is redefining how many kids learn. Vine, a social video app purchased by Twitter, is growing in popularity — and fast. What happens when the two collide? PBL teachers across the country intend to find out. What Is Vine? Recently we took a more general look at Vine in the classroom, but in short, Vine is video’s answer to the popular photo-sharing app Instagram, with a bit of tumblr and twitter thrown in. This deceptively simple application allows users to capture and share six-second video clips–rather than pure gif animations–through social media. This is precisely some teachers have adopted Vine as an educational tool, especially in the PBL classroom. 3 Ways To Use Vine In The Project-Based Learning Classroom Vine and project-based learning classrooms might be a match made in pedagogical heaven–or at least #edtech heaven. How are teachers using Vine? 1. 2. 3.

UX Design for Mobile Developers Course Overview The goal of this course is to help you build better apps by helping you become a design-minded developer. In Lessons 1 and 2, you will learn widely applicable design principles and techniques like high-level UX planning and user-centered design. In Lessons 3 and 4, you will focus on design ideas specific to mobile/Android development. Lessons Lesson 1: What is User Experience? In this lesson you will think about User Experience from the highest level. Topics covered: What is UX? Lesson 2: User-Centered Design In this lesson you will learn how to design apps that your users will love. The perils of ignoring your userHow to create effective personas and use casesLow cost user researchHow to use personas and use cases to inform feature lists Lesson 3: Designing for Mobile Constraints Mobile design and development come with constraints and opportunities. Lesson 4: Designing for Android Delight At this point, you will already know how to make a solid mobile app that users like. Final Project

Vine for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store Cast-IT <i>The Edupunks' Guide</i>: How to Do Research Online | Online Learning on GOOD It’s the best of times and the worst of times to be a learner. College tuition has doubled in the past decade, while the options for learning online and independently keep expanding. Anya Kamenetz's new free ebook The Edupunks’ Guide is all about the many paths that learners are taking in this new world, and we're running excerpts from the book all week. There’s been a revolution in the way people spread knowledge. More and more people around the world are building on this knowledge revolution to explore new modes of learning and to transform what we mean by “education.” For many, the first step in an online learning journey is a simple Google search. Start with Google, the most-used search engine on the web. A successful online research session will leave you with 20 open tabs or windows at the top of your screen. Top Free Learning Resources Online Europeana: A digital library with 4.6 million items from libraries, archives, museums and other institutions across Europe.

FAQ Android Cette FAQ a été réalisée à partir des questions fréquemment posées sur les forums de l'expérience personnelle des auteurs. Nous tenons à souligner que cette FAQ ne garantit en aucun cas que les informations qu'elle propose sont correctes. Les auteurs font leur maximum, mais l'erreur est humaine. Cette FAQ ne prétend pas non plus être complète. Si vous trouvez une erreur, ou que vous souhaitez nous aider en devenant rédacteur, lisez ceci. Sur ce, nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture. L'équipe Java FAQ lues 10378 fois. Les sources présentées sur cette page sont libres de droits et vous pouvez les utiliser à votre convenance. Sema Dress A VIRTUALLY TRANSPARENT DRESS: HOLD YOUR PHONE OVER THE TILE - and unveil Venus! //By reading the patterns with a mobile phone, underlying naked skin comes to the fore! Instead of being “dis-plays” on inaccessible AR-goggles, displayed on gadgets of everyday life, on the handy screen of a mobile phone. (see SM-Standard Model gadgetry as defined by RoYa, LS mag, issue 5, 2008) These Game Fashion series introduce a semacode-fashion-pattern as urban dress code 2008/09, to trickster mobile phone and surveillance cameras. All apparel is printed on silk and linen. dress-code //How does it work: If a player takes an image of a pattern-design of the fabic with a mobile pone camera, each pattern is replaced by an image. By reading the patterns with a mobile phone, underlying naked skin comes to the fore on the mobile phone display. QR-garments can be worn as modern camouflage battle dress. //Future features: Taken images upload to Web 2.0, create an artificial character by actions in real life.

Resources In Xamarin.Android Introduction When a new Android project is created, there are some files that are added to the project, by default. We call these default project files and folders as Android Resources. Look at following screenshot to understand what is Resources in Xamarin Android, Resources are very important part of Xamarin android So, basically what is Resources? Resources are non-source code files and compiled (along with the source code) during the build process and packaged as an APK for distribution and installation onto devices. Advantages of Resources are, Compile time checking.Target multiple devices.Code separation. So, we are trying to understand resources in Xamarin Android in the following ways: Load Images in a layout and programmatically.Differences between Assets and Resources Images for different screen densities. For this we are creating a sample project as below, Create a new Android project as follows, Load Images in a layout and programmatically. Now Load Image by Programmatically Fig.

How to Find Websites and Domains owned by a Person? Learn how you can find the other websites (or domain names) that are owned by some person using online lookup tools. Say you are on a website and would like to know which other web domains are owned by the same person who owns that website. Is it possible? Yes there are some easy workarounds (and tools) that can help you find domains owned by an individual or a company though you may not be successful on every hunt. Let’s give it a try! Step 1: Reverse Whois Lookups with Google When you register a web domain, your name, contact address, phone number and other details are stored with the domain in a public registry database that anyone can access online using a Whois Lookup tool. Go to and enter the domain name that you are trying to research. "PHONE_NUMBER" "STREET_ADDRESS" Replace Phone Number or Street Address in the above search queries with the actual data from the whois database. /adsense=1234 Step 4.
