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31 CSS Code Snippets To Make You A Better Coder

31 CSS Code Snippets To Make You A Better Coder

9 Useful jQuery Calendar And Date Picker Plugins For Web Designers Event calendars and date pickers are really useful plugins for web applications. WordPress does have a date picker, which allow bloggers to schedule the article. I am a big fan of jQuery, so i always use jQuery Calendar plugins to accomplish my tasks when the clients asked me to implement an event caldendar for them. In this article, i would like to share 9 really useful jQuery Event Calendar and Date Picker plugins that every web designers and developers should know. 1. FullCalendar FullCalendar is a famous jQuery calendar plugin which offers features like drag-and-drop, integration with Google Calendar and able to fetch events through JSON. 2. This is a tutorial which uses both jQuery and CSS to build an iPhone styled calendar application. 3. jQuery UI Datepicker The jQuery UI Datepicker is a highly configurable plugin that adds date picker functionality to your pages. 4. jMonthCalendar jMonthCalendar supports full month calendar and events. 5. 6. jQuery Week Calendar 7.

Typesettings.css | Minimal Type Boilerplate Kitchen Sink Paragraphs. Bold, italic, linked, code. Chuck shank kielbasa, shankle ground round corned beef ribeye pig filet mignon alcatra ball tip. Bresaola pork capicola ham, doner turducken beef. Pull quote FTW leberkas capicola tri-tip porchetta turducken short ribs shoulder salami. Unordered list itemUnordered list itemUnordered list itemOrdered list itemOrdered list itemOrdered list item 41 Free And Premium WP Magazine Themes Worth Downloading have been the topic of interest for a lot of people, because of the way they can present content in a beautiful, clean way and also blend advertisements pretty well into the design. Though they have changed a lot in the last years, magazine themes preserve the same key features through which they have to deliver the content to the visitor, give him the information that he needs so that he can find it easily like he would do it in a newspaper. In this article there are 41 free and premium WordPress magazine themes, approximately half free, half premium. Free Magazine Themes Premium Magazine Themes You will definitely like these articles Useful Wordpress Plugins Released In The Last Three Months – 33 Items Fresh Wordpress Plugins That Are Interesting And Useful – 37 Items A Comprehensive List Of The Best eCommerce Wordpress Themes Premium Wordpress Plugins That Are Actually Worth Buying 35 Interesting And Useful WP Plugins Released In The Last Five Months

25 CSS Snippets for Some of the Most Common and Frustrating Tasks In this post we have 25 CSS snippets and hacks that will solve many of the most frequently used and, at times, frustrating CSS development tasks. Why reinvent the wheel when there are already plenty of time-saving pre-written CSS code snippets? As well as some classic and timeless CSS hacks you will also find many CSS3 snippets, like box-shadow, border-radius,linear-gradient and many more. Adding shadow to text – text-shadow Helps make your text stand out from the rest. Source Adding an image-based border – border-image You can create any kind of border you want for any object(s) on your website using this. Adding shadow to borders and images – box-shadow Helps make your borders and images “pop” from the background more, giving a subtle 3D-like visual cue that it’s something separate, in the foreground, and the thing that visitors should be looking at. Adding rounded corners – border-radius Self-explanatory. Adding individual rounded corners – border-radius Adding a gradient – linear-gradient

Designer Scrabble by Andrew Clifford Capener A classic game reimagined for type nerds. No longer will you strategize about how to make a high-point word, but rather how to make the prettiest one. Andrew Clifford Capener has designed the A-1 Scrabble designer edition. From the designer: The purpose of this project was to revive an old, but loved game. The idea was to excite people about typography by giving them the ability to choose what font their scrabble set would come in. If you’re interested in purchasing the Scrabble designer edition, sign up at Andrew’s website to get on the list. [via Designcrush]

Immutable.js Immutable data cannot be changed once created, leading to much simpler application development, no defensive copying, and enabling advanced memoization and change detection techniques with simple logic. Persistent data presents a mutative API which does not update the data in-place, but instead always yields new updated data. Immutable.js provides many Persistent Immutable data structures including: List, Stack, Map, OrderedMap, Set, OrderedSet and Record. These data structures are highly efficient on modern JavaScript VMs by using structural sharing via hash maps tries and vector tries as popularized by Clojure and Scala, minimizing the need to copy or cache data. Immutable.js also provides a lazy Seq, allowing efficient chaining of collection methods like map and filter without creating intermediate representations. Create some Seq with Range and Repeat. Want to hear more? Getting started Install immutable using npm. npm install immutable Then require it into any module. Browser Important!

13 Free Contact Form Plugins for WordPress In this article I will show you some of the top 13 Free Contact Form Plugins for WordPress available for download. 1. Contact Form 7 Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on. 2. SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF) is an Ajax powered contact form plugin for WordPress. 3. a very customizable contact form on your wordpress blog. 4. Contact Form by is yet another feature-rich contact form plugin for WordPress. 5. Use [TINY-CONTACT-FORM] within any post or page. 6. Clean Contact is a simple contact form for WordPress. 7. Spam Free Contact Form. 8. Clean-Contact shields itself from Spam-bots by embedding the contact form via script, and optionally will filter messages using The WordPress Akismet plugin. 9. Supports multiple contact forms. 10. 11. WP Flex Contact Form is a WordPress plugin made in Flex/Flash. 12.

25 Incredibly Useful CSS Snippets for Developers CSS is no doubt up there with the most important web languages that we use. While html provides the structure it can be inconsistent and unpredictable across different new and old browsers. Css is where the html is styled though, and where we get creative as well as addressing those inconsistencies. Below is a fantastic list of 25 Css snippets that I am sure you will find extremely useful. Whether you are a veteran web developer, or are just getting your foot in the door of css, they are all well worth checking out. Hide text with text indent This is extremely useful for use for things such as your company logo. Style links depending on file format This snippet is aimed at user experience. Remove textarea scrollbar in IE Internet Explorer has an annoying habit of adding scrollbars to textarea’s even when the textarea’s content is not overflowing. Drop cap Commonplace these days in blogs and news sites is the dropcap. Css Transparency Css Reset by Eric Meyer Image preloader Google Font API

The Food Labs Guide to Corned Beef and the Science of Simmering More tests, more results! Follow The Food Lab on Facebook or Twitter. [Photographs: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt] When most people cook corned beef brisket, what do they do? They just chuck it in a pot with a bunch of cabbage, potatoes, and carrots, bring it up to a boil, and let it simmer away until tender, right? I really love corned beef. There are two basic steps to corned beef: the rub, and the cooking. I've cooked 38 pounds of beef in my tiny apartment, which is driving the dog absolutely wild. The Rub First, a bit of history. The average Irishman was too poor to afford the very beef they were raising Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, the green fields of Ireland were used to graze cattle to produce corned beef that went mainly to feeding British civilians, the British and American navies and armies (its long shelf life made it ideal for overseas journeys), and for trade with the French. To this day, very little corned beef is consumed in Ireland by the Irish. Ah! Salt Nitrates Ick, right?

SCHEMA UI — Get Started This is a quick overview of what Schema provides to build rich web interfaces. All source files, and the entire project, can be found in this repository on Github. Schema UI You'll find compiled and minified versions. Download Schema Schema UI Source This file contains all Less, JS, and font files. Download Schema Source Once downloaded, you'll find all source files ready to use for your next project. Using Schema out of the box? Schema comes with a responsive grid system, so be sure to include this line of code in the head section of your site. Schema was built for modern browsers. 14 astuces indispensables pour sécuriser votre site WordPress La sécurité d’un site WordPress n’est pas à prendre à la légère. Se faire hacker peut arriver à n’importe qui et ces 14 conseils vous permettront de limiter les dégâts potentiels. C’est quand tout fonctionne correctement qu’il faut mener des actions de prévention ! #1 – Sauvegarder intégralement et régulièrement votre site WordPress Avant toute intervention, faites une sauvegarde régulière de votre site WordPress. Vous devez sauvegarder les éléments suivants : Votre base de données MySQL ;Votre compte FTP ; Il se peut que votre hébergeur dispose d’un système de sauvegarde intégrale directement accessible via cPanel par exemple. Vous pouvez également avoir recours au système de sauvegarde dans le cloud proposé par Automattic – l’organisation en charge de WordPress, qui s’intitule VaultPress. N’oubliez pas de mettre en place un système de sauvegarde automatique de votre base de données MySQL. #2 – Tenez votre site WordPress à jour #3 – Utiliser des mots de passe sécurisés WP Security Scan

3 astuces CSS fort utiles Voici quelques astuces CSS assez utiles, mais très peu utilisées. Au menu : Bien utiliser <HTML> et <BODY>Appliquer un style à tous les éléments.Donner plusieurs « class » à un élément Bien utiliser <HTML> et <BODY> <HTML>, comme tout autre élément, peut être personnalisé via les CSS. Appliquer un style à tous les éléments. Il est possible d’appliquer un style général à tous les éléments, via * Cette technique est utilisée par certaines feuilles de Reset CSS, pour appliquer des marges intérieurs et extérieures de 0 par défaut sur tous les éléments. Donner plusieurs « class » à un élément Il est possible de donner plusieurs valeurs à un attribut class, ce qui permet de gérer plus proprement certains éléments. avec comme résultat « texte rose et souligné« . edit : comme l’a noté Kazhar dans les commentaires, il faut nommer ses classes CSS en fonction de l’utilité de l’élément, mais pour le coup, il me fallait un exemple facile à comprendre, et à expliquer

Startup-Advisor Dating I get about 4 emails a week from law students and attorneys with questions about launching a law practice. It’s an awkward and humbling experience for me. I’m not a law practice management expert and several years ago I had many of these same questions. But I try to answer as many emails and calls as I can. I wish more startup veterans would do the same and provide mentorship to new entrepreneurs, such as taking a seat on a startup’s advisory board. A lot of the startups I work with placer a higher value on mentorship than investment capital, and would have no issue with a small equity grant to a good advisor. Why does it feel like most successful startup participants have their success and fall back into the shadows of the city? There are successful startup veterans in every community. I think it’s time to start a Startup-Advisor Dating service, in the spirit of Founder Dating. Maybe there’s one around that I’m missing.

jQuery Mapael - Ease the build of pretty data visualizations on dynamic vector maps Map with some plotted cities, areas and zoom enabled. Try it » Map with a legend for plotted cities. Try it » Map with multiple plotted cities legends that handle different criteria. Dataviz example : evolution of the population by country through the years. Map with links between the plotted cities. Download the latest version (2.0.0) #Overview jQuery Mapael is a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps. For example, with Mapael, you can display a map of the world with clickable countries. Mapael supports all modern browsers and Internet Explorer 9+. Click here to download the lastest stable release of Mapael from GitHub. Key features based on jQuery and raphael.js. #Basic code example Here is the simplest example that shows how to display an empty map of the world : Javascript Result #Code examples Basic Advanced #API reference (version 2.0.0) All options are provided as an object argument of the function $.fn.mapael(Object options). Parameter 'options' :
