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GBKS/Wookmark-jQuery jQuery Masonry FrRedmineRoles Les rôles vous permettent de définir les permissions que les membres ont sur un projet. Chaque membre d'un projet a un seul rôle pour le projet. Un utilisateur peut avoir différents rôles sur différents projets. Vous pouvez créer de nouveaux rôles ou modifier ceux existants. Propriétés des rôles¶ Nom: Nom d'affichage pour le rôle Demandes assignables à ce rôle: si non coché, les demandes ne peuvent être attribuées aux membres ayant ce rôle sur le projet. Permissions¶ Vous pouvez, en éditant un rôle, définir ses permissions en cochant/décochant les différentes actions. Rôles systèmes¶ Il y a deux rôles systèmes dans Redmine : 'Non member' et 'Anonymous'. Non member: ce rôle vous permet de définir les permissions qu'un utilisateur enregistré a sur les projets dont il n'est pas membre. Notez que ces permissions s'appliquent seulement aux projets publics, les projets privés ne sont accessibles qu'aux membres de ce projet

jGrowl BlocksIt.js - Dynamic Grid Layout jQuery Plugin Look Inside BlocksIt.js is a jQuery plugin for creating dynamic grid layout. It manages to convert HTML elements into ‘blocks‘ and position them in well-arranged grid layout like Pinterest, one of the hottest website nowadays =). How? Well, simply specific the number of columns you wish to have and BlocksIt.js will do the rest for you. Also, you can even combine the ‘blocks‘ and make a huge block! How It Works BlocksIt.js will re-position the selected elements using CSS absolute position property. Start the new block from left to right, andPlace the new block under shortest block. How to use 1. It should works well with jQuery 1.7.1 (haven’t tested for lower version). 2.) 3.) #Note: If the blocks contains of <img> element, be sure to specific the images’ height before calling .BlocksIt()function, else you have to make sure the images are loaded.You could use $(window).load() to make sure everything have loaded into DOM, or use some plugin like waitForImages to check the images status.

scrolldeck.js Build a web page with each slide as a div. Pro-Tip: Use rem’s to make content scale (resize this window to see) Create section navigation by linking to slide id’s (optional) After linking all the required scripts (jQuery, Scrollorama, scrollTo, easing & scrolldeck), create the slide deck on document ready event. $(document).ready(function() { var deck = new $.scrolldeck(); }); You can configure the settings as follows(example has the default config values assigned) Add animations to slides by adding the "animate-in" or "animate-build" classes to elements in your slides. <div class="slide"><p class="animate-in" data-animation="fly-in-left">This paragraph will fly in from the left. Available animations are "fly-in-left", "fly-in-right", "space-in" and the default which is "fade-in"

formations, études, conférences Le Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD), appelé aussi General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), encadre l’usage des données personnelles par les entreprises. Les données personnelles représentent toutes données étant attachées à l’identité d’une personne (nom, coordonnées, historique de navigation, etc...). Entrée en vigueur et obligation pour le citoyen Cette mesure de protection, entrée en vigueur le 25 mai 2018, est obligatoire et donne à chacun le pouvoir de maîtriser les informations lui appartenant lors de la navigation sur Ies canaux digitaux. Tous les citoyens de l’Union Européenne doivent autoriser ou refuser la collecte et le traitement de leurs données personnelles pour un usage déterminé par une entreprise. 5 principes clefs Le consentement sous le RGPD doit être : donné librementpour un but précis et explicitenon équivoquesoumis au droit de rétractationsoumis au droit de portabilité

Stop paying your jQuery tax Reminder, script tags block rendering It is common advice to move all your external JavaScript includes to the footer. Recently, the movement for fancy JavaScript loaders like ControlJS, script.js and so on has also picked up steam. The reason for this advice is sound and pretty simple. Often people avoid the async attribute on script tags cause they usually execute in the order they return this means you need to be more fancy about figuring out when the script is ready. Why is that jQuery synchronous script include stuck in the html 'HEAD' section? jQuery solves the age old problem of figuring out when your document is ready. $(wowThisIsSoEasy); // aka. It allows you to arbitrarily add bits of rich functionality to your page with incredible ease. The jQuery tax There are 3 types of tax you pay when you have a script in your header. The initial tax The most expensive tax is the initial hit. An important note is that it is common to serve jQuery from a CDN be it Google or Microsoft.

6 Amazing jQuery Plugins to design Pinterest like Dynamic Grid Layout Web designers around the Globe were so mesmerized by Pinterest's Dynamic Grid layout that they have been working to develop the same since then. And today we have a couple of great jQuery plugins to easily design the same interface for our Web projects that Pinterest and many other websites have (Recently adopted by Digg too). So here are 6 Great and Simple jQuery Plugins to design the Dynamic Grid Layout for Pinterest like Website. 1. Masonry This is the most widely used dynamic grid layout plugin for jQuery. 2. Its an exquisite jQuery plugin for intelligent and dynamic layouts that can't be achieved with CSS alone. 3. BlocksIt.js is a jQuery plugin to create dynamic grid layout. 4. Wookmark is a website to bookmark Images and videos, and has a Pinterest like interface. 5. If you are a Ruby Developer and wish to create the Pinterest style layout in a short period of time, then this layout is for you. 6. Flex is a fluid asymmetrical animated grid plugin for jQuery.

Elastislide - A Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin Elastislide is a responsive image carousel that will adapt fluidly in a layout. It is a jQuery plugin that can be laid out horizontally or vertically with a pre-defined minimum number of shown images. View demo Download source With the responsive awakening in web design it becomes important to not only take care of the visual part of a website but also of the functionality. In a carousel, one could think that simply making its container “shorter” will solve the problem on smaller screens, but in some cases (e.g. when we have bigger images) it might be reasonable to resize the items as well. Elastislide uses the jQuery++ for the swipe events on touch devices. The beautiful images are by talented Sherman Geronimo-Tan and they are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0). The HTML Structure When using the plugin, you’ll simply have to apply it to an unordered list with images (optionally with anchors). Use your preferred ID and call the plugin like this: Options Demos

Blog Ardesi Responsive Image Gallery with Thumbnail Carousel A tutorial on how to create a responsive image gallery with a thumbnail carousel using Elastislide. Inspired by Twitter's "user gallery" and upon a request to show an integration of Elastislide, we want to implement a responsive gallery that adapts to the view-port width. The gallery will have a view switch that allows to view it with the thumbnail carousel or without. View demo Download source Today we want to show you how to create a responsive image gallery with a thumbnail carousel using Elastislide. We’ll use the jQuery Touchwipe Plugin that will make it possible to navigate the images by “wiping” on the iPhone and iPad. The images in the demo are by über-talented Sherman Geronimo-Tan and you can find his Flickr photostream here: Sherman Geronimo-Tan’s Flickr Photostream The photos are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) License. So, let’s do it! The Markup For the HTML structure we’ll have a main wrapper with the class “rg-gallery”. The CSS
