COCD | Training en advies in creatief denken en creativiteit The fine dopamine line between creativity and schizophrenia | Sc New research shows a possible explanation for the link between mental health and creativity. By studying receptors in the brain, researchers at the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet have managed to show that the dopamine system in healthy, highly creative people is similar in some respects to that seen in people with schizophrenia. High creative skills have been shown to be somewhat more common in people who have mental illness in the family. Creativity is also linked to a slightly higher risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Certain psychological traits, such as the ability to make unusual pr bizarre associations are also shared by schizophrenics and healthy, highly creative people. "The study shows that highly creative people who did well on the divergent tests had a lower density of D2 receptors in the thalamus than less creative people," says Dr Ullén.
Vidéo : le courage du grand peuple d’Égypte est gravé sur le Net #sandmonkey #jan25 Cette vidéo date du 28 janvier dernier, elle est violente, mais elle montre le courage du peuple égyptien face à la répression de la police. Pourquoi vous rediffuser cette vidée ici ? Tout simplement parce que seulement 8000 internautes l’ont visionné, le peuple d’Égypte mérite mieux, il mérite que le monde puisse constater sa volonté de se libérer. Ces images sont fortes, elles montrent des manifestants écrasés par les véhicules de police ou priant face aux forces de l’ordre, tentant en vain de les disperser à coup de lance à eau. Cette vidéo a été initialement diffusée sur Twitter par Sandmonkey, un blogger égyptien et activiste très connu, dont nous avons ce matin appris l’arrestation.
A stranger in half your body An amazing study has just been published online in Consciousness and Cognition about a patient with epilepsy who felt the left half of his body was being “invaded by a stranger” when he had a seizure. As a result, he felt he existed in one side of his body only. The research is from the same Swiss team who made headlines with their study that used virtual reality to make participants feel they were in someone else’s body, and one where brain stimulation triggered the sensation of having an offset ‘shadow body’ in patients undergoing neurosurgery. The researchers suggest that having an integrated sense of our own bodies involves three types of perception: self-location – the area where we experience the self to be located; first-person perspective – the perceived centre of the conscious experience; and self-identification – the degree to which we identify sensations with our own bodies. Patient 1 is a 55 year old, left-handed male patient suffering from epilepsy since the age of 14 years.
Vidéo : les dernières innovations pour réduire la consommation des datacenters Par Frédéric Bordage - 28/02/2011 Avec le développement du « cloud computing », l’éco-efficience des datacenters est devenue une préoccupation majeure des gestionnaires de serveurs et d’infrastructures informatiques. Dans certains cas, l’offre énergétique ne suffit carrément plus à satisfaire les besoins d’alimentation de cette puissance de calcul hyperconcentrée. Dans ce contexte, comment optimiser drastiquement la performance énergétique des centres de données, sans remettre en cause la haute disponibilité de ces systèmes ? Les réponses de deux experts de la question dans le cadre de l’étape grenobloise du WebTV Tour des Cleantech.
Illusory own body perceptions: Case reports and re... [Conscious Cogn. 2010] - PubMed result Le web, un métier de valeur Les métiers du web deviennent de plus en plus techniques. Les connaissances et la réflexion nécessaires pour réaliser un site de qualité peuvent dépasser ce que l'on voit dans des projets plus classiques. Ensemble, nous allons parler du métier lui-même, de sa valeur. Votre travail respecte t-il vos valeurs votre éthique ?Pouvez-vous faire pencher la balance sur les décisions importantes ?Livrez-vous un produit de qualité ? Ces questions sont toutes liées, elles sont attachées à la valeur que nous attribuons et que les autres attribuent à notre métier. Six ans après un article au titre provocateur « Le web c’est pour les stagiaires » le décalage entre les aspirations des intervenants et le niveau d’expertise requis par rapport à la valorisation de leurs métiers est encore plus grand.
Interview: Raymond Tallis If there were a statue of the Unknown Polymath it should look like Raymond Tallis: rangy, bearded, wide-eyed with disciplined wonder. For 30 years he has been rising at five in the morning to write for two hours before going off to work as a doctor. He has been a GP, a research scientist, and a professor of gerontology, one of Britain's leading experts, who has published more than 70 scientific papers and co-edited a 1,500-page standard textbook of gerontological medicine. But in the solitary hours of the early morning he has also been a distinguished literary critic, poet and philosopher who has written a radio play about the death of Wittgenstein. On June 2 he is talking at the Hay festival about human exceptionalism. The mixture of medical distinction with an interest in existentialist philosophy is one of the things that makes Tallis almost unique. He is a passionate atheist who hates materialistic interpretations of our minds. In 1964 he went to Oxford to read medicine. Key texts
I love this youTube "article" by this neuroscientist who experienced part of her brain under attack from a massive stroke, and I am very very pleased with her acknowledgement of the state of "mind" her brother struggled with in his bipolar and/or schitzo-affective state.
A state that she herself was able to experience, mentioning an overwhelming grace she received, and compared it to a state of Nirvana.
I am bipolar and experience that same state almost constantly.
NOW, more work has been accomplished that describes her and my nirvana and, or course, many many others, as well. Check the youTube articles that describe :-
A). The breakdown of the ego, in preference to the "real-self" or the other self, the SOUL.
B). SO, humanity evolves. Science and spirituality are coming closer together. Our understanding of the genius contained within mental illness is being addressed.
We certainly look back to Beethoven and Mozart, and many current personalities to see a fine line between mental illness and genius.
We are beginning to know who we are, as individuals, and as a humanity this has to be a positive step. Our psyche doctors in the West are right now considering "spiritual emergence" as a condition worthy of their intellectual psyche training.
Goo THAT "spiritual emergence". check out it's flavours and run them through your own reasoning.
In the meantime, consider your own societal opinions (and your dominant left brain attitudes and see if you have a little room for some compassion with a touch less stigma towards bi-polar, and all mental illness.
We are human, maybe even more so, without that illusory EGO.
That's for you my sweet Lozka. Jermy will love that. I spoke with you in that psyche ward many years ago. I reckon you'd remember that, I reckon. I love you SO much. I can still feel your arms around me. XOX
Namaste by jeggsey Jul 31