LE MOTIF Model-View-ViewModel DESIGN (MVVM) pour WPF
Patterns WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern Josh Smith Developing the user interface of a professional software application is not easy. It can be a murky blend of data, interaction design, visual design, connectivity, multithreading, security, internationalization, validation, unit testing, and a touch of voodoo. There are popular design patterns that can help to tame this unwieldy beast, but properly separating and addressing the multitude of concerns can be difficult. It is not always the design patterns at fault. As the software world continues to adopt WPF at an increasing rate, the WPF community has been developing its own ecosystem of patterns and practices. By the end of this article, it will be clear how data templates, commands, data binding, the resource system, and the MVVM pattern all fit together to create a simple, testable, robust framework on which any WPF application can thrive. Order vs. The Evolution of Model-View-ViewModel The Demo Application
MVVM for Dummies
I think that I have found one of the best articles on MVVM that I have ever read: This article sums up what is in MVVM and what is outside of MVVM. Note, when I and most other people say MVVM, they really mean MVVM, Commanding, Dependency Injection + any other Patterns you need to create your application. In WPF a lot of use is made of the Decorator and Behaviour pattern as well. C# – Ideal public partial class IdealView : UserControl { public IdealView() { InitializeComponent(); } } Figure: This is the ideal code behind for a Control / Window / Page when using MVVM. C# – Compromise, but works public partial class IdealView : UserControl { public IdealView() { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = new IdealViewModel(); } } Figure: This is a compromise, but the best you can do without Dependency Injection VB.NET – Ideal VB.NET – Compromise, but works
WPF Tutorial