The Creative Loves of... Heart Zeena
Zeena of Heart Zeena is a printer and textile designer living in lovely South West London working from her garden studio at home. She creates printed treats for the home all of which are hand made and silk screen printed by Zeena or one of her helpers. I first spotted her work at the We Make Craft Fair in London back in December and so am really happy to have her here on Creative Loves this week.... Can you tell me about your work space? My studio is absolute chaos at the moment, but I like to think of it as organised mess! Have you always been creatively driven? What inspires you, where do you go for ideas? What is a typical work day for you? How do you approach each brief / project? What projects are you working on at the moment? What has been the most interesting or exciting project you've worked on? In terms of your work what couldn't you live without? What do you love most about what you do? What do you want to do in the future? Where are you happiest?
My Blog | Just another WordPress site
CorelDRAW X5 Introducción
En este punto comentaremos las características que aporta esta nueva versión sobre la anterior. Mejoras y novedades de CorelDRAW X4: Las herramientas de diseño mejoradas, mas opciones de texto, nuevos elementos de diseño y una interfaz renovada. Capas independientes. Tablas. Previsualizacion de texto en directo, permite interactuar con el texto en pantalla, probar distintas fuentes y evaluar los resultados antes de aplicar los cambios. Opción para reflejar el texto de parrafo, lo puedes hacer horizontalmente, verticalmente o de ambas maneras. Compactibilidad formatos RAW. Interfaz del usuario actualizada y miniaturas mejoradas. Las herramientas de diseño mejoradas. Mejoras y novedades de CorelDRAW X5: Organizador de contenido, para explorar los archivos del sistema. Configuraciones preestablecidas para nuevos archivos e imágenes. Permite bloquear la barra de herramientas. Compatibilidad con pantallas táctiles, procesadores multinúcleo y Windows 7. Dibujo con coordenadas.
Robots to revolutionize farming, ease labor woes
SALINAS, Calif. (AP) — On a windy morning in California's Salinas Valley, a tractor pulled a wheeled, metal contraption over rows of budding iceberg lettuce plants. Engineers from Silicon Valley tinkered with the software on a laptop to ensure the machine was eliminating the right leafy buds. The engineers were testing the Lettuce Bot, a machine that can "thin" a field of lettuce in the time it takes about 20 workers to do the job by hand. The thinner is part of a new generation of machines that target the last frontier of agricultural mechanization — fruits and vegetables destined for the fresh market, not processing, which have thus far resisted mechanization because they're sensitive to bruising. Researchers are now designing robots for these most delicate crops by integrating advanced sensors, powerful computing, electronics, computer vision, robotic hardware and algorithms, as well as networking and high precision GPS localization technologies. View gallery
Eat Drink Chic
Curbly | DIY Design Community
Keyhole Gardens
Keyhole Gardens First made popular in Africa, keyhole gardens are catching on in Texas and other hot, dry places. Keyhole gardens hold moisture and nutrients due to an active compost pile placed in the center of a round bed. Although most helpful in hot and dry locations a keyhole garden will improve growing conditions in just about any climate. From a bird's eye view the garden is shaped as a keyhole. Keyhole Garden in Central Texas, Deb Tolman uses keyhole gardens as the main source of her own food supply, and is working on ways to keep them producing throughout multiple seasons and conditions. Keyhole garden in Lesotho by Send a Cow, who first popularized keyhole gardens in Africa. Keyhole garden. Keyhole garden by Send a Cow. A keyhole garden in Ethiopia. Keyhole garden in Uganda by Send a Cow. Keyhole garden scheme. When it rains or when you water your compost, the nutrients will seep into the surrounding bed. Step by step photos of a keyhole garden build. How to:
Free Paper Bag Printables
Anyone planning on using kraft paper bags for their shower/ wedding/ party favors? Packing some late night treats or out-of-town goodies for your guests? How about dressing them up a bit with these printable goodies? These FREE templates can either be printed directly or on labels you can apply onto the bags. If brown kraft bags aren’t your style, there’s also glassine or white paper bags (try Paper Mart’s food bags section). Now head over to these sites for the templates and tutes, and have fun! (Clockwise from top left): Paper bag favor labels from Flights of FancyPrintable popcorn bags, via MushyCoffee favor labels from Martha StewartPrintable cookie bags, also via MushyDIY goodie bags by Wedding Chicks
I've been scrapbooking. Actual pages and not just PL pages. But first my word. In December I was trying to figure out what my One Little Word was going to be. My word for last year was 'awake'. A dear friend that I had made through this wonderful industry reached out to me at the beginning of last year and suggested a few things. One day I would be like- "Yes! The next day I would be like- "How in the world am I going to do all of this with a baby and a toddler?! Then one night I decided lets do this. By, 'let's' I mean ME. See how crazy this thought was? There was a lot of praying during this time. I did inquire about manufacturing. The next day, after inquiring about manufacturing, I was out running errands. Later that day I got an email from the creative director at Echo Park asking if I wanted to work with them. I honestly read it and thought, "Nah, they have the wrong girl. I spent 2013 designing and spending time with my family. Nothing except '+'.
Így termessz egyszerűen, olcsón szuperélelmet a konyhádban
A csíráztatás a legegyszerűbb és leggyorsabb módja annak, hogy szuper élelmet állítsunk elő. Az olyan kifogások mint „én nem vagyok az az ember” vagy „nincs elég hely” egyszerűen nem lehetnek kifogások arra, hogy ne lássuk el magunkat olyan élelemmel ami különleges minőséggel és értékkel bír. Egyik ilyen lehet a lucerna: A lucerna hajtásait azelőtt takarítják be, mielőtt az teljes növénnyé fejlődne ki. Mit tudnak? A vitamin tartalma bizonyos magoknak, hajtásoknak, gabonaféléknek, és csonthéjasoknak akár 20%-os növekedést is elérhet, az eredeti értékhez képest néhány napon belül a csírázás megindulása után. A Vitamin tartalma egy magnak a csírázáskor végbemenő biokémiai folyamatok következtében akár 100%-tól 2000%-kal is megnőhet, magtól és körülményektől függően. Tartalmuk Minden magban megtalálható vitaminok közé tartozik az A-vitaminC-vitaminB1-vitaminB6-vitaminK-vitamin A lucerna csírában a K-vitamon koncentráció a legmagasabb ami jelenlegi ismereteink szerint a természetben előfordul.
:: Freebies ::
Hello! As you all know I'm a big lover of all things DIY and hybrid. I've designed some traditional and some more non traditional patterns for you all to enjoy for personal use. Alter empty cans, use as dollshouse wallpaper and floors, make your own birthday cards, wrapping paper, print and frame for graphic art, the possibilities are endless! Click on the images to download from 4shared. These are all hq jpgs, pdfs will be available soon, well as soon as I figure out how to convert them that is! Please enjoy! Skriv gärna en rad och berätta vad du använt/använder dess till, kanske vi kan inspireras av din kreativitet!
hart + sew | Vintage Baby Clothing