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Hearing test detecting high frequencies - INSIDER Have you ever feared that your hearing might not be in tip-top shape anymore because of all the music you blast from your earbuds? Well this test can show the relative "age" of your hearing as well as the damage you've done to your ability to detect high frequencies. To make sure you hear the sounds perfectly, make sure to: Be in a quiet environmentHave a strong internet connectionWear high quality over-the-ear headphones Depending on the quality of your internet connection, some of the frequencies might not play. This is not an official medical diagnosis as high frequency detection doesn't affect your day-to-day life. Produced by Corey Protin.

Ed Dolan's Econ Blog » Could We Afford a Universal Basic Income? Author: Ed Dolan · · Share This Print 414 265 This version, revised June 25, 2014, corrects errors in calculating the value of the personal exemption and the size of the Social Security population that were present in the January original. The first post in this series looked at the economic case for a universal basic income (UBI), by which I mean an unconditional grant, paid to every individual, that would be sufficient to maintain a decent minimum standard of living. In that post, I argued that replacing the many overlapping income support policies currently used in the United States with a UBI would be more effective in raising the incomes of poor and near-poor households while strengthening work incentives and improving administrative efficiency. The evident economic downside is that a UBI would be less narrowly targeted on the poor than existing programs. How to frame the question of affordability Healthcare and education In the case of healthcare, we have two choices. The Bottom Line

ImportExportTools ImportExportTools consente di esportare e importare i messaggi con maggiore flessibilità, prevedendo le seguenti opzioni: Menù Strumenti --> ImportExportTools Menù contestuale sul pannello delle cartelle --> Importa/Esporta Menù File --> Salva messaggi selezionati Menù contestuale sul pannello dei messaggi --> Salva messaggi selezionati - salvataggio in formato eml/html/testo/PDF di multipli messaggi con un solo click; Menù Messaggio --> Copia negli appunti Menù contestuale sul pannello dei messaggi --> Copia negli appunti - copia il messaggio completo o solo le intestazioni negli appunti. Menù contestuale sull'icona di un allegato EML - importa il messaggio nella cartella Note da tenere presenti: L'estensione al momento è localizzata in italiano, inglese, spagnolo, slovacco, catalano, giapponese, russo, francese, portoghese, ungherese, olandese, coreano, cinese, danese, galiziano, svedese, tedesco, armeno. Compatibilità : Thunderbird 1.0 o superiore - Seamonkey 2.0 o superiore

Dan and Lainey » Why does Lindy Hop have 6 AND 8 count patterns? By Daniel Newsome Why does Lindy Hop have 6 AND 8 count patterns? I’ve taught a fair amount of classes in my day and time and again one of the most common questions I get is “Why is there 6 count steps, when the music is clearly 8 counts”. Partly as a product of our education systems, and partly because so many of us have science, computer or engineering backgrounds, we have a strong desire to categorize and systematize. Basically, this is why In short, there is really nothing about a rock step that make it “go with” the beats 1 and 2 any more or any less than a triple step would, or a kick step, or anything else for that matter. When we execute one or more 6 count moves (or 4, 10, or 12 count moves) all of the sudden the rock steps and triple steps fall over the dance in different places with respect to the music. Why it sounds like the music is in 8 counts Swing music is written in a signature know as 4/4. Groups of two beats Points of emphasis Arthur Murray Catch you on the hardwoods!

Gamma GT alto e basso - Scopri i valori normali! Link sponsorizzati Valori Normali Uomini 1-6 anni: 7-19 U/l7-9 anni: 9-22 U/l10-13 anni: 9-24 U/l14-15 anni: 9-26 U/l16-17 anni: 9-27 U/l18-35 anni: 9-31 U/l36-40 anni: 8-35 U/l41-45 anni: 9-37 U/l46-50 anni: 10-39 U/l51-54 anni: 10-42 U/l55 anni: 11-45 U/l56 anni o più: 12-48 U/lDonne Da un anno in poi: 6-29 U/l Fonte: Mayo (Attenzione, gli intervalli di riferimento possono differire da un laboratorio all'altro, fare quindi riferimento a quelli presenti sul referto in caso di esami del sangue ed urina.) Descrizione La gammaglutamil transferasi (GGT, o Gamma GT) si trova principalmente nel rene, fegato e nelle cellule pancreatiche, mentre altri tessuti ne contengono quantità decisamente inferiori; fa eccezione il tessuto renale che ha il più alta concentrazione di enzima, anche se la presenza nel sangue sembra essere legata , l’enzima presente nel siero sembra provenire principalmente dal sistema epatobiliare. Interpretazione Valori Bassi Valori Alti (Attenzione, elenco non esaustivo.

A Look Back at 20+ Years of Website Design Web design has come a long way since 1991 when the first ever website was published. Exclusively text-based, this first website marked the beginning of what would become a digital revolution. And while recollections of “under construction” GIFs and blinding background colors make me thankful for just how far web design has come, there are some historical web design choices that in fact demand a nod of approval. Let's take a stroll down memory lane and look at how web design has evolved (for better and for worse) over the past two decades. Antiquity Prior to the late 90s, there was no such thing as "high-speed" when it came to internet connections. 21st Century Takeaways: While the function of these early sites was purely informational, there are some design elements from these days of antiquity that still apply today. Yes, today's internet can handle media-rich websites ... but it still has some limits. The Middle Ages (P.S. The Renaissance Renaissance. The Enlightenment Today

Motto Bowling Alone narcisists and workouts Shutterstock Be honest with me here: You have one or even multiple friends, who always post their gym activity to Facebook. Or maybe that person is you. "Ran 15 miles before work! Researchers from the Brunel University in London have conducted a study as to why so many people share every workout on social media. People who are always keen on documenting their gym activities (or every time you simply go for a good, old-fashioned run) tend to be narcissists. "Narcissists more frequently updated about their achievements, which was motivated by their need for attention and validation from the Facebook community", the study concludes.

when does intelligence becomes a curse... Woe is me; I'm too smart for my own good.Flickr/sadiediane You might think life would be easier, happier, and infinitely more fulfilling if only you could rack up a few more IQ points. But that's hardly the case, as evidenced by the 100-plus answers on a Quora thread titled, "When does intelligence become a curse?" Users wrote about everything from the absurdly high expectations that people place on them to the trouble of constantly being perceived as a braggart. Below, we've rounded up some of the most thought-provoking responses and explained the science behind them. You often think instead of feel Quora user Marcus Geduld says he generally understands his emotions really well and can tell other people about them — but he never feels the relief of expressing them. "This is a common problem for smart people, especially ones who are highly verbal. Geduld's observation highlights the distinction between cognitive and emotional skills. People frequently expect you to be a top performer

O câncer em uma lata: este é um dos produtos mais tóxicos e quase todos consomem sem saber! Você certamente conhece a batatinha tipo chips. Trata-se de um produto muito apreciado, distribuído em larga escala por todo o mundo. Ela normalmente é vendida em caprichadas e vistosas embalagens de plástico, mas também é comum a embalagem em lata. Apesar de ser muito vendida e apreciada, é um alimento muito prejudicial. Entenda: na primeira fase de produção das batatas chips, os ingredientes são comuns e podem ser consumidos, como: arroz, trigo, flocos de milho e flocos de batata. Eles são misturados para formar um tipo de massa fininha. Em seguida, inicia-se o processo de moldar as batatas. Depois que elas estão na forma que as conhecemos, são levadas para assar numa temperatura altíssima. Na última etapa, antes da embalagem, é a dos temperos. Uma máquina sopra nas batatas para eliminar o excesso de gordura, depois as chips recebem sabores artificiais em pó, como bacon, queijo, cebola... O perigo está justamente no aquecimento das batatinhas industrializadas. Além disso, ela:

DiskStation Manager - Knowledge Base | Synology Inc. Overview When you purchase a new Synology NAS, your existing data can be moved from the old Synology NAS to the newly acquired one. This simple process is called "migration" but needs to be performed with care, so please read the instructions below to avoid any accidental data loss due to human error. Depending on your Synology product or individual setup, there are several methods to perform migration. Contents 1. 1.1 Source and target Synology NAS Performing migration moves data and drives from one Synology NAS to another. 1.2 Always back up your data The migration procedures mentioned in this article allow you to keep most of your data. Note: Performing migration requires Synology Assistant 5.0 and DSM 5.0 or higher. 2. This section provides steps to perform migration. Once you are prepared, please see the sections below for instructions on how to perform migration. 2.1 Migrating between two identical Synology NAS models Before you start:Prepare a temporary SATA hard drive. Important: Note!
