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Khan Academy
Related:  physics

IoHT :: 110+ Variations of the Second Law of Thermodynamics Questions about these second law variations? Know of other second law definitions? Copyright © Institute of Human Thermodynamics and IoHT Publishing Ltd. All Rights Reserved [1] Hippocrates (c. 440 BC). [2] Lavoisier, A. (1789). [3-4] Carnot, S. (1824). [5-8] Clausius, R. (1850). [9] Kelvin, L. (1852). [10] Kelvin, L. (1852). [11] Kelvin, L. (1852). [12] Kelvin, L. (1852). [13] Kelvin, L. (1852). the Philosophical Magazine, October, 1852; also Mathematical and Physical Papers, vol. i, art. 59. [14] Clausius, R. (1865). [15] Kelvin & Planck. (1879). [16-17] Planck. [18] Caratheodory, C. (1908). [19-21] Fermi, E. (1936). [22-23] Bridgman, P. (1941). [24] Keenan, J. (1941). [25-26] Klotz. [27] Fritz, A. (1959). [28] King, A. (1962). [29-30] Lee, J. & Sears, F. (1963). [31-32] Bazarov, I. (1964). [33] Bent, H. (1965). [34] Hatsopoulos, G. & Keenan, J. (1965). [35-37] Kern, R. & Weisbrod, A. (1967). [38] Battino, R. & Wood, S. (1968). [39] Bekenstein, J. (1971). [40-41] Lehninger, A. (1971).

UC Berkeley Webcasts | Video and Podcasts: Events by Category Marc Davis A description of modern astronomy with emphasis on the structure and evolution of stars, galaxies, and the Universe. Jennifer A. Doudna, John G. Forte, Michael Meighan, Robert L. Fischer General Biology Lecture - General introduction to cell structure and function, molecular and organismal genetics, animal development, form and function. Michael Meighan General Biology Laboratory - Laboratory that accompanies 1A lecture course. Alan Shabel, Mike Moser, Bruce G. General introduction to plant development, form, and function; population genetics, ecology, and evolution. Angelica Stacy, Michelle Douskey Stoichiometry of chemical reactions, quantum mechanical description of atoms, the elements and periodic table, chemical bonding, real and ideal gases, thermochemistry, introduction to thermodynamics and equilibrium, acid-base and solubility equilibria, introduction to oxidation-reduction reactions, introduction to chemical kinetics. K. Cognitive Science C127, 001 - Fall 2011 Richard Ivry

WikiEducator Dimensions Home A film for a wide audience! Nine chapters, two hours of maths, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Mathematical vertigo guaranteed! Background information on every chapter: see "Details". Click on the image on the left to watch the trailer ! (turn your speakers on please). Free download and you can watch the films online! The film can also be ordered as a DVD. This film is being distributed under a Creative Commons license. Now with even more languages for the commentary and subtitles: Commentary in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Russian. Film produced by: Jos Leys (Graphics and animations) Étienne Ghys (Scenario and mathematics) Aurélien Alvarez (Realisation and post-production)

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