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Tickle: Program Star Wars BB-8 Droid, Drones, Arduino, Dash and Dot, Sphero, Robots, Hue, Scratch, and Smart Homes on your iPhone and iPad

Tickle: Program Star Wars BB-8 Droid, Drones, Arduino, Dash and Dot, Sphero, Robots, Hue, Scratch, and Smart Homes on your iPhone and iPad
Related:  arnaudsauvDRONEBusiness - Programming

Le mouvement "MAKER" envahit vos écoles et vos collèges...? 100 Shares Share Tweet Email 1- Le mouvement MAKER, la culture MAKER Les 30 avril et premier mai 2016 s’est tenue la troisième édition du MAKER FAIRE Paris. C’est le lancement du magazine MAKE à San Francisco en 2005 suivi du premier MAKER FAIRE en 2006 qui a déclenché ce que l’on nomme maintenant le mouvement MAKER. Wikepedia définit cette culture comme « l’apprentissage par la pratique dans un cadre social ». Le MAKERSPACE, l’atelier de fabrication numérique ne se définit pas par ce qu’il contient mais par ce qui en sort : les projets, les expériences, les prototypes, les artéfacts . . . Les écoliers y conçoivent et fabriquent des objets, des systèmes, des programmes pour résoudre des problèmes concrets avec des outils simples et/ou des codes informatiques. Les objets et les outils qui meublent le MAKERSPACE ne sont qu’un moyen pour arriver à une fin – c’est-à-dire la création d’objets et la résolution de problèmes en équipe. Pourquoi réinventer la roue ? 6 – Outils et bricoles les outils

Robo:Bit Robotics Controller and Buggy for Micro:Bit | 4tronix Robo:Bit is a general purpose robotics controller for the BBC Micro:Bit, that also converts easily into a self-contained little buggy. Purchase Robo:Bit here Purchase the Robo:Bit Buggy here Overview The Robo:Bit controller has the following features Ready assembled (NB. headers for the underside are not fitted unless the complete buggy is purchased, but they are included in case you want to add these)Edge connector for easy attachment of your BBC Micro:BitDual motor driver with full control of each motor for both direction and speed (uses DRV8833)3.3V Regulator to power the BBC Micro:BitPower On/Off switch with LED indicatorMounting holes for either 3-cell or 4-cell AA battery holderFront interface for ultrasonic distance sensor (simply push-fit an HC-SR04, or solder for added security) [NB. Warning: The line follower sensors share the same pins as the buttons. Software & Programming Robo:Bit uses the same connections for the motors as Bit:Bot, so most of the software will continue to work.

MIT App Inventor Get Started Follow these simple directions to build your first app! Tutorials Step-by-step guides show you how to create even more apps. Teach Find out about curriculum and resources for teachers. Forums Join community forums to get answers to your questions. The US government has begun trialling methods to disable and track commercial drones | News | Lifestyle | The Independent The US government is conducting tests into ways to disable and track drones that may infiltrate sensitive sites. Although the research, which is being contributed to by various government agencies and state law enforcement, is in its early stages, there has been at least one field test, according to Reuters. A source told the news agency that late last year, police in New York used a microwave-based system to try to track a commercially available drone in Times Square and send it back to its operator. The test, which previously went unreported, was set back by signal interference from nearby media broadcasts, and apparently involved representatives from the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Defence Department A security scare was prompted in Tokyo after a small drone was found landed on the roof of the Japanese Prime Minister's official residence The most amazing drone pictures

Construct 2 - the HTML5 game I’ve been experimenting with Construct 2 from Scirra the last few days. Construct 2 is a program from creating HTML 5 games. What really got my interest was that there is the ability to create Windows 8 games using Construct 2 with Visual Studio 12. The Construct 2 development environment is pretty easy to use and I find that some similarities to Visual Studio (among other tools) is helpful in finding ones way around it. The image below shows the layout of graphical objects on the screen as well as the properties box, list of images and outline of the project. The coding involves what is called an event sheet. I really like that for a single event you can easily specify different actions for different objects in the game. Programs/games are created in the Construct 2 IDE and tested in a web browser. My next step is to outline the things you’ll want to include in a game that you make with Construct 2 in order to make it fit the guidelines for inclusion in the Windows Marketplace.

SABOTAGE – Un élève réécrit une page Wikipédia pour ne pas être accusé de plagiat Début 2008, un élève s'est amusé à saboter le contenu de la page Wikipédia consacrée au livre Le Meilleur des mondes, d'Aldous Huxley. Son mobile ? il avait intégralement repompé la page pour un devoir de français et ne voulait pas que sa prof s'en aperçoive. Ci-dessous, un aperçu du début du résumé de l'ouvrage revu et massacré par l'élève : Le début du résumé de la page Wikipédia réécrite par l'élève Un contributeur remarque la supercherie quelques jours plus tard, la révoque et signifie au saboteur : "Avant de changer complètement un article, il serait pertinent que vous en discutiez en page de discussion". S'engage alors une discussion surréaliste entre les deux protagonistes : "- En fait je voulais juste changer le resumé pendant une semaine parque j'ai rendu un devoir à ma prof de français et j'ai beaucoup pompé. - L'article 'Le meilleur des mondes' a été visité 15 000 fois en mars 2008, ce qui fait 3 500 visiteurs par semaine. Signaler ce contenu comme inapproprié

Internet of Things - The micro:bit is a computing platform from the BBC. It is an open platform for developing all manner of projects and is programmable by many different editors, including a blocks editor provided by Microsoft. Learn more about the micro:bit at the Micro:bit Educational Foundation's website. Download the BBC micro:bit extension MIT App Inventor has built a set of extensions to allow apps created with MIT App Inventor to interact with a micro:bit. Hopscotch - Make your own game. Learn to code. Life as a drone operator: 'Ever step on ants and never give it another thought?' When Michael Haas, a former senior airman with the US air force, looks back on the missions he flew over Afghanistan and other conflict zones in a six-year career operating military drones, one of the things he remembers most vividly is the colorful language airmen would use to describe their targets. A team of three would be sitting, he recalls, in a ground control station in Creech air force base outside Las Vegas, staring at computer screens on to which images would be beamed back from high-powered sensors on Predator drones thousands of miles away. The aim of the missions was to track, and when the conditions were deemed right, kill suspected insurgents. And then there were the children. They called them “fun-sized terrorists”. Haas is one of four former air force drone operators and technicians who as a group have come forward to the Guardian to register their opposition to the ongoing reliance on the technology as the US military’s modern weaponry of choice. The number was 1,626.

HWTrek - a unique home for connecting hardware enthusiasts around the world Redimensionner, fusionner et gérer ses partitions sans formatage (sur Windows) ! Bonjour, J’entend souvent parler des partitions et ses problèmes… Plusieurs gens cherchent les vraies solutions et les outils permettant de redimentionner, fusionner ou créer les partitions sur Windows sans passer par le formatage ! Dans ce tutoriel, vous allez voir comment faire pour gérer vos partitions gratuitement et les redimentionner en utilisant uniquement un outil fourni par Windows (Vista/7/XP). Pour fusionner deux partitions séparés, j’ai mit à votre disposition un outil gratuit, EASE Partition Manager. C’est vous qui prend le risque, pas nous. Allons-y ! Méthode 1 : Créer des partitions via Windows. Commençons par l’outil inclus dans Windows, le gestionnaire des disques. Ouvrez votre menu démarrer, et cliquez bouton droit sur Ordinateur (ou poste de travail) puis cliquez sur « Gérer ». Un nouvelle fenêtre nommé « Gestion de l’ordinateur » va s’ouvrir. PS : Vous pouvez accéder au gestionnaire des disques via « Exécuter », en utilisant la commande : Diskmgmt.msc Cliquez OK. Et voilà !

carlosperate/awesome-microbit: A curated list of BBC micro:bit resources. - Course 4 Your browser is not supported. Please upgrade your browser to one of our supported browsers. You can try viewing the page, but expect functionality to be broken. App Lab works best on a desktop or laptop computer with a mouse and keyboard. Game Lab works best on a desktop or laptop computer with a mouse and keyboard. You may experience issues using Web Lab in Private Browsing mode. CS in Algebra curriculum and content is being deprecated.
