The mind-blowing growth in East Asian cities, visualized How much change can happen in only one decade? If you’re looking at East Asia between 2000 and 2010, the answer is probably “more than you think.” Earlier this year, the World Bank put out a call to data specialists to find the most innovative and effective ways to visualize the fascinating data it had gathered on 869 urban areas in East Asia with more than 100,000 people each in 2010. Here are a few stills from Bremer's interactive: As Bremer’s visualization shows, those 869 cities grew by one-third in just a decade. As of 2010, East Asia had 738 cities with between 100,00 and 1 million people, 123 cities with a population between 1 and 10 million, and 8 megacities with more than 10 million people. As the visualization suggests, urbanization is a powerful force for boosting economic growth and alleviating poverty. Click here to visit the interactive on Bremer’s site. Ana Swanson writes for Know More and Wonkblog. Continue reading
uk.businessinsider Économie d’un méga-bidonville Recensé : Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky, Dharavi : From Mega-Slum to Urban Paradigm, New Delhi : Routledge, Series Cities and the Urban Imperative, 2013, 400 p. Le bidonville de Dharavi jouit d’une grande notoriété. Située au cœur de Mumbai, cette étendue de 3 km², sur laquelle vivent quelques 800 000 habitants, est récemment devenue le centre de toutes les attentions. Au cours des dernières années, les ouvrages dédiés au bidonville se sont multipliés : parmi eux Rediscovering Dharavi : Stories From Asia’s Largest Slum (2000), Poor Little Rich Slum (2012) and Dharavi, The City Within (2013), pour n’en citer que quelques-uns. Cette série de publications constitue presque une discipline à part entière, la Dharavi-ologie [1]. Le livre de Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky, Dharavi : From Mega-Slum to Urban Paradigm (2013), appartient à cet ensemble de travaux. L’ouvrage envisage Dharavi comme un « fait social total », une société à part entière. Un centre économique incontournable
Geography of Poverty | msnbc An example of this phenomenon is the Atlanta metropolitan area, where sojourners from all over the country flocked for the affordable housing and good schools. A recent report found 88% of Atlanta’s poor now live in the suburbs, and the area’s poor population grew by 159% between 2010 and 2011. By 2011, the same report found, the number of people living below the poverty rate in the suburbs across the country numbered a whopping 16.4 million, surpassing those living in cities. The notion of an escape, of climbing out of poverty, of pulling one’s self up from the trenches to something better, is as elusive as ever. Being poor bears a stigma often perpetuated by politicians who play on tired stereotypes and stubborn myths. President Barack Obama talked at length about poverty during a recent conference at Georgetown University, urging liberals and conservatives to work together to attack the challenge head on. “Talk to any of my Republican friends,” Obama said.
Geopolítica en el Mar de China En una región sustancialmente amplia se encuentran a día de hoy algunas de las tensiones políticas más importantes. Hablamos del Mar de China. Pero, ¿qué es el Mar de China? ¿Dónde está exactamente? ¿Qué países tienen parte – o todas – sus aguas dentro de dicho mar? ¿Por qué hay tanta tensión? Localización y características del Mar de China El Mar de China es una extensión marina situada en el este y sureste asiático, con una superficie de unos 4.250.000 km2. El Mar de China Oriental abarca la costa este de China, el sur de Corea del Sur, el suroeste de Japón con las correspondientes islas Ryukyu y el norte de la isla de Formosa, actualmente conocida como Taiwán. El Mar de China Meridional es de una extensión considerable, que llega desde la costa sur de China hasta Singapur, abarcando las aguas de diez países: China, Taiwán, Filipinas, Vietnam, Camboya, Malasia, Brunei, Singapur, Tailandia e Indonesia. ARTÍCULO RELACIONADO: El transporte marítimo (Juan Pérez Ventura, Diciembre 2012)
World Water Day: Mapping the spread of dams in the US — CartoDB Blog World Water Day was celebrated this past Sunday bringing attention to issues around water and sustainable development. Given current water use, the UN predicts the world will face a 40% shortfall in water by 2030. Recent news on California’s on-going drought, and the environmental risk posed by hundreds of dams in the US highlight the importance of water in our lives. Much of American history, both geological and cultural, is linked to the rivers of the nation. Impact: Energy and Environmental Factors Around the world, hydropower generates 16% of global electricity production. While hydropower can be a source of economic development, dams can also pose significant risk to the environment. Strategy: Placement and Propagation Though the history of dams in the US has mainly involved the construction of dams, more than 200 dams have been removed since 2006. Who gives a Dam? Dams and the water flow rates they manage translate into pretty powerful political capital. Happy mapping!
China's arms exports over the last decade-and-a-half China's arms export trade has been booming. In the 2010-2014 time period, Beijing rose to become the world's third largest weapons exporter, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), narrowly edging out Germany and France from the top three. The following graphic shows the expanding scope of China's arms exports over the last decade-and-a-half. Skye Gould/Business Insider In the previous 2005-2009 period, China was only the world's ninth-largest exporter. A large part of Beijing's weapons trade is in sub-Saharan Africa, a region where China has long been attempting to build political influence to gain access to raw materials, as well as emerging labor and consumer markets. Although China's exports declined in 2014 from the year before, Beijing's arms industry is still in a broader upward trend. Still, despite China's growing export business, the nation still only accounts for 5% to the global arms trade.
Reflecting a racial shift, 78 counties turned majority-minority since 2000 In the United States as a whole, the white share of the population is declining as Hispanic, Asian and black populations grow. But the shift to a more diverse nation is happening more quickly in some places than in others. From 2000 to 2013, 78 counties in 19 states, from California to Kansas to North Carolina, flipped from majority white to counties where no single racial or ethnic group is a majority, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data. Overall, 266 of these 2,440 counties are less than half white. In 19 of the 25 biggest U.S. counties by population, whites make up less than half of the population. Another way to highlight the nation’s changing demographics is to see how many counties flipped in reverse. Among the 78 counties that between 2000 and 2013 went from majority white to places where whites are no longer more than half of the population, 14 were at least 60% white in 2000. Counties That Have Shifted to Majority-Minority Since 2000