Frugal Living Tips To Save Money Everyday Get Free Budgeting Help at Since 2001 - Save Frugal Mom - Frugal Living & Work at Home Ideas : Frugal Mom The Mother Load: August 2006 - The Blog I put together a list of pricing, last year, of items at Aldi Supermarket. I am posting the information here and providing you a list of all the prices on the items that Aldi carries. I do want to say, I am in no way affiliated with or receive any benefits from promoting Aldi Supermarket. The sizing and prices are listed on the items as best as I could do. If you are unhappy with a product from Aldi PLEASE do not email me. If you are looking for more information on Aldi Supermarket, please visit our articles on Aldi Supermarket: The Real Deal? Feel free to add to our list in the comments section. Aldi Item Pricing: Breakfast Foods Grandessa Syrup- maple praline or wild blueberry12 ounce2.29 Aunt Maples Lite Syrup24 ounce0.89 Millville Quick Oats42 ounce1.39 Millville Crisp Rice13.5 ounce1.69 Millville Sugar Frosted Flakes20 ounce1.69 Toaster Tarts12 count1.69 Millville Bite-Size Shredded Wheat1.69 Millville Marshmallow & Stars Cereal1.69 Dairy Gold Hen Grade A Eggs12 eggs0.69 Produce
Welcome to Simple Living with Wanda Urbanska The Frugal Life - Living Well With What You Have Life And My Finances Frugal for Life I Am Not Stealing January 12, 2011 at 12:00 AM The cashier smiled and laughed at the customer in front of me, but the minute I stepped up to the counter her face turned very tense and serious. I’ve seen this look before. I handed her my discount card and let her know that I had a stack of coupons matching the items in my basket. When all of the items were scanned I handed over my coupons. I turned to the person behind me and apologized for the inconvenience of holding up the line. I wanted to tell him that I encounter this problem every time I’m faced with this particular cashier. She was clearly annoyed with me so I suggested she call the store manager. When the manager reached the register the cashier said, “this woman is trying to get everything for free.” Now I should say that I’m not an extreme couponer, but I do save a lot of money on every day household products by shopping at the local drugstores in my area. I’m not sure what her issue is. Entry filed under: shopping.
» The Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips for Frugal Living Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter. Confession time: I’m a cheapskate. Some would say frugal, which sounds much more positive, but in reality I can be a real cheapskate. I am fairly frugal (though not always), but sometimes I take it too far: I have T-shirts with holes in them, I never buy new clothes, we’re shopping for a new couch because our current one has holes in it, and I ran my current pair of running shoes until the soles fell off. However, I have gradually learned to be frugal in many ways that I would recommend to others. Why live frugally? All of which you might believe, but I believe I do have a life. So, if you’d like some tips on frugal living, here are just a few, from a cheapskate. Go with one car. —Read more about simple productivity, focus and getting great things done in my book, The Power of Less.