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Environment Facts, Environment Science, Global Warming, Natural

Environment Facts, Environment Science, Global Warming, Natural

An Organic Mattress Worth Investing in When looking for an environmental approach to your bedroom, recycling and organic should be the way to go. Bedding and mattresses are a huge issue in the landfills and coming up with a solution for this problem is a must. Beds can last twenty or more years, and I strongly suggest to take care of them properly. My suggestion if you are not a wealthy individual and can not afford to shop for an organic bed, is to purchase one second hand and properly clean and disinfect the mattress appropriately with an organic cleanser that has anti bacterial properties to the solution, and let it dry. Summer months or warmer months is usually a better option, this way you can place the mattress outside to dry quicker. One of the best investments in a book that I own and that I have discovered is called Green Leaders. I have located a few businesses offering a green bed to purchase, as well as other bedding such as sheets and pillows, but they are very expensive but with good reason. Hastens Sweetdreamzzz

Univers Nature – Actualité, environnement, habitat et santé | L'environnement et l'éco-habitat sur le Web depuis 1999 Bullfrog Power Unleashes Clean Electricity Bullfrog Power is now offering electricity generated by wind power to all homes and business’s in Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Regional and local grids are used by Bullfrog power to give you the same amount of electricity you were using before. Bullfrog offers power at 100 percent which is renewable and clean electricity for you to use. This is all sourced and generated at a variety of wind farms that are generating this power for people and business’s to use. Bullfrog Power meets the special logo of standard from Environment Canada’s Eco Logo. Investing time and money in wind farms in all provinces that they are currently operating in, they only search for the highest and newest standard of wind production. Here is a list of the generation facilities Bullfrog Power uses in each province. Cowley Ridge Wind Plant– Alberta – Type III Oldman River Wind Farm – Alberta – Type III Bear Mountain Wind Park – B.C. St.

Accueil / MesCoursesPourLaPlanè Feminine Products That are Earth Friendly Many environmentalists are speaking about the landfill issues of diapers. It is on the news, green sites, and many people speak of the diaper problem continuously. Diapers are not the only form of a throw away object that does not decompose fast enough. Environmental choices for feminine products do exist, but are not being spoken about enough, nor are they being sold in regular grocery stores or pharmacies as they should be. Here is a list of a few options to consider. The Diva Cup If you already use tampons, and do not enjoy using pads, the Diva Cup is recyclable and can be reused after washing them. Wemoon A natural pad made out of organic fabric is available from this Australian based company. Organic Pads That Compost Another option available although supplies are very limited through this organization, is pads you can compost.

Développement Durable sur Vedura VertAttitude Women's Network for a Sustainable Future | Advancing sustainability through the commitment, talent, and leadership of businesswomen worldwide. Ecologie : Pour une démocratie durable, aux armes citoyens Les citoyens du monde entier se mobilisent de plus en plus face aux défis écologiques en proposant des solutions d'actions à mener ensemble ou à proposer aux décideurs publics. Le site participatif " Démocratie Durable " fédère et rassemble toutes les propositions de ces éco-citoyens qui souhaite un monde plus bio, plus durable et plus équitable. Démocratie Durable est un site de réflexion, de propositions et de mobilisations des citoyens et des associations francophones sur tous les thèmes écologiques et de développement durable. Sur le site Démocratie Durable, vous pouvez échanger et partager vos informations, proposer vos idées d'actions publiques à mener, présenter vos projets collectifs en cours d'élaboration et vous mobiliser activement grâce aux Cyberactions ! En octobre, un focus particulier est mis sur la thématique " alimentation, agriculture, pêche et sylviculture " face au défi de nourrir la planète, mais sans la détruire ! l’essentiel du développement durable L'actualité du Développement Durable et des énergies renouvelables.
