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The School of Life

The School of Life

An Animated Introduction to Michel Foucault, "Philosopher of Power" Do you still need a working knowledge of the ideas of Michel Foucault to hold your own on the cocktail party circuit? Probably not, but the ideas themselves, should you bring them up there, remain as fascinating as ever. But how, apart from entering (or re-entering) grad school, to get started learning about them? Just look above: Alain de Botton’s School of Life has produced a handy eight-minute primer on the life and thought of the controversial “20th-century French philosopher and historian who spent his career forensically criticizing the power of the modern bourgeois capitalist state.” Perhaps that sounds like a parody of the activity of a French philosopher, but if you watch, you’ll find highlighted elements of Foucault’s grand intellectual project still relevant to us today. Once the School of Life has got you briefed on this wealthy altar boy (!) Related Content: Michel Foucault – Beyond Good and Evil: 1993 Documentary Explores the Theorist’s Controversial Life and Philosophy

Corpus "La France qui innove a trente ans de moins que celle qui nous dirige" Startup Assembly est une initiative pour démocratiser la culture de l'innovation et de l'entrepreneuriat auprès du plus grand nombre. Son initiateur Marc-Arthur Gauthey, 28 ans, entrepreneur et membre du collectif Ouishare, estime qu'il y a tout à inventer. Et que ce serait dommage de s'en priver. Tribune. "Tout autour de moi, j'observe des gens pour qui le monde change trop vite, emportant dans son mouvement les valeurs, les normes et les principes qui ont, jusque là, été le ciment de notre société. Sociale d'abord, car les communautés innovantes, si ouvertes soient-elles, ont leurs codes, leurs jargons, leurs pratiques et quelquefois leurs rites initiatiques. Territoriale ensuite, car les régions et les villes n'ont pas toutes amorcé le virage de notre siècle avec les mêmes vision, ambition ou prise de conscience de leur rôle pour permettre l'éclosion d'un écosystème dynamique. Rapprocher deux mondes qui s'ignorent Un festival de start-up pour soigner la fracture numérique

Stunning 10K Timelapse of Brazil 10328x7760 - A 10K Timelapse Demo from SCIENTIFANTASTIC on Vimeo. To showcase the awesome power of the PhaseOne IQ180 camera, timelapser and photographer Joe Capra, a.k.a. Scientifantastic, had to become a surgeon of sorts. 10328x7760 - A 10K Timelapse Demo is exactly what it sounds like: a timelapse video constructed out of photographs with a resolution higher than your computer can handle. Full screen this. Seriously. "This footage comes from some shots I did while shooting 4K and 8K timelapses in Rio De Janeiro for a major electronics manufacturer," says Capra in the video's description. "I wanted to show a couple things with this demo video," Capra explains. Check out 10328x7760 - A 10K Timelapse Demo above, and enjoy the glorious detail with these screencaps below: 14% scale. 50% scale 100% scale Check out more of Joe Capra's work on Vimeo and Scientifantastic. Related: Swooping Seagull Flight Paths Revealed in Time-Blended Video Soaring Over San Francisco Looks Even Better in 4K

Omegle: Talk to strangers! untitled DGPC | Palaeobotany Palaeobotany is the study of vegetal remains (macro and micro fossils) deposited and preserved in various types of sediments. This discipline mainly focuses on the remains encountered in archaeological sites and in their surroundings. Palaeobotany includes different scientific areas: Carpology (seed studies), Anthracology (charcoal studies) and Palynology (study of pollen and other micro-remains). The identification of plant micro and macro fossils permits the interpretation of past natural environments as well as changes in climate, sea level and coast line and the human impact on nature. The study of archaeological deposits may assist in the interpretation of important questions related to anthropogenic impact on the vegetation from agriculture (start, type, cultivated plants, etc.), the introduction of new species, collection and use of wild plants, pastures, deforestation and reforestation, among others. Reference collection Macro-fossils: · Seeds (Carpoteca) Micro-fossils:

Dicionários Avec-vous l'âme d'une entrepreneure ? Les 10 clés du succès “ Etre à l'écoute est essentiel même si cela peut engendrer certaines frustrations ” N°1 : Avez-vous le sens pratique ? On s’imagine souvent que l’entrepreneuriat est seulement l’affaire de personnes passionnées, mais ce n’est pas le cas. Certes, il faut que le projet parte de vos tripes, mais pas obligatoirement qu’il naisse d’une passion. La passion peut être aveuglante et poser des difficultés par la suite. Le plus important, c’est le sens pratique. Le conseil du coach : Ce n’est pas parce qu’on a une bonne idée, qu’on peut créer une entreprise. N°2 : Etes-vous prête à supporter l’échec ? On l’entend régulièrement : impossible de se lancer dans l’entrepreneuriat si l’on n’est pas prêt à encaisser un échec. Le conseil du coach : L’échec, il faut dès le départ l’intégrer. N°3 : Possédez-vous une force de conviction ? Etre entrepreneur, c’est ne compter que sur soi pour dégoter des affaires, développer son business. N°3 : Savez-vous être à l’écoute ? N°4 : Savez-vous renoncer ? @Paojdo

Best of 2013: James Jean, February 2013 For the rest of the month, we are looking back on some of our favorite features from our print edition. Today, we look at the February 2013 cover story with James Jean. At the time, James Jean retired, then didn’t really retire at all. In a similar vein of Michael Jordan, who retired from one phase of his career only to return stronger and more well-equipped to dominate once again, Jean left the illustration world behind in 2008, redefining himself as one of the most talented and intriguing fine artists of his generation... On the eve of perhaps the biggest show of his career, Parallel Lives, opening at Tilton Gallery in NYC on January 9, 2013 Jean was, once again, at a crossroads. This conversation covers everything from his newest work, his personal life, and how he wants to escape.
