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Lucy Knisley - CHAI!

Lucy Knisley - CHAI!
Oh sweet! I'm totally going to use this, thanks. if you go to middle eastern stores, or even indian stores cardamon is waaay waaaaay cheaper. stop buying ethnic ingredients at chain grocery stores- they over charge!! same goes with pomegranate juice... or figs... or dates. I love it when your comics take a turn to the psychedelic side... Holy cow I'm doing this the second I get home from work. Ok, yeah, definitely making a bigger batch next time. I used to get the best Chai tea from the cafe at Borders when I worked there, for some reason I've never had better! Yeah, they had great Chai...then their cafes became Seattle's Best and the good Chai could never be had again. are you planning to publish a book of the various comic recipes you've been making? Twinings had a nice Indian Spice Chai in tea bags, which is nice. Oh wow this is the coolest recipe ever! Cardamom is a lovely, lovely spice, and makes a fabulous spiced sweetened bread. I can't WAIT to try this recipe now. try Oregon Chai.

7 Steps to Sell Anything to Anyone | It’s astonishing to me when I have a discussion with most copywriters, marketers and entrepreneurs and they desperately look for the best approach to communicate or market a written message – when the most obvious tools are staring them right in the face. What’s even more bewildering to me is that many of them have to look for the “best way” to motivate prospects to purchase their product or services – instead of first understanding what automatically actuates them to act. If you haven’t judged what the most noticeable tools are that’s staring you right in the face, its unconscious psychological devices – more particularly, the thinking habits of every brain on the face of the planet earth. The idea of mind control has always been tempting to copywriters, salespeople, marketers and entrepreneurs. 1. There’s something magical that occurs when you tell a story. 2. Here’s the posture: “You already wish for and own this product and let me explain you what it’s like to.” 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2.

eat make readCategory: best of 2008 This was originally posted on June 30, 2008. Simple and delicious. This recipe is laced with cinnamon and topped with fresh blueberries. Awesome! When I was stuck in airports a few weeks ago, I ended up buying more than my share of magazines. One of them, O magazine, had a whole article about blueberries and tasty recipes to make with them. This weekend I picked up a pint of blueberries at the market eager to get started on my unconventional focaccia recipe. When I pulled the bread out of the oven it was a beautiful sight. Blueberry Focaccia from O magazine I cut my recipe in half and it worked out well. 1 package (1/4 ounce) active dry yeast 2 1/4 cups warm water 6 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup light brown sugar 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 large egg 6 Tbsp. unsalted butter, room temperature Vegetable oil, for greasing 2 pints (5 to 6 cups) blueberries1 In a small bowl, mix yeast and water; set aside until foamy, about 5 minutes.

Butterbeer recipe | Chica and Jo UPDATE: I’ve tweaked this recipe based on more research done at Universal. Be sure to take a look at our updated Butterbeer recipe to see the new ingredient! I’ve been a huge Harry Potter fan since the second book came out and my husband brought it home on the recommendation of a co-worker. So we were very excited when we had the opportunity this summer to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios. As fun as it was that day, it was also hot. On that hot afternoon, I preferred the frozen version (a slushie consistency) but I liked the regular drink a little bit better overall. The mugs were really cute as well. But how would I make the mug? I picked out some really pretty glass mugs that I wanted to use, making sure that were big enough for my stencil, which measures about 4″ x 2-3/4″. Start by thoroughly cleaning your mugs with rubbing alcohol. Now VERY carefully remove the white backing from your stencil. But wait, there’s more! Huh? It’s easy to do, too. But wait !

Black and White Old Pictures of Pets You are here: Home / Dogs / Black and White Old Pictures of Pets Keep in themselves represent a kind of memories, especially when they are on your pets … especially when you find something like this and these are pictures in black and white from the beginning and middle of the twentieth century … Pets Foto Daily Choose justJENN recipes » Whipped Cream cupcakes I’d heard of this – a cake with no butter or oil? Huh. I had to try it but I didn’t like the way the ingredients were laid out in the recipes that I had found. So I made up my own. It turned out GREAT. ingredients: 1 cup heavy whipping cream 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1-3/4 cups cake flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl whisk together the cake flour, salt and baking powder. In the bowl of an electric mixer beat the whipped cream until stiff peaks form – don’t go TOO FAR of you will get butter! Add the sugar and the vanilla. Carefully add the flour mixture until combined. Spoon batter into the liners, filling the cups up halfway. I like these frosted with Coffee Buttercream, and I topped them with cute little Cafe Latte chocolate pearls from Godiva. I love the lightness of this cake and it’s easy to make when you’re out of butter!

Clear Skin From the Inside Out : Green Smoothies Green Smoothie In, Radiant Glow Out Her 5-year-old butt sat firmly planted on the chair, not by will. By force. Psychic mom-force. Giant, wracking sobs shook her body, as she swallowed for air through the hands over her tortured mouth. “Just ten,” the apron-wearing fascist in the kitchen yelled. She was alone. On which was … an entire serving of peas. (“Just ten,” she thought, sobbing even in her brain.) Delicately, as if it were toxic waste, she pinched a pea between her tiny thumb and forefinger. “One.” “Two.” “Three.” Enough to save her, she hoped. “Don’t be so melodramatic! The fascist in the kitchen would never relent. Three days a week. Until one day, she won. Yes. So for the longest time, I was really hesitant to try this green smoothie (or green monster, depending on which part of the internet you’re on) thing, because … sometimes I’m still that little girl, pinching her nose and gagging. This has not happened with a single green smoothie I’ve ever made. Why? Related Posts:

I am an atheist. I don't believe in God by Matt Slick An atheist is defined primarily in two senses: Someone who says he believes there is no God, and someone who simply lacks belief in God. An atheist cannot rationally say he knows there is no God, because he would have to know all things in order to know if there is or isn't a God. An agnostic says he doesn't know if there is or isn't a God. If there is no God as you say, then in the end I lose nothing. Why don't you believe in God? The Bible doesn't attempt to prove that God exists.

Homemade Girl Scout Cookies: Samoas Bars I love the look of the original Samoas Girl Scout Cookies, but making them from scratch can be a little bit time consuming. This is largely because the dough must be rolled out, cut out and then each of the cookies has to be handled individually for topping. The results are well worth it, in my opinion, but we don’t always have time to make a labor-intensive recipe – no matter how bad a craving for Girl Scout cookies gets. Bar cookies are the perfect solution. This is basically a shortcut recipe that still delivers all the great samoas flavor without some of the more tedious parts of cooking making. These bars have a buttery shortbread base that is topped with the caramel-coconut samoas topping and chocolate. The final step is to dip these in chocolate once the topping has set. Homemade Samoas BarsCookie Base: 1/2 cup sugar 3/4 cup butter, softened 1 large egg 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 2 cups all purpose flour 1/4 tsp salt First, make the crust. Preheat oven to 300. Makes 30 bar cookies.

step-by-step-amazing-spiced-chai-concentrate from Warm spices, strong tea and steamed milk swirling around in my tummy make chai lattes a favorite during the winter months. It warms me from the inside out in a way that puts coffee and tea to shame. Unfortunately, the chai concentrate from certain coffee chains is too sweet. But there is something better. It never occurred to me to make my own chai. Here are the ingredients you’ll need: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, star anise, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, orange zest, tea bags, brown sugar, honey, and vanilla. Start by bringing 4 1/2 cups water to the boil on the stove. Then you need some orange zest. The recipe says to use a piece of ginger. Once the water has come to a boil, remove the pot from the heat and add the tea bags. Then add your cinnamon sticks (we only add two—it just looks like we’re using four because we broke them in half). Then add your star anise and seven cardamom pods. Add sugar, vanilla and honey and then let this steep for 15-20 minutes. Thanks again, thecatnipcat!

Vitamins, Vitamin Table Deutsch: Gesundheits- und Fitnessrechner Here you can calculate the following informations on health and fitness topics:BMI | Ideal weight | Calorie consumption | Liquid consumption | Walking Index | Nutrition values | Vitamin table | Basic conversion | Body fat (adipose) rate | Optimal training pulse and heart rate | Protein requirement | Fat requirement | Nutrition value need | WHR - Waist to hip ratio | Drink reminder Vitamins Here you can find a detailed table of the most important vitamins. Indicated is in which food it is most, the effectiveness, what happens at deficiency and overdosing, the daily need, who has an advanced need and the qualities of the vitamins. Convert length units and weight units. © Webprojects | Imprint & Privacy No responsibility is taken for the correctness of these informations. <div style="color:#ff0000;font-weight:bold">JavaScript must be activated to be able tu use the calculator.
