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QRZ.COM Callsign Database

QRZ.COM Callsign Database -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids Wikipedia HF Ham Radio Bands and Frequencies:: Electronics and Radio Today - a overview or summary about the HF ham bands or amateur radio frequencies, the frequency allocations and their properties. This summary of the various amateur radio or ham bands is split into several pages: [1] 136 kHz LF ham band[2] HF ham bands[3] VHF ham bands[4] UHF ham bands There is a good variety of ham bands or amateur radio allocations within the HF portion of the short wave spectrum. These ham radio bands or frequency allocations are open to radio hams around the world to use although the actual ham radio allocations do vary slightly from country to country and region to region. In the HF portion of the radio spectrum, there is a total of nine different bands that are allocated to ham radio around the globe. HF ham radio bands / allocations Although the table above shows the amateur radio band allocations for the UK and USA, the ham radio bands are very much the same for other countries. 160 metres (Top Band) Top Band is the lowest frequency ham radio allocation. 40 metres

Clipperton DX Club DARC APRSLink | Winlink 2000 APRSLink provides a link between the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) and the Winlink 2000 Radio email system. APRSLink monitors all APRS traffic gated to the internet, worldwide, and watches for special commands that allow APRS users to: read short email messages sent to their account (only the base callsign, no SSID)send short email messages to any valid email address or Winlink 2000 userperform email related maintenance (see commands below)be notified of pending Winlink email via APRS messagequery APRSLink for information of the closest Winlink RMS packet station APRSLink provides a very special capability for the Kenwood TH-D7, TM-D700 and TM-D710 Radios for sending and receiving email from the radio front Panel without any need for a PC. Properly licensed Amateur Radio operators are automatically registered in the Winlink 2000 system the first time they send a message through the system.

IDRE Europäischer Kulturpark Bliesbruck-Reinheim In diesem grenzüberschreitenden Archäologiepark werden seit 1987 auf der deutschen Seite die Reste einer römischen Villa und seit 1974 auf der französischen Seite eine gallo-römische Kleinstadtsiedlung freigelegt. Das Museum Jean Schaub in Reinheim zeigt in einer Ausstellung die Rekonstruktion der Villa sowie die zahlreichen Funde. Einzigartig ist die Nachbildung der hier entdeckten Grabhügel, darunter das Grab einer keltischen Fürstin, das rekonstruiert und für die Besucher geöffnet ist. Auf französischer Seite verdeutlicht die freigelegte und mit moderner Architektur rekonstruierte Thermenanlage den Luxus des römischen Alltagslebens. Es folgt eine Liste von Anreissertexten zu Themen aus dem Bereich Willkommen im Europäischen Kulturpark Bliesbruck-Reinheim Hier finden Sie die aktuellen Veranstaltungstermine 2013 des Europäischen Kulturparks, die Bestandteil des Veranstaltungskalenders des Saarpfalz-Kreises sind. Die Liste der Anreissertexte ist beendet. Weitere Informationen zum Download

EchoLink IRLP Groupe EspérantoPhone de Radio-Amateurs ZEIT ONLINE 4BTV "Flag Pole" Antenna by KX9DK - A Restricted HF Antenna Solution 4BTV "Flag Pole" AntennaSolution to a subdivision antenna restriction by KX9DKThe Hustler 4BTV trap vertical antenna is and has been a very popular multiband antenna with ham radio operators for years. It's performance, length, and diameter lends itself to being "hidden" within PVC tubing and disguised as a flag pole! Here, KX9DK shares his "flag pole antenna with all to enjoy. Materials used. 1. 4-BTV base section mounted to 4 foot pipe (no concrete used, pipe driven into ground with 18 inches exposed above surface). 4BTV antenna base with PVC base cover 4BTV flagpole antenna covered in 2 inch thinwall PVC mounted on antenna base 4BTV Flagpole antenna as seen from street using Google Earth "I've gotten quite a few emails from hams who found my flagpole project looking for ways to conceal an antenna.It's been up for over eight years now and works fine 40 thru 10." 73 Dave, KX9DK
