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Detective stories : séquence sur le genre policier + étude du film "Wild Target" (niveaux A2/B1 du CECRL)- Anglais

Detective stories : séquence sur le genre policier + étude du film "Wild Target" (niveaux A2/B1 du CECRL)- Anglais
Mme Aurélie Drahonnet enseigne l’anglais au collège Robert Cellerier de Saint-Savinien (17). Saisissant l’opportunité d’un partenariat avec un cinéma local (Gallia Théâtre Cinéma à Saintes) dans le cadre de sa Semaine du cinéma britannique annuelle « God Save the Screen », elle a conçu pour ses élèves de 4ème une séquence débouchant sur l’étude de l’un des films au programme, Wild Target (Jonathan Lynn, 2009 – titre français : Petits meurtres à l’anglaise). Les élèves y sont amenés à découvrir un langage artistique spécifique, celui du cinéma, après avoir replacé l’œuvre dans le contexte d’un genre particulièrement développé dans la littérature et le cinéma britannique, le policier. Ainsi sont abordés des éléments importants du programme du palier 2 (thème « l’ici et l’ailleurs » décliné en "langages", "découverte de l’autre"…) à travers des activités variées permettant de développer des compétences langagières aux niveaux A2/B1 du CECRL. Related:  DETECTIVES/MURDER

Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes The Complete Sherlock HolmesLes aventures complètes à lire en ligne. Sherlock Holmes Audio WalkSi vous emmenez vos élèves à Londres, vous pouvez leur proposer cette audiowalk sur les traces de Sherlock Holmes. Les élèves écoutent les indications grâce à leur lecteur MP3 et suivent un parcours annoncé comme durant environ une heure - prévoir plus car les élèves auront besoin de réécouter certains passages plusieurs fois. Sherlockian.​NetThe web portal about the Great Detective| The Hound of the Baskervilles Texte intégral (Project Gutenberg) Worksheets (TES, inscription gratuite) Différentes version filmées de The Hound Classées de la plus ancienne à la plus récente. Conan Doyle Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (You Tube)Biographie et The Adventure of the Starry Night dans un anglais assez simple, avec des sous-titres et des explications de vocabulaire. Arthur Conan Doyle biography (The Biography Channel) Sherlock vs Elementary

The crime scene | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC This is an activity that I've used with students of all levels. It's also good for getting students to really listen to each other and to take notes or just for some fun. Preparation The activity is based around a short video clip of a crime. Procedure You should split the class into two groups and tell one half that they are going to be the police and they are going to interview the witness to a crime. If you have a video that is in English you can play it with the sound on and, for higher levels, even extend the focus to reported speech, e.g. Technology-free crime scene If you aren't able to play a video clip, you can do a 'low-tech' version of this activity by cutting pictures out of a magazine. Put the students into pairs, one police officer and one witness, and have the witness from each pair come to the front of the class.Give each one a picture of a person to look at. This activity can also be a very useful lead in to discussions or vocabulary work on crime or description.

Lesson Plan — Murder Mysteries | ETENet Level: Secondary 2Number of Students: 44Time: 60 minutesStudents’ Proficiency Level: AverageStudents’ Prior Knowledge: Students should have learnt how to construct open and closed questions;report statements and questions in simple past tense and past continuous tense.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to list the qualities of a good detectives;form and answer questions based on a picture and use the indirect speech to report questions and answers;solve a murder mystery with their group members.Skills to be Practised: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Lesson Plan Worksheet

Collège Val Saint Denis - DETECTIVE STORIES Plan de séquence 1 ( polar ) je connais les expressions de la salle de classe ( fiche : classroom language) je sais utiliser le preterit simple pour demander et dire ce que j’ai fait ce weekend / pendant les vacances (traces écrites : did you have good summer holidays ?) je sais utiliser la notion d’obligation au présent et au preterit (traces écrites : we had to choose / Sherlock has to find …) je sais utiliser les 2 preterits ( fiche pairwork A/B , trace écrite : what were you doing, Mr Harris ? je connais le vocabulaire de l’enquête policière (fiche vocabulaire de « a » à « t ») je sais expliquer le mobile du meurtre du Colonel Stone, le lieu du crime, l’arme, les indices trouvés par S. je dois relire le script de l’enquête en mettant le ton je dois relire la page 1 de « The Butler did it » et me demander ce qui va se passer

Groupe Ressources 2012 : detective story Ce projet a été réalisé dans le cadre du Groupe Ressources anglais de l’académie de Versailles au cours de l’année 2011-2012. Présentation du Groupe Ressources par Mme Parillaud, IA-IPR ici Fiche descriptive : Niveau : A2 vers B1. Tout d’abord réalisé en classe de seconde pour un effectif de 15 élèves en difficulté au lycée Jean Jaurès de Châtenay-Malabry, ce projet a par la suite été testé avec une autre classe de seconde de 24 élèves – plutôt à l’aise - au lycée Camille Claudel de Palaiseau. Les remarques portant sur le projet initial conduit au lycée Jean Jaurès de Châtenay- Malabry figurent dans des encadrés roses. Avec le groupe du lycée Camille Claudel, le scénario et la tâche finale ont été scrupuleusement suivis. Activités langagières : Expression Orale en Interaction, Compréhension Orale, Compréhension écrite. Présentation générale du projet et des objectifs Projets et objectifs Déroulé de la séquence Sequence Detective Story Documents en annexe.

Movie Segments for Warm-ups and Follow-ups: Justice Watch the first segment from the movie Felon and discuss the questions that follow: 1. Describe the scene. 2. Did Wade Porter, the main character, do the right thing? 3. 4. Vocabulary Building: Work with a partner and match the words and the definitions about Law: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ( ) The punishment. ( ) One or more reasons for believing that something is or is not true. ( ) A person who is in charge of a trial in court and decides how a person who is guilty should be punished. ( ) To decide officially in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime. ( ) the crime of killing a person by someone who did not intend to do it. ( ) A group pf people who have been chosen to to listen to all the facts in a trial to decide whether a person is guilty or not guilty. ( ) Someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law and speak for them in court. ( ) To take legal action against a person or organization because of some harm they have caused you. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The beginning of the short story - The Fun They Had - English Day by Day December 4 2009 6 04 /12 /December /2009 12:57 Today, we first warmed up about the gifts you were expecting to have for Christmas. Here is what we said: Warm Up: For X-mas, I'm expecting a video console, new high-heel shoes, a video game, money and a Japanese Sword. Then we did a quick recap of why Margie was surprised that Tommy found a real book. Margie is surprised that Tommy found a real book. Finally, we read the first part of the short story together and we answered the first question of your worksheet. 1-a) According to the story, book may have stopped being printed around 2020 or 2050. HW: for next time, you need to get prepared to speak about the short story and answer the questions according to the group you are in (a, b, c, or d) + learn your lesson. You can download the short story here: 1st Part: 2nd Part: 3dr Part: And the worksheet here: Share this post

Desiree's Baby by Kate Chopin Madame Valmonde had not seen Desiree and the baby for four weeks. When she reached L'Abri she shuddered at the first sight of it, as she always did. It was a sad looking place, which for many years had not known the gentle presence of a mistress, old Monsieur Aubigny having married and buried his wife in France, and she having loved her own land too well ever to leave it. The roof came down steep and black like a cowl, reaching out beyond the wide galleries that encircled the yellow stuccoed house. Big, solemn oaks grew close to it, and their thick-leaved, far-reaching branches shadowed it like a pall. The young mother was recovering slowly, and lay full length, in her soft white muslins and laces, upon a couch. Madame Valmonde bent her portly figure over Desiree and kissed her, holding her an instant tenderly in her arms. "This is not the baby!" "I knew you would be astonished," laughed Desiree, "at the way he has grown. "And the way he cries," went on Desiree, "is deafening.

Jack the Ripper Map of Spitalfields & Whitechapel 1888 DETECTIVE STORY by Céline DELFOUR on Prezi The first whodunnit: How the murder of a three-year-old boy gave us the fictional detectives we know today By Geoffrey Wansell Updated: 02:00 BST, 17 July 2008 The sun's rays were just appearing over the horizon in the early hours of a Victorian summer's morning. In an elegant Georgian house in the hamlet of Road in Wiltshire, all was quiet. The prosperous Kent family - nine family members, and three servants - were all asleep in their beds. Or so it seemed. An hour after midnight the family's Newfoundland dog - notorious for reacting to the slightest provocation - had barked loudly, but no one paid the slightest attention. House of horrors - the first 'whodunnit' to capture the public's imagination It wasn't until just after 5am that Saturday that Elizabeth Gough - the family's 22-year-old nursemaid, who looked after the three smallest children of factory inspector Samuel Kent - woke up, and noticed that one of her charges, three-year-old Saville Kent wasn't in his cot on the other side of her room. But the child had not found his way to his mother's bed - far from it.

Constance Kent Jonathan Whicher was one of the original members of the Detective Branch which had been established at Scotland Yard in 1842. In 1860 he was called in to assist the investigation into the horrific murder of 4-year-old (Francis) Savile Kent. The child had been taken from the nursemaid's bedroom at night and was found, with his throat cut, in an outside privy in the garden of his family's house the next morning. When the nursemaid, Elizabeth Gough, reported the child missing at 7:15am to Mrs Kent, a search commenced for the child, who was found dead in an outside privy with his throat cut and a stab wound to the chest. The local magistrates soon became impatient for results from the local police Superintendent Foley's investigation, which was largely directed towards the nursemaid Elizabeth Gough who had had responsibility for the child. Whicher concentrated on a missing night dress, possibly blood stained, belonging to Constance, and there was also circumstantial evidence against her.

Mr. Preble Gets Rid of His Wife “Let’s run away together,” said Mr. Preble. “All righty,” said his stenographer. “My wife would be glad to get rid of me,” he said. “Would she give you a divorce?” “I don’t suppose so,” he said. “You’d have to get rid of your wife,” she said. Let’s go down in the cellar,” Mr. “What for?” “Oh, I don’t know,” he said. “We never did go down in the cellar that I remember,” said Mrs. “Supposing I said it meant a whole lot to me,” began Mr. “What’s come over you?” “We could pick up pieces of coal,” said Mr. “I don’t want to,” said his wife. “Listen,” said Mr. “There isn’t a good enough light down there,” she said, “and anyway, I’m not going to go down in the cellar. “Gee whiz!” “I don’t want to go!” “All right, all right,” he said. “Will you quit harping on that subject?” “We’ve been all over that,” said Mrs. “I just wanted you to know how things are,” said Mr. “I never believed that for a minute,” said Mrs. “You can say that now—after I told you,” said Mr. “Is that so? “Listen,” cried Mrs.
