English as a second language - Basic questions When students start to learn English as a second language, there is a set of basic questions in English they need to master. All language courses start with these questions, but many people struggle to learn them. It is necessary to learn these by heart. However, you also need to be able to vary them a bit. To help you teach or learn these questions I have devised the following activities: a mind map showing the basic questions for students of English as a second language, a worksheet with several communicative and drilling exercises, a song to help in memorising the questions and an online quiz. I love starting lessons with something interesting. Play the song twice and then play the song on a whiteboard and ask the students to check their answers. Basic question – mind map Ask the students to have a look at this mind map and deduce the meaning of the questions – using the lyrics and the mind map. Ask the students to work in pairs and ask each other these questions. Simple questions
100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers YouTube has earned a reputation for featuring brain cell-slaughtering fare such as the truly abysmal Fred and playing host to the some of the most depressingly stupid comments this side of Yahoo! News. But for every participant liberally dishing out misspelled racist, sexist and homophobic talking points, there is at least one whose channel genuinely offers something provocative and educational. For teachers hoping to infuse multimedia into their classrooms, YouTube makes for an excellent starting point. Multidisciplinary and General Education Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Technology Social Sciences, History and World Issues BarackObama.com: Love him or hate him, Barack Obama is still America’s president. Visual, Performing and Liberal Arts
Classroom Architect Understanding Randall's favorite listening activities on his site (Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab) 1. A Story to Remember: - A story of a man who was approached by an alien creature. Or was it?2. Free Printable Worksheets for Preschool-Sixth Grade in Math, English, and more TapeWrite. Créer un blog audio Tapewrite est un service en ligne qui permet de créer une sorte de blog audio dans lequel les articles sont des genres de podcasts qui peuvent être illustrés. Difficile de présenter le concept de Tapewrite. Il me fait penser à un service type Medium mais pour le son. Après vous être inscrit, Tapewrite vous permet de personnaliser une page publique dans laquelle vous allez publier vos enregistrements. La particularité et véritable valeur ajoutée de Tapewrite, c’est la possibilité ensuite d’ajouter des « cartes » ou diapositives à l’endroit où vous le souhaitez dans votre enregistrement. Ces diapositives qui viennent appuyer votre son peuvent être partagées d’un clic sur les réseaux sociaux, elles peuvent être commentées ou archivées. TapeWrite fonctionne à la façon d’un réseau social classique. TapeWrite peut ainsi facilement héberger vos cours audio que vous pourrez illustrer avec des diapos de votre choix. Lien : TapeWrite Langue : Ang Prix : Gratuit Sur le même thème
Satsdelar.se Preparation Time – Zero! | Psychology for Educators [And More] A lesson plan for all levels – in 10 ½ simple steps Preparation: Some fascinating recent studies have shown that on average teachers spend about 30 min preparing for each of their classes. Meanwhile other studies (conducted on planet Earth this time) show that such a time allocation may actually be unrealistic. This post is for teachers who live on planet Earth and who know that there are times when one may have to enter a classroom having only had a couple of minutes to prepare (not that such a thing has ever happened to me… ). [NB: This lesson plan is based on a presentation I gave some time ago. What you will need: To run this lesson properly you need to have a computer, a data projector, speakers and an ordinary internet connection. What is Breaking News English? What is Quizlet? Step 1: Pre-listening: [To follow the various steps on the BNE site, just click here]. Step 2: BNE – Listening: BNE allows you to listen to a recording of the text. Back to BNE. ). References Like this:
Öjaby skolbibliotek - Engelska Engelska | | Läsa | Titta | Lyssna | Experimentera/Öva/Träna/Skapa | Spela | Länksamlingar | Undervisa/för pedagoger | På biblioteket News in levels - Läs nyheter sorterade efter olika svårighetsgrader. Har även översättnigsruta till svenska.Oxford Owl - Stor samling av gratis e-böcker för både skolan och hemma. Även övningar och frågor. Kräver inlogg men är gratis.The Game: Hello på SLI.se (Finns även: Numbers, Sports, Animals, Senses, Time, Body and clothes, Food, Feelings, Family) F-6 (14 min)Go Yoyo go!
Outils numériques et classe inversée en langues vivantes au collège La classe de 3ème A est une classe avec un effectif élevé : 30 élèves. Le niveau est très hétérogène et certains élèves présentent un profil particulier (une élève dyslexique et dyspraxique ayant droit d'utiliser un ordinateur portable en classe, deux élèves bénéficiant d'un parcours personnalisé et n'assistant qu'à deux heures d'anglais par semaine au lieu de trois, une élève anglophone, ....). Cette grande hétérogénéité se traduit par des différences de besoins, de rythme, de degrés d'autonomie, de niveaux aussi bien dans les activités de réception que de production. Suite à ce constat de départ, des adaptations pédagogiques ont été mises en place tout au long de l'année en classe de 3èmeA et ces adaptations ont même été renforcées lors du prêt de tablettes numériques. Les activités et les supports de travail ont été externalisés de la classe à plusieurs reprises lors de ce projet pédagogique, toujours selon les principes de diversification et de différenciation.
Lärmiljöer | ViSoL Till träffen i mars har alla läst boken Vygotskij i praktiken: bland plugghästar och fusklappar av Leif Strandberg. Med den i tanken lyssnade vi också på när Jeanette Larsson Tostar berättade om lärmiljöer och hur man kan tänka om sitt eget klassrum. Det gäller att inte låsa fast sig i invanda mönster utan försöka att tänka om och tänka nytt och tänka på att få en miljö som fungerar för alla. Vi tipsade också om SPSM:s tillgänglighetspaket. Indelade i grupper var det sen dags att tillsammans fundera, samtala och bygga ett drömklassrum. Samlingsmatta för samling och genomgångar.Läshörna för läsning, mys, avkoppling. lyssna m.m.En ensamplats för behov.Avgränsande bokhyllor för bästa möjliga arbetsro.Inga ”bänkar med lock”, men hyllor nära barnen som de kan ha sitt material i.Krukor på borden med material, exempelvis saxar, pennor, lim. MålarhörnaLäshörnaArbetsroSamlingBygghörnaGrupparbete/gruppsamtal Vi har gjort rum i rummet: /Heléne
Five tips for using authentic video in the classroom How can teachers use video content that isn't designed especially for language learners? English language teaching materials writer and developer Lewis Lansford explains. These days, learners have easy access to English language input, that is, authentic language in use, such as online videos, social media, and podcasts. Most teachers appreciate that using authentic materials – anything produced for a purpose other than teaching English – can capture and hold learners' attention, and motivate them to improve. With a few tips and tricks, these challenges can be overcome, and the classroom can be brought to life. 1. When we say 'listening', we often assume that we’re talking about listening to people speak. 2. We might consider a newscast, a Shakespeare play or a football match too complicated, idiomatic or high-level to use in the classroom, especially below level B1 (intermediate). 3. 4. Some videos are more accessible to language learners than others. 5.
Hem - Kunskapshubben Authentic listening with lower levels: possible and highly recommended This is one more post in my series of posts about the EVO 2017 session on teaching listening. In this post I want to summarize one more issue that was raised during the session: the use of authentic materials with lower levels. Below you’ll find some of the ideas and experiences that the teachers participating in the session shared: Watching short clips for funUsing songsGrading the task by using the material as a warmer or a lead inMicro listening: focus on grammarVox pop videos for word hunt or micro listeningWatching the video without the soundSome thoughts on the role of assessment and a case study: following a news storyAuthentic listening (and speaking) out of class But first, let’s look at some pros and cons of using authentic materials with lower levels. A lot of the session participants voiced concerns about using authentic materials with lower level learners, such as: So do lower level learners need to work with authentic materials at all? 1. 2. Some ideas for tasks: 3. 4. 1. 5.