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The 100 American People You Should Know Essays on 100 well-known American people for English learners to read For Beginners Start Reading for Children (1) Simple present tense, 50-word passages for children to start readingStart Reading for Children (2) 100 more 50-word passages for kids to improve English through readingStart Reading for Children (3) 100 longer reading passages to increase children's English level English for Children (1) 100 short stories (50 words each), simple present tense, with AudioEnglish for Children (2) 125 easy short stories for children to practice reading and listeningEnglish Level 1 Simple present tense, 50-word passages for beginners + audio & exercisesEnglish Level 2 Short passages for beginners + audio & exercisesEnglish Level 3 Short essays for beginners + audio & exercisesEnglish Level 4 More short essays for beginners + audio & exercisesEnglish Level 5 200-word essays for beginners + audio & exercises Super Easy Reading 200 easy stories for beginners. Related:  Good sites 2

Selección de webs, blogs y recursos útiles para la enseñanza ELE Recopilación de las webs, blogs y recursos de ELE que en algún momento nos han ayudado o inspirado en nuestras clases y en nuestras actividades. Esperamos que a vosotros os puedan servir también. Si conocéis otras páginas o blogs útiles para el profesorado hacédnoslo saber en: Almendra. Blog de TICS en lenguas extranjeras. el primer buscador de poemas en español, busca poemas que contengan las palabras que desea el usuario entre más de diez mil poemas de los autores más importantes en lengua española. Cervantes TV. Cinenclase. es un blog de didáctica, destinado a profesores y estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera. Con “C” de CINE. Cuaderno intercultural. De amor y pedagogía. De estranjis. DeEle. Educaspain. El blog de Miguel Ángel García Guerra. El blog de Daniel Varo. El camino de Santiago. El rincón del profesor de E/LE. e-aprendizaje. EcLEcTIC. Educ@conTIC. ELE para niños. Ele y… ¡olé! Español activo. Formespa. Ñ.

Analysis of written language mistakes Click See problems, then move the mouse over a red word to see an analysis below the text. Gopal and his wife is very poor. Everyday Gopal goes to river to catch the fish. FINRA - Advertising FINRA's Advertising Regulation Department reviews broker-dealers' advertisements and other communications with the public to ensure that they are fair, balanced and not misleading. Every year, the department reviews more than 100,000 communications. Firms submit communications for review either as required by FINRA's rules or on a voluntary basis. FINRA Rule 2210 FINRA Rule 2210 governs broker dealers' communications with the public including communications with retail and institutional investors. FINRA Rule 2210 Questions and Answers Guidance Selected Regulatory Notices 13-03 FINRA Provides Guidance on New Rules Governing Communications With the Public 12-29 SEC Approves New Rules Governing Communications With the Public Effective Date: February 4, 2013 Filings Review Through this fee-based program, the department reviews communications broker-dealers file primarily in response to the requirements set forth in FINRA's rules. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Targeted Examinations

Cinco herramientas para grabar tus propias videolecciones Las videolecciones son clases o lecciones grabadas en vídeo. Muy habituales en la enseñanza online, ofrecen numerosas ventajas. Los estudiantes pueden visualizarlas en cualquier momento o lugar, tantas veces como quieran, y con las pausas que consideren necesarias para comprender los contenidos que explican. Estas características las convierten en un recurso ideal para llevar a la práctica metodologías como la flipped classroom, donde los alumnos aprenden los conceptos en casa, para después, en clase, trabajarlos y consultar sus dudas. 1. Compártelas con la comunidad y dinos si conoces alguna otra herramienta más.

basico1englisheoi - home FINRA Rule 4530 – Self-Reporting Misconduct Securities Law Updates – Hull Evans & Kob LLP New FINRA Rule 4530, representing a consolidation of NASD Rule 3070 and NYSE Rule 351, takes effect on July 1, 2011. The rule increases the level of self-reporting by firms by requiring firms to not only report when a court or self-regulatory body determines a securities violation, but also when the firm concludes or “reasonably should have concluded” that the firm or an associated person violated securities laws. In particular, FINRA Rule 4530(b) requires the firm to report to FINRA within 30 calendar days after the firm has concluded, “or reasonably should have concluded” that the firm or an associated person of the firm violated any securities-, insurance-, commodities-, financial- or investment-related laws, rules, regulations or standards of conduct of any domestic or foreign regulatory body or self-regulatory organization. One thing is certain; firms will need to update their written supervisory procedures to account for additional self-reporting.

School webquest It’s hard to go to school… 1. It was difficult in the past: - Can you name 3 different places where children worked in the 19th century? - A famous author wrote a novel on child labour and street children. o What’s his name? - The 1833 Factory Act limited the working day for children (aged nine to thirteen) to ……………………………….. a day. - The 1891 Factory Act raised the minimum working age to ……… (See another page if the first link does not work.) - When and where were these photos taken? - Give 3 examples of jobs children had to do: 2. - Can you imagine why? 3. - Read the victim’s account. - What can you do if you see someone is bullied? THEY SOMETIMES PLAY TRUANT (Playing truant, or truancy, means staying away from school without the school permission.) - Find synonyms to TRUANCY: …………………………………………………………………………...................................... - What are the reasons behind truancy? Have a look at this article. How many young people (DEAD LINK!) Now look at this cartoon :

Time » 30 – 45 minutes LG Optimus Slider Prepaid Android Phone (Virgin Mobile) cellphonebot cellphones, smart phones, iphone, anything mobile! Details: LG Optimus Slider Prepaid Android Phone (Virgin Mobile) Cell Phone Cases Best web shop to buy coffee machine online. LG smartphones, unlocked cellular phones, new cellphones, cellphone accessories, wireless products and parts. The second generation of the popular LG Optimus V, the Android-powered LG Optimus Slider for Virgin Mobile offers excellent on-the-go multimedia features–and with none of the contract obligations. High School - Family Topics Hey! Family is the topic of this LP. This is for all levels, and reinforces not only their vocabulary of family, but perhaps broadens even their idea of family. At the beginning of the LP, I showed them a video of a prison in Philippines, where the prisoners are, I hope, rehabilitated through the mother of the arts, dance. It is interesting to watch.

BigBluebutton Create your own course To create a new course you will need to have the role assigned as a Course Creator by a Moodle administrator. However, if you are an assigned teacher of the course you can edit the existing course settings. A new empty course homepage (click on image enlarge) Starting out Log in to Moodle and go to the category you would like the new course to appear in. Settings new/edit As a teacher with editing privileges, you can always change your course's settings in the administration block. Dates & Times You can select the start date for a course By default, the course start is the day after you create the course. Access Control Group mode Here you can define the group mode at the course level. Other Settings There are a number of other options you can choose. You can hide sections from students, this option defines how they appear. You can choose to show or hide grades from students. There is also the option of showing reports of all Activity in the course. Your course & Default Blocks See Also

Web of Notes | Junior and Senior Cycle English for Teachers and Students
