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Learn Austrian Economics | Tom Woods Ever since the Panic of 2008 vindicated the warnings of the Austrian School of economics, and with Ron Paul bringing this venerable school of thought before a national audience, there has been a revival of interest in the oldest continuously existing school of economic thought in the world. When students encounter it, they know this is the real thing. Here at Liberty Classroom, in addition to our courses in U.S. history and Western civilization, we’ve developed a full-blown course in Austrian economics, instantly downloadable so you can learn in your car or on your mobile devices. We also have discussion forums and live Q&A sessions where you can get your questions in Austrian economics answered. In addition to that course, we’ve also assembled this free resource list to help beginners embark on a program of self-education in the Austrian School. Many of the books and audiobooks, in addition to all of the articles, that appear on the list below are available to read or listen to online.

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