Great Ideas in Personality--Theory and Research 馬丁·布伯- 台灣Wiki 關係本體論述 本體論的研究一向是西方哲學的核心,從古代哲學的宇宙本體論,到中世紀的神性本體論,直到近代的理性本體論。本體論研究逃不脫實體概念的制約。也就是說,無論怎樣變化,一種獨立不依的實體存在始終是本體論的根本。 那麼究竟什麼是「關係」呢? 「我―它」的關係在布伯看來只是一種經驗和利用的關係。 與「我―它」關係相反,布伯強調「我―你」是一種真正的關係。 在這種「關係」的世界觀下,西方近代哲學縈繞於懷的種種問題也就釋然而解了。 在這個世界中,「我」面對的世界,決然不是一個「它」的世界,我視世界為「你」。 與「直接性」一樣,「相互性」是本源性關係的另一基本特徵。 在強調了「直接性」和「相互性」之後,我們能比較確鑿地來把握布伯所謂的「關係」。 「之間」是與以往近代哲學中主體性領域相區別的標誌,因為「之間」不可能在「我」之中發現,不可能在意向性中發現,不可能在主體的內在性中發現,也不可能在我理解的世界的對象性中發現。 這樣,我與你雖結合在一起,但不會變成一個事物。 如果從動態來看這種關係,就是「相遇」。 通過「直接性」「相互性」「之間」「相遇」等概念,布伯為我們描繪了一個本源性的關係世界。 我們把「我―你」的關係稱為布伯的「關係本體論」。 在不同的本體論關照下,世界呈現出不同的面目,布伯深諳這一點。 流俗的世界觀即「我―它」關係所表示的,而「我―你」揭示的則是本真的世界。 要注意,這樣的論述並不是說態度先於關係,什麼樣的態度決定採取什麼樣的關係。 世界面目全新在何處? 通過語言,我們可以進一步來理解「我―你」關係。 從另一個角度來看,世界之呈現為雙重,言說也必然是雙重的。 其二是關於時間問題的理解。 那麼,在布伯的「關係本體論」下的「現時」,究竟作何解釋呢? 而「過去」這一概念是解釋「言及…」的東西的,它屬於「我-它」關係。 其三是關於世界整體的理解。 布伯是這樣回答的:「我們經驗到『你』什麼? 這也就是說,在「我―它」關係下,日常的認知關係中,我把世界理解為對象,但「你」之世界絕不是一個對象世界。 從經驗的角度看,「你」之世界,乃是無。 其四,對世界的關注,最終是對人自身的自由和命運的關注。 布伯認為自由的本質是皈依,對上帝的皈依,可以使人以沉靜的力量改造世界,扭轉乾坤。 我們看到在「關係本體論」的視野中,世界呈現出有別於日常經驗的樣態。 皈依「永恆之你」 皈依「永恆之你」就要拋棄這世界,歷史上的虔誠者曾如是說。
Happiness Associated With Longer Life Happy people don't just enjoy life; they're likely to live longer, too. A new study has found that those in better moods were 35% less likely to die in the next 5 years when taking their life situations into account. The traditional way to measure a person's happiness is to ask them about it. But over the past few decades, psychologist and epidemiologist Andrew Steptoe of University College London (UCL) says, scientists have realized that those measures aren't reliable. The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing tried to get more specific. Of the 924 people who reported the least positive feelings, 7.3%, or 67, died within 5 years. The research shows that good moods are correlated with long life, but it's not proof that happiness makes people live longer, Steptoe says.
Tests Take one of our free personality tests, many of which are based on peer-reviewed scientific research, and all of which are crafted by experts in psychometrics. Random Test Click to access a random test. Lotus Test The White Lotus Test measures which of seven characters from the show White Lotus, season-one, you resemble the most. Political Test The Political Pathways Test is a short and contemporary Political Coordinates-style test that incorporates the dimension of globalism vs. localism. Impurity Test The Impurity Test measures your levels of purity with regard to alcohol, drugs, sex, hygiene, and general morality. Conflict Test Based on the work of K.W Thomas, the Conflict-Handling Test analyzes our styles of conflict management across 5 different domains. Cultural Test The Cultural Dimensions Test is used to understand the differences in culture across countries. Asexuality Test The Asexuality Spectrum Test will determine the elements of your possible asexuality across 6 scales.
First Date Conversation: 5 Things Research Says You Should Talk About First date conversation can be awkward. What do you talk about? How can you come across well? Science has answers. 1) Talk Travel, Not Movies In a study by Richard Wiseman, less than 9% of couples that talked movies wanted a second date vs 18% of couples that talked about travel. Via Quirkology: How We Discover the Big Truths in Small Things. When talking about movies, less than 9 percent of the pairs wanted to meet up again, compared to 18 percent when participants spoke about the top topic—travel… the conversations about travel tended to revolve around great holidays and dream destinations, and that makes people feel good and so appear more attractive to one another. 2) It’s Not Just What You Talk About, It’s How You Talk Add to what they say and bounce the ball back. This is how to have smooth first date conversation. Avoid extremes in autonomy. Via Brain Trust: 93 Top Scientists Reveal Lab-Tested Secrets to Surfing, Dating, Dieting, Gambling, Growing Man-Eating Plants, and More! Via OkCupid:
Action for Happiness Great Ideas in Personality--Tests Personality Tests This page links to numerous online personality tests, with an emphasis on free, professional tests that provide feedback. To view an example of one of these tests, see the SAPA Project. To learn more about personality theory, see the Personality Project. General Personality Sheldon Test This test provides scores on Sheldon's psychological types: viscerotonia, somatotonia, and cerebrotonia. ~ Flip to top ~ Attachment Theory Attachment Style Questionnaire "The statements below concern how you feel in emotionally intimate relationships. Basic Emotions Anxiety Test After finishing this 10-item test, "you will receive a detailed, personalized interpretation of your score that includes diagrams, information on the test topic and tips." Behavior Genetics Sibling and Twin Relationships Survey "You will be asked to answer a variety of questionnaires about your relationships with your siblings and other family members. Behaviorism Cognitive Social Theories Five-Factor Model Intelligence
This Is Why ‘Follow Your Passion’ Is Terrible Advice There are volumes of writing to be found online and in self-help circles that advises folks who are stuck to “follow your bliss,” or “do what you’re passionate about.” This advice probably comes from a good place—a desire for people to feel a sense of permission or encouragement to go after things that will bring fulfillment to their lives. But the passion mantra is actually not so helpful for two reasons. First, it’s very unclear how to actually do it. These instructions are essential pieces, but far from the complete puzzle—it’s like being told that if you want to become a movie star, you should move to Hollywood (and believe in yourself!). Can you earn a living doing it? Would it still be your passion if you had to do it every day to make money? Is the thing you’re passionate about related to a skill that you have, that you want to develop, and that’s needed in the market? The point here is not that you need to have firm answers to all of these questions before you even get started.
What Do Emotions Have to Do with Learning? Thinkstock When parents and teachers consider how children learn, it’s usually the intellectual aspects of the activity they have in mind. Sidney D’Mello would like to change that. During the learning experiments described in his paper, he notes, the participating students reported being in a neutral state only about a quarter of the time. Another counter-intuitive contention made by D’Mello is that even negative emotions can play a productive role in learning. Confusion motivates us to restore our equilibrium through thought, reflection, and problem solving, and deeper learning is the result. animated agents discussing scientific case studies. Confusion, D’Mello explains, is a state of “cognitive disequilbrium”; we are mentally thrown off balance when we encounter information that doesn’t make sense. In fact, deep learning may be unlikely to happen without the experience of confusion, suggests a study conducted by another researcher, Arizona State’s Kurt VanLehn. Related
personality styles, types, theories and psychometrics models, personality tests and quizzes theory personality models on this page The Four Temperaments/Four Humours Carl Jung's Psychological Types Myers Briggs® personality types theory (MBTI® model) Keirsey's personality types theory (Temperament Sorter model) Hans Eysenck's personality types theory Katherine Benziger's Brain Type theory William Moulton Marston's DISC personality theory (Inscape, Thomas Int., etc) Belbin Team Roles and personality types theory The 'Big Five' Factors personality model FIRO-B® Personality Assessment model The Birkman Method® Lumina Spark Morphopsychology Other personality theories and psychometrics tests models personality theories and models - introduction Behavioural and personality models are widely used in organisations, especially in psychometrics and psychometric testing (personality assessments and tests). Understanding personality - of your self and others - is central to motivation. The more you understand about personality, the better able you are to judge what motivates people - and yourself. N.B. N.B. and
Generation Like Aired: 02/18/201453:41Rating: NR Thanks to social media, teens are able to directly interact with their culture -- celebrities, movies, brands -- in ways never before possible. But is that real empowerment? Or do marketers hold the upper hand? In "Generation Like," Douglas Rushkoff explores how the teen quest for identity has... More Generation Like What happens when the traditional teenage quest for identity and connection occurs online? Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. :: Authentic Happiness :: Using the new Positive Psychology The theory in Authentic Happiness is that happiness could be analyzed into three different elements that we choose for their own sakes: positive emotion, engagement, and meaning. And each of these elements is better defined and more measurable than happiness. The first is positive emotion; what we feel: pleasure, rapture, ecstasy, warmth, comfort, and the like. An entire life led successfully around this element, I call the “pleasant life.” The second element, engagement, is about flow: being one with the music, time stopping, and the loss of self-consciousness during an absorbing activity. There are no shortcuts to flow. There is yet a third element of happiness, which is meaning. “Your 2002 theory can’t be right, Marty,” said Senia Maymin when we were discussing my previous theory in my Introduction to Positive Psychology for the inaugural class of the Master of Applied Positive Psychology in 2005. This was the moment I began to rethink happiness. Summary of Well-Being Theory
The free five minute personality test! Your Existing Situation Is feeling a large amount of stress due to her inability to achieve goals and her indecisiveness on how to go about changing the situation for the better. Your Stress Sources "is being overworked and her flexibility and hard work are being taken advantage of while trying to deal with problems. Sticks to her goals, but feels intense pressure to succeed. Your Restrained Characteristics Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. "Willing to become emotionally involved, but is demanding and picky when choosing a partner. Conceited and is easily insulted. Feels as if too many walls and obstacles are standing in her way and that she is being forced to make compromises. she needs to put her own needs on hold for the time being. Your Desired Objective Lives life to the fullest. Your Actual Problem Your Actual Problem #2