What a mentor should offer you
Lara Morgan gives us a quick look at the essential attributes of a decent mentor. Many entrepreneurs launching a new business will look for support from outside, and finding a mentor to guide you through the challenging times and help you avoid potential pitfalls can provide invaluable reassurance and peace of mind. Tapping into the expertise of someone who has already been there and done it could be a useful shortcut to success, but choosing the right mentor is a big decision in itself, so it is important to consider exactly what they have to offer. Over the 17 year period that I ran my first business I was lucky to be able to call upon a number of mentors. A proven track record The definition of a mentor is 'an experienced and trusted advisor' and having experience really is crucial. A black book of contacts If a mentor has a proven track record of success they will have inevitably built a network of contacts in the industry. An open door A degree of confidence and assertiveness
Philographics Philographics is a series of posters that explain big ideas in simple shapes. They are the result of combining the world of philosophy with graphic design. Cart - 0 items
10 formas de actuar que diferencian a los introvertidos del resto
Los introvertidos y extrovertidos pueden parecer, en principio, similares, pero al observar cómo responden a las situaciones del día a día, las diferencias entre ellos afloran. El pasado mes de octubre, Melissa Dahl, redactora de la revista Science of Us, informó de los descubrimientos del psicólogo Brian Little sobre la ciencia de la personalidad en su último libro Me, Myself, and Us: The Science of Personality and the Art of Well-Being [Yo, yo mismo y nosotros: la ciencia de la personalidad y el arte del bienestar], en el que muestra que los introvertidos deberían evitar la cafeína antes de una reunión o un acontecimiento importante. Little menciona la teoría de la extroversión de Hans Eysenck y las investigaciones de William Revelle de la Universidad de Northwestern, y explica que los introvertidos y extrovertidos se diferencian en su capacidad de respuesta y su estado de alerta según el entorno. "La timidez consiste en el miedo a los juicios sociales", decía Cain.
The Wheel of Life - Time Management Techniques from MindTools.com
Finding Balance in Your Life "Wheel of Life" is a trademark of Meyer Resource Group, Inc. "Success Motivation" is a trademark of Success Motivation, Inc. (see www.success-motivation.com). Put your life under the microscope. © iStockphoto/Snowleopard1 When life is busy, or all your energy is focused on a special project, it's all too easy to find yourself off balance, not paying enough attention to important areas of your life. That's when it's time to take a "helicopter view" of your life, so that you can bring things back into balance. This is where the Wheel of Life® (or Life Wheel) can help. Figure 1 below shows an example wheel of life with example "dimensions" (we'll explain how to choose the right areas of life or dimensions for you below). Figure 1 – Wheel of Life Example The Wheel of Life is powerful because it gives you a vivid visual representation of the way your life is currently, compared with the way you'd ideally like it to be. Using the Tool Figure 2 – Wheel of Life Template
Cuatro gestos para ser feliz, según los últimos hallazgos en neurociencia | BuenaVida
Con la moda del coaching y de la psicología positiva han entrado en circulación recetas prácticas que prometen hacernos sentir mejor y convertirnos en personas más felices. Aunque son procedimientos sencillos y no por ello menos eficaces, algunos escépticos desconfían de estas teorías relacionadas con el comportamiento y piden “más ciencia”. Pues bien: resulta que para ellos también existen algunos rituales con los que amplificar ese sentimiento subjetivo de bienestar que llamamos felicidad, ya que sus argumentos están amparados por la neurociencia. En el libro The Upward Spiral, el neurocientífico e investigador Alex Korb aborda la depresión desde la neurología aplicada a la vida cotidiana, una perspectiva muy diferente de la que estamos acostumbrados. Don’t worry… Be happy, la famosa canción de Bobby McFerrin. no se corresponde a la realidad, según Korb. 1. 2. Darle nombre e incluso etiquetar lo que sentimos ayuda mucho más que reprimirse o disimular fingiendo que nada sucede. 3. 4.
How to find your purpose -- and live it
Yamashita: You have to get beyond that image you've made for yourself that you so strongly defend ... to get at what is actually true. Leadership expert Keith Yamashita says finding your purpose brings into focus what matters most When you apply that to your career it shapes your choices and helps you separate interesting from crucialYamashita lays out a series of questions to help you find your purpose -- and live it Yamashita has worked with Apple, Nike, Ebay and Facebook on similar issues Editor's note: 'Thinking Business' focuses on the psychology of getting ahead in the workplace by exploring techniques to boost employee performance, increase creativity and productivity. This is an excerpt from 99U's new book, Make Your Mark, which features insights from 21 visionaries at leading creative companies. (CNN) -- Certain people exude such a powerful presence that they can absolutely captivate you within the very first moment of meeting them. This very act sets an accurate compass heading.
6 Competencies Your Sales Team Must Master | Leadership
My husband looked at me in bewilderment as I explained why I couldn’t buy that “perfectly good” house in the neighborhood with the great schools, close to his work, UMD where I teach, BWI airport, our church, and our gym. “I love the house. It’s a great community. But I just can’t trust that builder. If they hire someone LIKE HER as their sales manager, I question who’s running the place. We settled on a similar house a mile down the road. 6 Competencies Your Sales Team Must Master Great selling never feels like it. 1. Kenny Rodgers was right, at least on this note. Your customers must know that your team has best interests at heart. 2. Your team can’t make great recommendations if they don’t get the scene. 3. Your customers want to know you have a great solution to their problem. 4. People don’t do business with businesses, they do business with human beings. 5. Yes, I know that most B2B sales take at least seven touch-points before the decision maker takes action. 6.
Trucos indetectables para convencer a cualquier persona de cualquier cosa | BuenaVida
Por más que uno sea asertivo, educado y con buenas habilidades sociales, es frecuente encontrarse en ocasiones en alguna situación incómoda o complicada en la relación con los demás. ¿Cómo es posible resolver esos pequeños conflictos que tensan la cuerda? ¿Y conseguir ventajas sociales sin que se note demasiado el esfuerzo? En una situación de conflicto, el éxito de nuestra comunicación residirá "en influir en la toma de decisiones de la otra persona", según explica la psicóloga Daniela Pittman, profesora de Habilidades Personales en la facultad de Psicología de la IE University (la Universidad española del Instituto de Empresa). Según matiza la psicóloga, “el objetivo del emisor es convencer y cautivar la atención plena del receptor respecto a sus ideas”. "Lo ideal es convencer de forma racional, sin golpes bajos ni atajos, enfatizando el atractivo de nuestra idea y dedicando tiempo suficiente a medir el interés del interlocutor”, asevera la experta. Elija bien el oído No lo digo yo...
10 Inspiring Quotes That Reduce Stress
Few emotional states are more dangerous--both to yourself and to your team--than stress. If you're stressed, you make poor decisions, you get sick more easily, and you spread your stress to those around you. Fortunately, there's a timeless way to get stress back under control: Draw upon the wisdom of the past. Here are 10 quotes I read to myself whenever I'm feeling stressed: 1. "When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive--to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Well, that's my list. Add your favorite quote to this post in a comment, or send it to me by email (the address is on my website.)