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Stanley Meyer

Water Fuel LLC - Brown's Gas - Fuel Enhancement Consulting Joe Cell From PESWiki Top of Joe Cell Pack. A Joe Cell is an "electrolysis cell" built with concentric stainless steel pipes. This is an index of research and development and functioning devices that utilize Joe Cell|Joe Cell technology. What is a Joe Cell? A Joe Cell is an electrolysis cell built with concentric stainless steel pipes. An operating cell progresses through a series of stages, the first of which is simple electrolysis, the second is referred to as the seeding stage, in which the cell builds up a charge in the water, which eventually reaches a point where the cell will run an engine. Once the water in the cell is sufficiently "charged," the cell can continue to operate with no external source of electric power. In one report [1], the cell is said to generate a gas that energetically implodes when ignited. Another report says that the cell should be connected via an aluminum tube to a location on the engine block close to a water passage. Attributes Websites Articles PES Network Articles

World need to change to Hydrogen on Demand = OPEN SOURCE DIY Guide by danieldonatelli Mar 30
