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Creating an Effective online Portfolio: 40+ Tips, Tools & Inspirations

Creating an Effective online Portfolio: 40+ Tips, Tools & Inspirations
Nowadays, everyone is getting rid of the paper trail. Everything is now done digitally: commerce, accounting, advertising, marketing, shopping and even design. Every freelance graphic designer should now own an online portfolio. If you don’t have one, or worse, if you don’t know what it is, you have absolutely no chance of making it in the world of graphic design. This article will teach you how to build a solid and effective online portfolio, guide you through the best online portfolio tools available , and then show you a few awesome portfolio themes and sites for your inspiration. Building a Strong and Successful Online Portfolio Photo by Asif Akbar 1. Know your objectives for creating an online portfolio. 2. A common mistake most graphic designers and freelancers make is to try to impress clients by showing off as much work as they can. The goal is to simplify. From the home page alone, visitors should already have an idea of what you do. 3. 4. 5. Online Portfolio Solutions Carbonmade 1.

Beauty and Personal Grooming: Urad Dal Homemade Beauty Recipes Urad Dal (Black gram ), a very popular ingredient in South Indian cuisine is widely used in the preparation of mouth-watering probiotic culinary delicacies like Dosa, iIdi and Vada, and crispy, delectable Urad Papads.This highly nutritious pulse is low in fat and cholesterol and a rich source of protein and fiber and is recommended for diabetics also. The nutritional protein in Urad dal is comparable to the protein derived from animal sources and hence a wonderful substitute for vegetarians to make up for mineral deficiencies arising from an all-veggie diet. Apart from its use in culinary delights, Urad Dal is also an ingredient in quite a few Ayurvedic medicines. Furthermore, in ancient times, Urad (Black Lentil) was also used as a beauty aid , in fact as a scrub to massage the body. Here are some Homemade Beauty Recipes with Urad Dal Urad Dal Pack for removing tan and healing sunburn Soak 1/4 cup of Urad Dal in water overnight. Ura d Dal Face Pack for soft, smooth skin

10 Steps for Building a Photography Portfolio to Be Proud Of Every two weeks, we revisit some of our reader favorite posts from throughout the history of Phototuts+. This tutorial was first published in October of 2010. Collating a photographic portfolio can be a daunting experience. Many have the intention to create one, or even get as far as collecting materials, but believe that their work isn't good enough and don't know how best to present it. Putting together a portfolio can be a very beneficial activity and hopefully these simple steps will guide you through the process! A photographic portfolio is quite simply a collection of work. A portfolio is an opportunity for you to present your work, but it is important to consider what the portfolio is for. Whatever the reason, it is vital that you create your portfolio with this in mind. Once you've decided your intentions for your portfolio, you need to consider the audience you're looking to reach. At this point you need to decide what format you portfolio is presented in.

Career Peer Advisors – Career Services | Wheaton College Melanie is a junior from Massachusetts. She is majoring in sociology with a general education minor, perhaps in addition to a public health minor. Melanie is also a research assistant for Professor McCormack in the sociology department and a member of the women's lacrosse team on campus. Melanie studied abroad during Fall 2013, but has returned for Spring 2014! Skyler is a junior from Maine. Nick is a senior from California and is a double major in history and English. Andrew is a senior from Connecticut. Jeff is a sophomore from Massachusetts.

Presentation Zen 15 Tips: Creating the Perfect Photography Portfolio Site Showcasing an image based portfolio on a website can be a tricky task. It's usually a lot different than a normal client or business website. With a normal website, there is usually a consistent structure, which includes a header, a navigation menu, sometimes a sidebar, and usually a footer. Note from the editor: Today we'll be taking a peek at a very special niche inside web design: Photography portfolios. Tomorrow we'll be rounding up some of the best 30 photography and image-based portfolios on the web right now! Your online photography portfolio is intended to either attract clientele or show off your photos and images. Those are the three main sections to a photography portfolio. Throughout the rest of the post, we will go through 15 tips that can help reduce the concerns you may have about your photography portfolio. If you include these three simple details into your photography portfolio, you're already off to a great start! Sketch Your Design Before Touching the Computer!

Ayurveda - Simple ways to cure Constipation What is constipation? Constipation is a common symptom where a person has difficulty passing faeces or unusually dry stool. In simple language it is irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels. Constipation is determined in the colon (large intestine), which is responsible for packaging and eliminating stool. As food moves through the colon, it absorbs water while forming stool. Age wise effect: Constipation is more common in children and older age, but can affect anyone. Economic status: The people who have high economic status are more likely to catch this problem because generally the don¡¦t have time to take their proper meals and take more junk food which in turn disturbs the digestive system and causes constipation. Constipation Types: A] Home Remedies: Ginger tea is a great home remedy for constipation. Dr. Related Article : Constipation- Ayurvedic treatment

10 Secrets to Successful Online Photo Portfolios Posted by: Grover Sanschagrin Date: January 18, 2011 | 24 Comments In addition to fantastic photos, what features are found in successful online photo portfolios? What are the most important things to consider when presenting your best work? What elements will help you turn page views into photo assignments? I made a list of 10 important “secrets” to successful portfolios. Does your photography portfolio hit each of these points? Also be sure to check out our free guide: 10 Secrets of Successful Photography Websites to get specific tips on how to build a great website for your business. 1) Keep things simple, clean, uncluttered. When it comes to image sizes, make sure they’re not too small, or too large. And while we’re talking about keeping things uncluttered, let’s talk about the one thing that can totally destroy a your portfolio — watermarks. Great examples: Solas Wedding Photography has a clean portfolio with images that aren’t too small, or too big. Great example: Great examples:

How to Get Others to Share Your Work When most people decide to become artists for a living, they don't realize that a professional artist has to do much more than just create amazing artwork. Artists have to wear a lot of hats, this often means managing their company's finances, and even marketing their company to new clients. In this article, we will talk about how you can save time by getting others to help share your work for you. The best way to promote your work is to get others to do it for you. #portfoliotips— Grant Friedman (@grantfriedman) March 23, 2013 Marketing your company, and your work to new clients is essential for the growth of your design business but most artists are so busy creating their work, that they don't have time to give the marketing needs of their business the time that it deserves. Marketing a design business often involves sharing your work with others. Most of you have probably consumed some type of viral content before. Convey an Emotional Message Capitalize on Big Events or Movies Conclusion

Create a Baseball-Inspired Text Effect in Photoshop Applying texture to a text effect can be a lot of fun. In this tutorial we will explain how to create a baseball-inspired text effect using layer styles, patterns, and brushes. Let's get started! The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. Create a new document that is 1024 x 645 px. You can use any other values for the Height and Width depending on the text you are going to create. Download the Grass Texture 1, and place it on top of your "Background" layer, then resize it as needed. Rename the layer to "Grass Texture". The grass colors are a bit dark and desaturated. Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels, and change the Highlights value to 226. Create the text using the font Merkin. Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click the text layer's icon to create a selection. Go to Select > Modify > Expand, and type in 15. Create a new layer below the text layer and call it "Stroke". Set the Foreground color to #e7e7e7, and fill the selection with that color.
