Maintenant, c’est les universités d’été des #Verts #EELV : curieux, chez Cécile #Duflot, ce besoin de faire des … photos Il est bien normal, voire exemplaire, qu’un(e) ministre photogénique fasse son job en contribuant aux efforts de communication de la République et de l’Europe. Il n’est même pas déplacé de le faire avec de vieilles pattes d’éléphants sorti(e)s du placard, maintenant. Soit. Ce qui peut choquer dans les milieux vraiment ultra-conservateurs de Solferino de France profonde, c’est ses robes presqu’au dessus du genou son besoin de faire des phrases qu’on ne trouve pas dans les discours de Jaurès, le programme commun de 1981 ou le guide du parfait nouveau député de la gauche plurielle élu grâce au Fouquet’s (la fois d’avant, c’était la chasse à l’éléphant en Afrique qui avait déstabilisé le candidat de la droite plurielle, autre temps, mêmes erreurs -errements ? Et dans l’enthousiasme du printemps de Paris, tout le monde trouvait ça très bien, très frais, très djeun, très … vert. Quand c’est juste pour échapper à la canicule sous un parasol, rien à dire. Août 2012, JDE EELV Poitiers Like this:
ArcGIS Explorer: New version now available | GIS Education Community A new version of ArcGIS Explorer is now available to download at: What’s New in ArcGIS Explorer ArcGIS Explorer is a free, downloadable GIS viewer that provides an easy way to explore, visualize, share, and present geographic information. The new features are described below and you can also view the online slideshow. Read the full blog at the ArcGIS Explorer Blog Tom Baker is an Esri Education Manager, specializing in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education, teacher education, and educational research.
Le Président #Hollande parle sur #TF1 de #Croissance et de #Compétitivité, maintenant Maintenant les 16 ministres "pleins" (ça explique leurs déclarations, mais ne rassure pas le citoyen) et les autres vont se mettre au boulot. Pour qu’en octobre on ait un agenda, que dans deux ans ça aille peut-être mieux, et qu’après on puisse passer au redressement sérieux. Et "Achtung Bicyklet !" cette fois, fini les vacances, c’est sérieux, ça va décoiffer grave et on va gagner la mondialisation et toussa-touça comme les Allemands ! La mauvaise nouvelle, c’est qu’on ne fait pas trop la différence entre les ministres "pleins" et les autres, surtout quand ils/elles bougent vite et qu’on ne sait pas comment écrire leur nom. Le Président aurait dû nous montrer un trombinoscope sur TF1, ou alors installer une webcam au-dessus de la table du Conseil des Ministres, parce qu’en principe plus un(e) ministre est assis(e) près du Président, plus il/elle est gradé(e). Ou alors, c’est juste que le ministre plein est déjà sérieusement au boulot. Renaud Favier, 10 septembre 2012. Like this:
Teaching resources Individual and multiple class sets of excellent resources produced by the Global Education Project are currently available – while stocks last. These resources are relevant to primary and secondary Geography courses across Australia. Resources ordered will be available for collection from the GTAV Office in Camberwell South, Victoria. If not collected, there will be a postage and handling fee for each delivery. A number of these resources are also available at the Global Education website as free downloads – >> Further details and order form Being a Citizen A new innovative product to help teachers provide opportunities for students to explore the Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship. Content of the 'Being a citizen' resource: Links to civics and citizenship teaching materials. >> Brochure Australian orders: AUD$99.00 postage & GST included International orders: AUD$109.00 postage included Thinking Geographically DVD — Updated 2015 edition >> Brochure
Les drogues durent et se la coulent douce en #France au XXIème siècle : So What Le débat sur la toxicomanie n’est pas au coeur de la campagne électorale française en 2012 (autres chats à fouetter ?) alors qu’il trouverait naturellement une petite place entre les questions de sécurité, de pouvoir d’achat, et même de compétitivité et autres choix de société. Evidemment, on a moins de raison(s) que d’autres de paniquer : tous les parents et autres adultes responsables et vaccinés savent que la drogue, c’est le problème des autres. Que c’est surtout dans les pays où la drogue est légalisée que les mômes et autres porteurs de pantalons taille basse disjonctent. Et essentiellement dans les pays où elle est dépénalisée ou presqu’officiellement tolérée dans les soirées de centre-ville que les yuppies pètent gravement un câble. Ou vice versa, peu importe. Evidemment, comme on est un pays laïc, il faut bien offrir une religion de substitution au peuple. So Who What ? La situation est-elle désespérée ? Vraiment désespérante ? La drogue, c’est (une) politique. RF 17 avril 2012.
Australian Geography Teachers Association Geogaction GCSE Bitesize: Synoptic charts TakingITGlobal for Educators Curriculum Find links to U.S. Common Core Standards here: Teaching Process Write up a list of sentences (written large enough for the whole group to see) that include “questionable” word choices – those that assign value (usually negative) to someone or something. 1. A. 2. A. 3. 4. • What word(s) would they have chosen and why – who had a different choice? 5. 6. The examples in this activity have primarily used animal-focused words and phrases.
Jonathan Klein: Photos that changed the world | TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript In my industry,we believe that images can change the world.Okay, we're naive, we're bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.The truth is that we know that theimages themselves don't change the world,but we're also aware that, since the beginning of photography,images have provoked reactions in people,and those reactions have caused change to happen. So let's begin with a group of images.I'd be extremely surprisedif you didn't recognize many or most of them.They're best described as iconic:so iconic, perhaps, they're cliches.In fact, they're so well-knownthat you might even recognize themin a slightly or somewhat different form. (Laughter) Well, I think what is far worseis man's destructive power over man.Samuel Pisar, an Auschwitz survivor, said,and I'll quote him,"The Holocaust teaches us that nature,even in its cruelest moments,is benign in comparison with man,when he loses his moral compass and his reason." And thank you to all the photographers. (Applause)
7–10 Geography - The Australian Curriculum v8.3 absolute location Location measured by the coordinates of latitude and longitude. Also see relative location. aerial photograph A photograph taken from the air, which can be oblique (taken at an angle) or vertical (taken from straight above the ground); the former being easier for young students to interpret. anomaly (Termed outlier in mathematics). attachment to place People’s emotional feelings about and identification with places, which can contribute to their personal wellbeing and sense of identity. biodiversity A variety of living organisms and ecosystems they form. biomass Total mass of living organic matter in a particular area. biome A major terrestrial vegetation community, for example, a tropical forest, a temperate grassland or a desert. biophysical process blue water In geography, fresh water in rivers, lakes and dams. cartography characteristics of places choropleth map A thematic map in which areas are shaded to show higher and lower values. climate climate graph climatic zones Country/Place
Human Populations Population Growth over Human History "...And Attai begat Nathan, and Nathan begat Zabad, And Zabad begat Ephlal, and Ephlal begat Obed, And Obed begat Jehu, and Jehu begat Azariah, And Azariah begat Helez, and Helez begat Eleasah, And Eleasah begat Sisamai, and Sisamai begat Shallum, And Shallum begat Jakamiah, and Jakamiah begat Elishama..."- The Bible, Chronicles In this lecture period, we wish to learn: How fast has the human population grown in the past? [Past Population Growth] [Fertility] [Population-Age Pyramid] [Mortality] [Demographic Transition] [Mortality] [Future Population Growth] [Distribution] [Carrying-Capacity] [Summary] (from NOVA on-line) Past Human Population Growth In previous lectures, we have described how human cultural development was closely tied to changes in the natural environment. Figure 1: Human Population Growth over Time The human population growth of the last century has been truly phenomenal. The factors affecting global human population are very simple.
Ancient Mungo Environments | Understand Mungo | Visit Mungo National Park Ancient Mungo Environments The Landscape in Action The full story of how the landscape of Willandra Lakes was formed can be hard to grasp. Here we use three video animations to help explain what happened during the evolution of the Willandra Lakes into what we see today. The videos are factual, but the compressed speed of events changes for different scenes. Download the animations Forces shaping Willandra Lakes (Animation 1) shows an aerial view of the landscape from about 32 million years ago to the present. 45,000 years at Lake Mungo (Animation 2) is a ground level view across Lake Mungo to the lunette, starting about 45,000 years ago and moving through to the present. Building the Lake Mungo lunette (Animation 3) is an up-close view of the Mungo lake shore and lunette, from about 45,000 years ago to the present. Click on the thumbnails to jump to the events described. Forces shaping the Willandra Lakes The Lake Bungunnia barrier breached about 700,000 years ago and the lake drained.