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Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Tau Zero Foundation - Pioneering Interstellar Travel Prove invalsi per la scuola primaria secondaria e l'esame di stato International Space Exploration Forum The United States will host the International Space Exploration Forum (ISEF), the first-ever ministerial-level meeting to build support for global cooperation in space exploration, at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC on January 9, 2014. ISEF will bring together Ministers and high-level officials from approximately thirty-five space-faring countries to talk about the opportunities and challenges they share. It will feature high-level, policy discussions about the future of space exploration, developments in robotic space exploration, extending humanity’s reach beyond low Earth orbit, and the importance of international cooperation. Space exploration benefits all humankind, and it is essential for governments to work together internationally to advance shared objectives for space exploration.

About Us | CosmoQuest Blog Our goal is to create a community of people bent on together advancing our understanding of the universe; a community of people who are participating in doing science, who can explain why what they do matters, and what questions they are helping to answer. We want to create a community, and here is where we invite all of you to be a part of what we’re doing. Learn more on these pages: There are lots of ways to get involved: You can contribute to science, take a class, join a conversation, or just help us spread the word by sharing about us on social media sites. Like every community, we are constantly changing to reflect our members. The science you have the chance to help with is being developed by scientists all over the world. You don’t have to be a genius with a PhD to do science. CosmoQuest is a place to do, to learn, and to collaborate. Where would you like to explore today? Join us in the forums, and share your ideas for our future.

Maxwell's Equations The Meaning of Einstein's Equation The Meaning of Einstein's Equation John C. Baez Department of Mathematics, University of California Riverside, California 92521, USA Emory F. Bunn Physics Department, University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia 23173, USA January 4, 2006 Also available in PDF This is a brief introduction to general relativity, designed for both students and teachers of the subject. Einsteinsche Feldgleichungen Feldgleichung auf einer Mauer in Leiden Im Rahmen der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie wird durch die einsteinschen Feldgleichungen (nach Albert Einstein, auch Gravitationsgleichungen) das physikalische Phänomen der Gravitation durch Methoden der Differentialgeometrie mathematisch formuliert. Die Grundidee ist dabei die Verknüpfung einer Energie-Impuls-Verteilung mit der Geometrie der Raumzeit. Grundsätzliche Annahmen und Forderungen[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] So wie in der Newtonschen Gravitationstheorie die Masse das Gravitationsfeld verursacht, ist der natürlichste Ansatz für deren Verallgemeinerung, dass das Gravitationsfeld mathematisch von der Gestalt des Energie-Impuls-Tensors abhängig ist. kein beliebiger symmetrischer Tensor, da er Entsprechend dem Äquivalenzprinzip sollte die Wirkung der Gravitation als Krümmung der Raumzeit dargestellt werden. , aufgebaut aus dem grundlegenden metrischen Tensor und daraus abgeleiteter Krümmungs-Kovarianten und -Invarianten (siehe unten).

Aufstieg zu den Einsteingleichungen: Einführung in die quantitative Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie: Michael Ruhrländer: Bücher
