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Stirling engine

Stirling engine
Alpha type Stirling engine. There are two cylinders. The expansion cylinder (red) is maintained at a high temperature while the compression cylinder (blue) is cooled. Beta type Stirling engine. Originally conceived in 1816 as an industrial prime mover to rival the steam engine, its practical use was largely confined to low-power domestic applications for over a century.[3] The Stirling engine is noted for its high efficiency compared to steam engines,[4] quiet operation, and the ease with which it can use almost any heat source. Name and classification[edit] Robert Stirling was a Scottish minister who invented the first practical example of a closed cycle air engine in 1816, and it was suggested by Fleeming Jenkin as early as 1884 that all such engines should therefore generically be called Stirling engines. There are many possible implementations of the Stirling engine most of which fall into the category of reciprocating piston engine. History[edit] Invention and early development[edit]

Stirling Engine Generator - Roughneck Chronicles The Stirling engine generators are heat engines that provide power by expanding gases and liquids using high temperatures. The process centers on converting heat energy into electrical or mechanical energy. The working fluid within the Stirling engine generator provides a medium for the heat transfer. The working fluid changes phases when heat is supplied to it. This causes the working fluid to transmit energy to and fro. The heat source is provided by a fuel which in most cases is oil or gas. The Stirling engine generator is widely used in industries and homes. There are several other Stirling engine models and these are rotary, fluidyne, ringbom and franchot engines.

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Stirling Technology, Inc. | Stolen Technology It has come to our attention that in Asia, specifically South Korea and China, there are companies with similar names who are representing themselves as being part of Stirling Technology, Inc. and UltimateAir. These companies are claiming that they are the owners and inventors of the technologies developed and patented by Stirling Technology Inc of Athens, Ohio, USA. Further, in some cases, they are claiming to actually own our company. We'd like to set the record straight. Stirling Technology, Inc. (STI) designed, patented, and is the exclusive owner of all rights to the ST-5 Stirling Engine throughout the world. The only currently valid licensee of the ST-5 Stirling Engine in Asia is Stirling Engine Company, Japan (SEC, Japan), Mr. They are the only company in Asia with a valid license to manufacture and sell The ST-5 Stirling Engine. Currently in China, we are in negotiations to form a joint venture company, which we plan to call “The Shenyang UltimateAir Ventilator Company, LTD.”

History of Formula 1 - Grand Prix History - Contents Stirling Technology, Inc. InfiniaCorp From PESWiki << A Top 100 Energy Technology >> Infinia's solar technology entails a parabolic dish that focuses the sun's energy onto their stirling engine that uses helium in a hermetically sealed system, requiring no lubrication inside the machine, nor maintenance. At an installation cost of $6/Watt, the system is not yet cost competitive with conventional grid power. Infinia is the leading developer of free-piston Stirling generators ranging in sizes from tens of Watts to multiple kilowatts. Infinia also applies its free-piston technology in the development of cryogenic coolers and pressure wave generators that provide long-life, maintenance-free cooling for a variety of applications. Official Website How it Works Click image for enlarged version How a Stirling Engine Works - See the animated graphic on how Infinia's friction-free Stirling engine works. "Capacity Factor is location dependent and changes with DNI. Videos (48 seconds) Infinia's amazing Stirling Engines in the news. Costs Patents

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