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jQuery Sliding Clock v1.1

jQuery Sliding Clock v1.1

Aluna: World's First Tidal Powered Moon Clock How To Set Up A WebCam For this option, you will need to obtain a webcam software program. A few webcams come with free webcam software. My cameras now use TinCam which costs $19.00 US. Check my webcam software page for a few options, or search the web for Webcam Software. Prices can run from free or just a few dollars to very expensive, depending on brand, version and how you plan to use the software. Step 2 Option 3 In house server Some webcam programs, including TinCam, come with a built-in web server. Huh? I said this could get complicated. When you point your web browser to a web site, such as, you are actually connecting to a specific computer somewhere that has a unique IP (Internet Protocol) address. Every computer connected to the Internet has a unique IP address assigned to it. I don't want to confuse the issue here, but it is important to know that there are "external" and "internal" IP addresses. This is your current "external" IP address Ports are another thing.

Editorial about Muslims and the unreasonable reaction reguarding those cartoons HINDUS CONSIDER it sacrilegious to eat meat from cows, so when a Danish supermarket ran a sale on beef and veal last fall, Hindus everywhere reacted with outrage. India recalled its ambassador to Copenhagen, and Danish flags were burned in Calcutta, Bombay, and Delhi. A Hindu mob in Sri Lanka severely beat two employees of a Danish-owned firm, and demonstrators in Nepal chanted: ''War on Denmark! It didn't happen, of course. But radical Muslims do. The current uproar over cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammed published in a Danish newspaper illustrates yet again the fascist intolerance that is at the heart of radical Islam. Most of the pictures are tame to the point of dullness, especially compared to the biting editorial cartoons that routinely appear in US and European newspapers. Here and there, some brave Muslim voices have cried out against the book-burners. He wasn't the only editor sacked last week. Jeff Jacoby's e-mail address is

La empresa según Freud - estratega (publicado en el blog de Innova Directivos) En las personas, los psicólogos vienen a decir (nunca todos) que la personalidad es un conjunto de estrategias para el éxito social. Las experiencias y la presión del medio, incluída la cultura, la conforman. La viceversa debiera ser válida: estrategias consistentes definen una personalidad. Esa “personalidad” de la empresa no es más que una abstracción, aunque la ley hable de “personas jurídicas”. Hay toda una extensa y variada gama de estudios de gestión sobre estrategia y cultura empresarial que seguro que es de provecho en este sentido y que pudiera parafrasear, pero a la que no haré referencia porque: (1) ya que el azar les ha llevado a ustedes hasta mí, que el resto de se busque la vida (2) no me la sé y me da pereza buscar. Bromas aparte, he pensado que sería interesante forzar una analogía de la “personalidad empresarial” con las teorías sobre el desarrollo de la personalidad humana. No quisiera llevar el paralelismo más allá.

A dot for every second in the day - a clock top Notes: The clock needs to "phone home" every few minutes to get a new layout with the active zone moved. Sorry. Please let me know if this is an issue. Thanks to a reader's appreciation of `Lots of dots' for prompting this page. Doables: Talk about (or link to) different kinds of "day". History: 2002-Jun-25 Adapted to new browsers. 2001-Aug-29 Javascript change (browser compatibility). 2001-Apr-28 Added note re "why is the box corner not filled in?" Camera Hacker: Setting Up a Remote Web Cam Wiki Attach | Edit | Revisions Related Content My wife and I just had a newborn. On the other hand, there are many home nursing centers in large, Asian-populated U.S. cities. My wife checked into one of these nursing homes soon after giving birth. Comments & Discussion >> Purpose In this article, I will explain how to set up a remote web cam on a Windows XP computer with a basic web cam. It you are familiar with Linux, you can substitute a Linux computer. Concept The idea is to have the remote web cam computer capture and transmit images over the WiFi link to a web server. The web server can be one you set up at home or at a web hosting service. Imaging Device You can use any imaging device that your operating system recognizes. Software Fwink is a free, open source web cam software for Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP. Its only shortcome is that it only supports the FTP for network transfer. So far, Fwink and Windows XP has ran continuously for about a week or so without crashing.

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised The Revolution Will Not Be Televised By Kim Bartley and Donnacha O'Briain Their film records what was probably history's shortest-lived coup d'état. It's a unique document about political muscle and an extraordinary portrait of the man The Wall Street Journal credits with making Venezuela "Washington's biggest Latin American headache after the old standby, Cuba." Chavez, elected president of Venezuela in 1988, is a colorful folk hero, beloved by his nation's working class and a tough-as-nails, quixotic opponent to the power structure that would see him deposed. Run Time 1 Hour 15 Minutes Click on "comments" below to read or post comments - Click Here For Comment Policy In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C.

Las células alienígenas de la lluvia roja Una vez, cuando era un estudiante universitario y escribía por hobby en semanarios de aficionados, Isaac Asimov publicó un cuento que se llamaba "El Fraile Negro de la llama". Ahora que lo pienso, el título de este post tiene tan poco sentido como aquel pero intenta sonar igual de cool. Vamos con la noticia. Transcurría el año 2001, cuando en la región de Kerala, en el extremo sur de la India, se sucedieron dos fenómenos extraordinarios. El científico Godfrey Louis, físico de la Universidad Cochin de Ciencia y Tecnología, viajó al lugar y logró recolectar numerosas muestras de esta lluvia roja, suponiendo que se encontraría con partículas de polvo o arena de ese color particular. Primero que nada, las partículas que observó al microscopio asemejan bastante a microorganismos comunes como las bacterias. Ahora bien, unas células rojas sin núcleo no son evidencia de vida extraterrestre, pero Louis ha publicado un estudio con un enfoque distinto.

Making Time with the Watchmakers P1160670 Think Progress » Sen. Graham: White House Held Military Lawyers In 5 Hour Meeting and ‘Tried To Force Them To Sign A Prepared Statement’ By ThinkProgress on September 14, 2006 at 3:52 pm "Sen. Graham: White House Held Military Lawyers In 5 Hour Meeting and ‘Tried To Force Them To Sign A Prepared Statement’" This morning, President Bush was questioned about Gen. BUSH: There’s all kinds of letters coming out — and today, by the way, active duty personnel in the Pentagon, the JAG, supported the concept that I have just outlined to you. But during today’s White House press conference, a reporter cited comments by Sen. REPORTER: Sen. Snow acknowledged “they were asked to write a letter” but said, “if you start going into who asked whom to write letters, I don’t know.”

Como lograr en 72 horas que medio millòn de personas sepa de tu negocio con 24 euros de inversion Que contara en primera persona mi presencia en twitter como @taxioviedo y sobre todo narrar còmo un autònomo o pequeña-mediana empresa se puede posicionar usando las redes sociales, y especificamente FOURSQUAREHace 2 semanas tenia un perfil muy interesante en Foursquare, mas de 2.500 checkins, y màs de 2.000 amigos,37 badges... soy el alcalde en Foursquare de màs de 100 lugares en Oviedo, lo soy de casi todos los hoteles donde aprovecho para ofrecer mi transfer en taxi al aeropuerto... y en algunos sitios que veo como estratègicos como teatros, parques...Al tener la responsabilidad de preparar una conferencia, he dedicado estas semanas para analizar foursquare y aprender quienes son las personas que estàn detràs, como funcionan, la forma de contactar con ellos...Vi que un caso de uso extraordinario de Foursquare, para ellos era cualquier chorrada, como regalar un muffin o magdalena por un checkin. Le propuse via twitter realizar en vinilo la etiqueta de "Special offer" de foursquare.

End Evil Politics: Firearm Statistics and Gun Control International Gun Statistics Gun control is an important issue which people tend to feel very strongly about. Gun supporters have emailed me and I´ve read abuse on pro-gun forums because of this page. Most of the detractors are ignorant and instead of making anything approaching an actual argument they just curse and rant, usually with no awareness of grammar or spelling. Occasionally someone has an actual argument with you, they try to defend their point of view and this can lead to an interesting debate. Below I´ve laid out some classic anti-gun arguments and pro-gun arguments and answered them. Before you read the points below I have to explain a few things. By the way this section focuses on private gun ownership but the arms we produce for export are causing a lot more trouble. Guns are designed to kill people Pro-gun people hate this idea and amazingly try to deny the obvious truth of this statement by saying "no they´re for hunting or target practice". Return to Top

Saddam Hussein Letter July 7, 2006 Saddam Hussein’s defense lawyers have released a letter Saddam wrote while in prison to the American people. The following is a direct translation of that letter. In the name of God, the Merciful, the Mercy-giving. “And among the Believers are men who are true to that which they pledged to God. To the American people: Peace upon those who believe in peace and desire it, and the mercy of God and His blessings. I address you in this letter from the place of my confinement, as my attempt on the basis of my moral, human, and constitutional responsibility so that no one among you might say that no one came to us with a message of peace after the war began, refuting the arguments for it and desiring peace for you and for our upright, loyal, heroic people. Is this the true face of democracy and human rights that they advocate outside America!? Anyway, I address you with this letter of mine in the hope that it will reach you and that you will hear it or read it. 1. 2. 3. 4.
