Makers France | HackerSpaces et TechShop en France 12 Most Enjoyable Blogs by Women Since starting my blog, Empty House, Full Mind, in August of 2011, I have read hundreds of other blogs by women — and there are some terrific ones out there. My preference for personal blogs is well-written, not too long posts with a unique author’s voice that says “this is me.” For a how-to or recipe blog, I like useful information shared in an easily accessible way with great photos. Here are some of the blogs written by women that I enjoy the most. 1. This is a well-written blog about midlife by two women who are friends. 2. I found this blog when I met its author at a girl’s-night-out in my neighborhood. 3. A few months ago I joined a blogging group on Facebook called GBE2. 4. Funny, clever, honest and entertaining, this blog is a new one on my rotation but it’s always a treat to read. 5. Every time I read this blog I feel like the author is saying what I’m thinking or feeling. 6. Ok, technically this is written by a husband and wife, but I wanted to include it anyway. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Maker culture The maker culture is a contemporary culture or subculture representing a technology-based extension of DIY culture. Typical interests enjoyed by the maker culture include engineering-oriented pursuits such as electronics, robotics, 3-D printing, and the use of CNC tools, as well as more traditional activities such as metalworking, woodworking, and traditional arts and crafts. The subculture stresses new and unique applications of technologies, and encourages invention and prototyping.[1] There is a strong focus on using and learning practical skills and applying them creatively. Philosophical emphasis[edit] 'Maker culture' emphasizes learning-through-doing (constructivism) in a social environment. Hackerspaces and Fab Labs[edit] Media[edit] Maker Faire[edit] Criticisms[edit] A number of criticisms have been levelled against the claim that maker culture offers an innovative model of learning. Everything old is new again[edit] Hobbyists have made custom things for a long time. See also[edit]
The Reconstructionists MAKERS Inicio Actualmente se reconoce que la migración tiene aspectos que afectan de manera distinta a las mujeres que los hombres. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las disposiciones y políticas migratorias aún carecen de un enfoque de género. Tradicionalmente, se consideraba a la migración como un fenómeno masculino y sólo recientemente se ha reconocido que las mujeres siempre han representado una parte significativa de la población migrante, ya sea como acompañantes de los varones, o bien como migrantes individuales. Las mujeres migrantes deben tener el derecho a desarrollar sus vidas en lo laboral, emocional y social en los lugares que favorezcan el bienestar y la seguridad para ellas y sus familias. El trabajo de IMUMI tiene como punto de partida una perspectiva basada en los derechos humanos con la visión de que las mujeres deben contar con los recursos y la información necesarios, así como el acceso a sus derechos, para aprovechar los aspectos positivos de la migración. Leer documento
Les makers seront-ils les prochains maîtres du monde ? Après la Longue traîne (2006) et Free ! Entrez dans l’économie du gratuit (2009), Chris Anderson revient nous narrer les tendances du futur dans Makers, La nouvelle révolution industrielle. Si ces précédents ouvrages restaient cantonnés au domaine des écrans, celui-ci explore le vaste champ du numérique et des objets « autofabriqués ». L’ex-rédacteur en chef du magazine culte Wired est-il convaincant dans son nouveau rôle d’évangéliste des machines de fabrication automatisées ? Super geek dad Makers est un livre agaçant et passionnant. Changer le monde rien qu’avec une idée n’était pas facile. L’introduction nous plonge dans l’intimité du grand-père de l’auteur, qui bricolait des systèmes d’automatisation pour arroseurs de pelouses pavillonnaires. Chris Anderson nous raconte ses après-midis passés à bricoler avec ses enfants. La fibre entrepreneuriale le rattrape, puisque ce projet donnera naissance à sa start-up. Géographies industrielles Les pays sérieux fabriquent des choses (6) Notes
Why You're Not Married | Tracy McMillan You want to get married. It's taken a while to admit it. Saying it out loud -- even in your mind -- feels kind of desperate, kind of unfeminist, kind of definitely not you, or at least not any you that you recognize. You've never dreamt of an aqua-blue ring box. Then, something happened. Well, I know why. How? I was, for some reason, born knowing how to get married. But I won't lie. 1. The deal is: most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. Instead, you are looking for someone tall. That's due in part to this thing called oxytocin -- a bonding hormone that is released when a woman a) nurses her baby and b) has an orgasm -- that will totally mess up your casual-sex game. 4. You know if you tell him the truth -- that you're ready for marriage -- he will stop calling. About ten minutes later, the oxytocin kicks in. 5. Howevs, a good wife, even a halfway decent one, does not spend most of her day thinking about herself. 6. I see this at my son's artsy, progressive school. Love.
La Maker Faire, le rendez-vous des créateurs de l'extrême | Makers | Tracks | Culture #Psychovinyle #Trackshare #Replay 10 Signs You're In A Healthy Relationship Relationships are tricky. And there are no shortage of unhealthy ones out there. Check out the cover of any gossip magazine if you want proof of that. All relationships, however, are filled with ups, downs, and in-betweens. So how do you know you’re in a healthy relationship? 1. Healthy couples naturally spend a lot of time together. 2. Great relationships are built on a foundation of trust. 3. Couples in healthy relationships recognize that the best things in life are worth waiting for. 4. Healthy couples tell each other everything. 5. Healthy relationships are also built on mutual motivation and inspiration. 6. Life’s most beautiful moments often sneak up on us and catch us off-guard. 7. People in healthy relationships accept each other, flaws and all. 8. Life will throw you lemons every now and then. 9. People in healthy relationships know that failure and mistakes are nothing but pathways to attainment. 10. I love you.Thank you.I’m sorry.
Serialmakers | L’univers des Fab Labs, de l’électronique, du DIY et de l’impression 3D