[Sketchnoting] ImageThink
Why graphic recording? Because we think in pictures, not just words! Consider these astounding facts: An estimated two thirds of all people are visual learners.A full one fourth of our brain is devoted to processing visual informationCombining images with text or speech increases retention by 40% By harnessing our innate visual literacy, graphic recording and graphic facilitation — either in a meeting or at an event — creates an active atmosphere and generates participant excitement and curiosity. Audiences sense instantly that something different and fun is about to happen that’s worth paying attention to.
How to Mind Map in Three Small Steps
Is your head full of ideas or thoughts? Do you have any confusion around an idea, project or problem? Do you simply wish to get them out of your head quickly and in an organized manner? Traditionally, you would open a Word or Text document, or take a sheet of paper and start writing in a linear fashion. This type of document quickly becomes overwhelming.
Strategy as Simple Rules
Getting Started With Sketchnoting