Life Sciences Industry Tools | Perficient, Inc. Life Sciences In order to provide organizations with cost-effective solutions that complement various off-the-shelf clinical and pharmacovigilance applications, we developed a series of innovative industry tools. Many of these solutions also offer sensible alternatives to traditional methods of implementing systems. Our clients benefit from years of experience packaged and delivered in just a matter of days or weeks. Layer2 Taxonomy Manager for SharePoint - Overview Claim The Layer2 Taxonomy Manager for SharePoint offers a complete term life-cycle management application to efficiently import, update and export corporate metadata taxonomies including additional custom term attributes, e.g. content classification rules. Inhalt 1 Text A taxonomy is a controlled vocabulary used to describe, organize, and classify information in order to make it easier to find and use. In Microsoft SharePoint Server taxonomies of managed metadata can cover virtually any type of physical or conceptual entities (products and services, processes, knowledge fields, organizational groups, locations etc.) at any level of granularity (page, item, user etc.). Please see screens below and the features & benefits page for more information.
Talk to Your Users, or Else! This week, we're going to take a look at a group of tools that gets overlooked way too often: tools that help you talk to your users. Talking to your users is one of the most valuable things you can do with your time. Like Paul Graham says, "there's just one mistake that kills startups: not making something users want." And how do you figure out what your users want? You talk to them. The best example of not talking to your users I've ever seen was mentioned in an Intercom blog post. I know this might sound radical, but have you considered just talking to them? It sounds crazy, but talking to users happens less than it should. That' ridiculous! This week, all of the tools we'll showcase will help you talk to your customers. Not using them is setting yourself up to fail. Really. We didn't always talk so openly with our customers. We were in a closed beta, with no easy way for users to get more information. The result? Fast-forward a year—we've changed that. PS.