Első Magyar QR kód Műhely
QR Codes on the Big Screen
2 Oct I’ve been using QR codes in my classroom for scavenger hunts and as a tool for research. If you haven’t viewed my presentation on making your own QR codes and using them in the classroom, check it out here. If I want all of my students to visit one website (especially one with a combination of characters that might be hard to type in) I’ll project the QR code onto my board and have all students scan it straight from their seats. This eliminates the printing, copying and distributing of papers and makes for a quick, easy scan for all students. Try projecting this QR code and scanning it yourself! Tags: Internet, iPad education, Lesson Plans, projector, QR codes
Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park és a QR
QR-kód Okostelefont használók figyelmébe Gyors információhoz juthat a QR-kód segítségével és okostelefonja használatával, aki a Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Parkban kirándul. QR-kódokat helyeztünk el a Levendula Ház Látogatóközpontban , valamint terveink szerint a közeljövőben tanösvény tábláinkon, és egyéb bemutatóhelyeinken is megtalálható lesz. Mi a QR-kód? Ha beolvassa a kódot okostelefonjára egy QR-reader alkalmazással, a készülék azonnal megjeleníti a kódolt információt (pl. honlapot, szöveget, telefonszámot vagy sms-t). Ha még nincs QR-kód readere , letöltheti okostelefonjára számos helyről, például: iPhone készülékre innen Androidos készülékre a marketból választhatja ki, pl. innen További információ, hasznos tanácsok találhatók magyar nyelven itt . A fenti ábrán a www.bfnp.hu QR-kódja látható . Ajánlja a cikket ismerősének | Nyomtatható verzió | Cikk tetejére
Displaying QR Codes on an LED Screen
More and more companies are using LED screens in order to showcase their interactive advertising campaigns. QR codes are often used on these LED display ads, however, its important to consider the limitations of QR code scanability on LED displays. One common error that affects QR code scanability are position detection patterns. Another all too common problem with displaying QR codes on an LED screen is the module distortion of the QR code. As you can see, there are a lot of considerations to address when using QR codes on an LED display. Tags: display qr code on led screen, qr code scanning, qr code scanning on LED screens, scan QR code on LED screen, scan QR code on monitor
Five Reasons I Love Using QR Codes in My Classroom
There are so many tools that educators can use to get students interested and engaged in their work. Like most teachers today, I integrate technology into my instruction everyday. I'm lucky to work in a school with one-to-one technology and use iPads with my students throughout every school day. That makes it easy to use QR codes in my classroom -- and there are many reasons I love using QR codes! What is a QR Code? A Quick Response Code is a digital image that can be scanned without the beam of light needed to scan barcodes at the supermarket. What does this marketing tool have to do with education? How QR Codes Can Make a Difference in the Classroom 1. Instead of asking students to type in a long web address where they could easily make mistakes, a QR code will take them straight to a website. 2. We all want to avoid using search engines that might bring our students to the wrong website. 3. 4. Websites like Qurify.com allow you to generate your own QR code for free. 5.
Printing QR Codes
Printing QR Codes People ask us every day about printing for QR Codes and what size is advisable. We are going to explain it in very simple terms because mistakes are made sometimes and we hope this article will help you overcome this. To print a QR code you must have the QR Code in the correct format. Usually for print Vector images are advised as they can be scaled to any size. Use a generator that provides images in vector format; Azonmobile's can produce PDF, SVG and EPS Vector formats. Printing small Raster Codes In case you would like to use our more advanced customization features like foreground image or different styles the output will be a Raster. "How big should the image be to enable it to be printed"? Here is how to find out the minimum size the QR Code image in pixels has to be. 1.5 x 300 = 450 pixels In case you prefer the metric system and you need a QR Code to be 4cm in size for example (1cm is 0.394 inches): 4 x 0.394 x 300 dpi = 473pixels Printing big Codes Important Tips
QR Code Best Practices in Print | The Mobilists
QR barcode scans grew 1200% from July to December 2010. comScore released its findings that, in June 2011, 14 million Americans scanned QR codes on their mobile phones. These numbers show the importance of QR codes and a need to get it right now rather than later. Although the list of QR code guidelines seems listed below seems long, it’s not really that hard of a task to do it right. Materials QR codes cannot be read on highly reflective or highly curved surfaces, especially when the light hits it just right and whites out the dark squares QR Code - not enough contrast Color Print on white or soft pastel color backgroundDon’t print on a dark colorDo not reverse or invert in print. Size As small as ¾ inch (19.05mm) on business cards (best 1 inch square (645.16 mm squared) or larger)Most all camera phones can properly read a 1.25 x 1.25” (31.75 mm x 31.75 mm) code. QR Code - stretched Format Use PNG format when developing/saving your QR code. Position Testing Usage Mobile friendly web page.
Android Ideos and QR-Codes, practical limitations - The Nyaruka Blog
We're a huge fan of the Huawie Ideos phones. They are ridiculously cheap, $100 unlocked, and can be bought over the counter at Safaricom in Kenya or about $120 from NewEgg in the states. That is a crazy pricepoint, totally blowing away any other Android phone and really making J2ME handsets mostly irrelevant as contenders for the kind of ICT4D projects Nyaruka undertakes. Recently we've been working with a client and have been considering using these as a way of managing and tracking inventory. After all, the cheapest barcode scanners are around the same price, and you don't get a built in touch screen, GSM connectivity, GPS and the ability to build the entire application on the device. One thing we were curious about though is just how well they would perform with high resolution 2D barcodes. Methodology We created and printed 2D bar codes encoding 23, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 characters, then tested them at different sizes. Camera Specs Scoring Results So what did we find? Full Results
QR Codes Scanning Distance | qrworld
The invisible bubble of space that constitutes each person territory plays a major role in our social life. In his book “The Hidden Dimension” Edward T. Hall elaborates on the distance factor role in animal social life and humans as well. It appears that people use the same distance rules when interacting with objects as well and QR codes are not an exception. Many times people mention that they were embarrassed to scan a QR code in certain circumstances, or needed to act strangely in order to scan a code. This is when the hidden distance factor enters into the play, a factor that we must be well aware of it if we want a good response for our QR codes. Meaningful distances for humans Four distances are mentioned in Hall book; - The intimate distance – effectively zero distance - The personal distance – this is the distance separating members in a no-contact state. QR codes are encountered in different circumstances, many of them fits into one of these distances. Distance and QR code size