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Axis Animation - Axis Animation

Axis Animation - Axis Animation
Related:  Studios

Procedural Inc. - 3D Modeling Software for Urban Environments Mattrunks - Tutoriaux Vid?os sur After Effects, Photoshop et Mocha pour le motion design, les vfx et la cr?ation vid?o num?rique Web Videos, Animation Studio, Animation Company - London, UK Antibody _ Winter on Fire Winter on Fire Main Titles made for Netflix

Tandem Films design produit retail design product desing 2d artwork 3D Art Made of Clay Spanish artist Irma Gruenholz creates unique three-dimensional illustrations out of plasticine modelling clay. Once the clay sculpture is finished, it is photographed and delivered in high resolution format to be used in books, magazines, and advertising. Cinesite PostPanicPictures Stardust The film's story centers on the idea that in the grand scheme of the universe, nothing is ever wasted and it finds comfort in us all essentially being Stardust ourselves. Voyager represents the memories of our loved ones and lives that will never disappear. From a creative standpoint, Rozema wanted to explore our preconceived perceptions of how the universe appears which are fed to us by existing imagery from sources such NASA or even sci-fi films. Written & directed by Mischa Rozema Produced by Jules Tervoort VFX Supervisor: Ivor Goldberg Audio by Pivot Audio , Guy Amitai Featuring "Helio" by Ruben Samama

studioAKA - OurWork Autodesk Softimage We regret to inform you that the upcoming 2015 release will be the last one for Softimage® software. This final version is expected to ship on or around April 14, 2014. Autodesk will continue to offer product support until April 30, 2016. We understand that you will now need time to re-evaluate your production capabilities. Although this decision is a difficult one, we do believe that by focusing our development efforts, we can better serve the needs of the media and entertainment industry and provide customers with better products, faster. What is happening to Softimage? Softimage Last Release Announcement FAQ - Update Customers with an active Autodesk Softimage Subscription contract can migrate to the latest release of either Maya or 3ds Max, at no additional cost.

Django Films References[edit] External links[edit] Official website
